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#115720477Thursday, October 17, 2013 3:59 PM GMT

[[: DATABASE OF GAME DESCRIPTION: LOADING :]] [[: PROGRESS: 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. :]] [[: DATABASE OF GAME DESCRIPTION: LOADED. SHOWING RESULTS... :]] -- This game is about buying your own planet with your budget; a mere 5,000,000 Kyros [the currency in game.] The planets will each be varied in size; from small and very cheap to large and very expensive. You must think; though, and think logically. You will need to get transport, weaponry and armoury and most importantly food and water for your inhabitants. The better balanced your planet is, the more villagers will feel obliged to come and to stay, hence gaining you more tax at the end of the month for each villager. Each villager must pay 100 Kyros to stay in their homes. At the same time, you must keep your planet defended from rival planets. The good thing about it is, though, if you manage to plan war on another planet, and defeat the planet, you are given the choice to take over the planet and all of its inhabitants, or bring all the inhabitants and supplies from the planet over to your starter planet. The ex-ruler of the other planet must either work for you, help you rule the planet or be killed. You decide on such. As I mentioned earlier, the better balanced your planet is, the more villagers will come, gaining you more tax. You can, if running very short on Kyros, force the villagers to pay up to 500 Kyros each, but many villagers will leave if that happens due to that. Each month a villager pays their tax. A week in-game is three posts by the player. A month is a page. A year is 10 pages. And no, you cannot spam just to gain your taxes. If I catch someone spamming to gain taxes, then they will be punished. So, would you like to splash out on your planet, or keep it small and cheap, leaving you more Kyros to spend on other things? You decide! -- [[: DATABASE OF PLANETS AVAILABLE: LOADING :]] [[: PROGRESS: 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. :]] [[: DATABASE OF PLANETS AVAILABLE: LOADED. SHOWING RESULTS... :]] -- Luxury Planet: A large planet holding up to 10,000 villagers. It is coloured purple but of course, if you do not want a purple planet, you can build slate over the entire planet, giving it the 'road' style look. That costs 500,000 Kyros. The planet itself costs 2,000,000 Kyros. Small Planet: A large planet holding up to 5,000 villagers. It is coloured red but of course, if you do not want a red planet, you can build slate over the entire planet, giving it the 'road' style look. That costs 500,000 Kyros. The planet itself costs 1,000,000 Kyros. -- [[: DATABASE OF TRANSPORT, WEAPONRY AND ARMOURY AVAILABLE: LOADING :]] [[: PROGRESS: 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. :]] [[: DATABASE OF TRANSPORT, WEAPONRY AND ARMORY AVAILABLE: LOADED. SHOWING RESULTS... :]] -- Transport: Hexarus 3100 - A large, spacious ship that has 80 rooms. Comes with 30 large rooms, and 50 small ones. It travels space very fast, and costs 2,000,000 Kyros. Slicia 2500 - A medium sized ship that has 40 rooms. Comes with 10 large rooms, 30 small rooms. It travels space pretty well, and costs 1,000,000 Kyros. Runtus 1700 - A small ship that has 20 rooms. Comes with 5 large rooms, 15 small rooms. It travels space quite slowly, and costs 500,000 Kyros. Semirus 500 - A tiny ship that has 6 rooms. Comes with 2 large rooms, 4 small rooms. It travels space horribly slow, and costs 250,000 Kyros. [Mostly used for private travel with friends.] Weaponry: Alpha Gun: Sends out beams of plasma extremely fast. It is made of Steel. It costs 1,000 Kyros per Alpha Gun. Beta Gun: Sends out beams of plasma pretty fast. It is made of Iron. It costs 500 Kyros per Beta Gun. Gamma Gun: Sends out beams of plasma quite slowly. It is made of Copper. It costs 250 Kyros per Gamma Gun. Armoury: Alpha Armour: Armour made out of Steel. Finely crafted and defends against the Alpha Gun's hits, along with defending Beta and Gamma hits. It costs 1,000 Kyros per Alpha Armour. Beta Armour: Armour made out of Iron. Crafted alright and defends against Beta Gun's hits, along with defending against Gamma hits. It costs 500 Kyros per