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#115918741Saturday, October 19, 2013 6:28 PM GMT

While using Roblox Studio, I am constantly encountering problems where a block a place will be slightly off of where it should be. (ie. instead of the position of a block being (10, 9, 20) it would be at (10.05, 9.21, 20.02)) Does anyone else have this problem? If so, is there a way to fix it, because it makes it almost impossible for me to build correctly.
#115919995Saturday, October 19, 2013 6:38 PM GMT

In Studio Edit mode set your Grid tool to 1 and make sure your brick is picked up and placed on top of a brick that is on the grid. If you place a brick on one that is at 10.05 then it will line up to that brick. Make sure your baseplate is at an even grid location to help with this. Also make sure your bricks aren't odd sizes too.
#115990496Sunday, October 20, 2013 5:45 AM GMT

None of that is the problem. The bricks will randomly have tiny gaps between them for no reason causing a lot problems when I try to build.
#115990922Sunday, October 20, 2013 5:53 AM GMT

It is because they only move in .01 stud increments when you use the studio tools, but if the gap is less than .01 studs then the tools can't make them move that amount, hence, the gap. If you place the brick on top of the other brick using the 1 stud grid, and the bricks are an even number of studs wide, then you can use the Move on Axis tool to slide it off the brick and then down and it will fit.
#115990936Sunday, October 20, 2013 5:53 AM GMT

It depends. I used to have that issue. If you are to edit a place, make sure you edit using one mode. Don't use stamper tool and then switch over to Edit Mode. That doesn't work, trust me. #TheMMC

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