Beta Armour. Gamma Armour: Armour made out of copper. Crafted quickly and defends against some hits. It costs 250 Kyros per Gamma Armour. -- [[: DATABASE OF FOOD SUPPLIES AVAILABLE: LOADING :]] [[: PROGRESS: 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. :]] [[: DATABASE OF FOOD SUPPLIES AVAILABLE: LOADED. SHOWING RESULTS... :]] -- [NOTE, ONE PACKAGE BOUGHT BY YOU FGIVES EVERY VILLAGER A PACKAGE] Large amounts of food for every villager cost 1,000 Kyros. If you buy one of these packages, you get for every villager: 10 potatoes, 5 carrots, 3 bags of peas, and 2 large pieces of meat, enough to last villagers many months. Medium amounts of food for every villager costs 500 Kyros. If you buy one of these packages, you get for every villager: 7 potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 bag of peas, and 1 large piece of meat, enough to last villagers many weeks. Small amounts of food for every villager cost 250 Kyros. If you buy one of these packages, you get for every villager: 4 potatoes, 1 carrot, and 1 medium sized piece of meat, enough to last villagers a few days, maybe a week if lucky. -- [[: [[: DATABASE OF RACES AVAILABLE: LOADING :]] [[: PROGRESS: 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. :]] [[: DATABASE OF RACES AVAILABLE: LOADED. SHOWING RESULTS... :]] -- You can rule over many species of creatures, here are the list: 1. Humans. The standard humans. These are the best with technology. 2. Elves. The tall elves. These are the smartest but not good with fighting. 3. Orcs. The strong orcs. These can fight brilliantly but have not one brain cell. They couldn't think for their lives. 4. Angels. The graceful angels. These are the best with healing, and average with fighting. 5. Goblins. The tiny goblins. These are the best with trickery, and average with fighting. 6. Make your own: Make your own! Must have one weakness and one ability from the list below. Weakness: Bad with technology. Dumb. Bad with fighting. Bad with trickery. Bad with healing. Slow. Crazy. Loud. Abilities: Great with technology. Smart. Great with fighting. Great with trickery. Great with healing. Fast. Quiet. -- [[: DATABASE OF RULES: LOADING :]] [[: PROGRESS: 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. :]] [[: DATABASE OF RULES: LOADED. SHOWING RESULTS... :]] -- 1. If you lose the game and/or run out of Kyros, you restart. 2. Use grammar. 3. Use punctuation. 4. Respect the game - no trolling! 5. Anything I say, goes. 6. I control NPC's, Weather, and the enemy planets. Consider me as the 'God.' 7. Your title can either be Sire, Ma'am, Lord, Lady, King, Queen, Warlord, Emperor or Empress. You choose. 8. Follow all other basic ROBLOX/Roleplay rules. 9. Make sure when buying, that it fits in your budget of 5,000,000 Kyros. 10. Put '123' in other if read. 11. You must have one of each item to start off with; one mode of transport, pack of weaonry, armoury, food package, a race, and a planet. 12. Have fun playing Planet Conquest! -- [[: DATABASE OF CHARACTER SHEET: LOADING :]] [[: PROGRESS: 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. :]] [[: DATABASE OF CHARACTER SHEET: LOADED. SHOWING RESULTS... :]] -- Normal CS: Planet Name: Luxury/Small Planet: Transport [only one]: Weaponry Package [only one]: Armoury Package [only one]: Food Package [only one]: Species in Planet [no halfbreeds, only one species are allowed in planet]: Name of Rival Planet: Ruler's Name: Ruler's Age: Ruler's Title: Ruler's Appearance: Ruler's Personality: Other: Make your own breed CS: Name: Appearance: Personality: Average lifespan [from 100 to 200 years old, please. This is sci-fi]: Weakness [only one]: Ability [only one]: Other: -- [[: DATABASE OF AUTHOR'S NOTES: LOADING :]] [[: PROGRESS: 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. :]] [[: DATABASE OF AUTHOR'S NOTES: LOADED. SHOWING RESULTS... :]] -- I'd like to personally thank anyone who joins. This did take me a while and I'd love to hear constructive criticism. Trolls will be ignored. Also, if I've forgotten anything whilst posting this, I'll post it below. A maximum of 3 people will be accepted into the ISRP. If more want to join, i'll consider adding more. Anyway, thanks, and bye! -Millicus
#115722119Thursday, October 17, 2013 4:39 PM GMT

Planet Name: Zajanuri Luxury/Small Planet: Small planet Transport [only one]: Slicia 2500 Weaponry Package [only one]: Alpha gun Armoury Package [only one]: Alpha armour Food Package [only one]: Large amounts of food Species in Planet : Damai Name of Rival Planet: Danazah Ruler's Name: Zanari Ruler's Age: 136 Ruler's Title: King Ruler's Appearance: Tall, pea green. Short black hair, large eyes and small ears. Ruler's Personality: Friendly (odd for a Damai...), smart, fighting spirit. Other: And a 1 and a 2 and a 3 Name: Damai Appearance: Tall, green, small ears and large eyes. Short hair and 5 fingers on each hand. 3 fingers on legs though. Personality: Mysterious, hidden, awkward. Average lifespan [from 100 to 200 years old, please. This is sci-fi]: 168 Weakness [only one]: Bad with trickery Ability [only one]: Great with technology. Other: And a 1 and a 2 and a 3 If there is a problem, but not a solution, why worry about it? - A lot of people but I patent it.
#115727759Thursday, October 17, 2013 6:30 PM GMT

Also, your RANDOMLY chosen number between 10-100 is 56, meaning your warrior amount is currently 56. Good amount. 1,113,000 Kyros was spent, meaning you have 3,887,000 Kyros left. A good price! [I did sums wrong, beh, I thought you'd have spent more and would've had liek 100000 Kyros left xD] Making it now.
#115727807Thursday, October 17, 2013 6:31 PM GMT

I'll wait until you come online to make it, actually.
#115729624Thursday, October 17, 2013 6:57 PM GMT

(Make it) If there is a problem, but not a solution, why worry about it? - A lot of people but I patent it.
#115730090Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:02 PM GMT

Planet Name:Pandexia Luxury/Small Planet:Small Transport [only one]:Runtus Weaponry Package [only one]:Alpha Armoury Package [only one]:Alpha Food Package [only one]:Medium Species in Planet [no halfbreeds, only one species are allowed in planet]:Angels Name of Rival Planet:Randexia Ruler's Name:Ono Ruler's Age:The young ruler is 12 Ruler's Title:High King Ruler's Appearance:A almost human appearance. He has blonde hair and wings and his eyes are a dark brown Ruler's Personality:Kind...a little cowardly Other:1 day on the planet 2 angels pledged to get married and at the ceremony had 3 flowers
#115733201Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:41 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=115732997 for Nemanjak -- Drwho - I have no idea if that is a troll or just someone who hasn't even read half of the thread. Declined until you: 1. Read the rules. 2. Add more detail. 3. Make the ruler older. 4. Change the Ruler's title from High King to King. 5. Put something in other.
#115733257Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:42 PM GMT

Create a planet Vaktovia
#115733332Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:42 PM GMT

Hello, troll. Nice to meet you!
#115733416Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:44 PM GMT

(Sorry. But for calling me a troll you have lost somone)
#115733537Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:45 PM GMT

Not you.
#115733578Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:45 PM GMT

I meant the Vaktovian troll.
#115739043Thursday, October 17, 2013 8:47 PM GMT

Talk to the hand
#115739257Thursday, October 17, 2013 8:49 PM GMT

Jk you're forgiven
#115741243Thursday, October 17, 2013 9:09 PM GMT

Planet Name: Troslovia Luxury/Small Planet: Small Transport [only one]: Hexarus 3100 Weaponry Package [only one]: Alpha Armoury Package [only one]: Alpha Food Package [only one]: Small Species in Planet [no halfbreeds, only one species are allowed in planet]: Human Name of Rival Planet: Andorra Ruler's Name: Kios Ruler's Age: 61 Ruler's Title: Warlord Ruler's Appearance: Tall and dark skinned. Black hair. He is muscular. Ruler's Personality: Vicisious, not very smart, and brutal. Other: 123 , A very war like group.

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