#117397977Friday, November 08, 2013 8:13 PM GMT

*As the settler start to chop down trees for wood, the "Emperor" sets of to fully map the river* "There goes my ship" *says Octavian, knowing that there was possibility it wouldn't return*
#117398274Friday, November 08, 2013 8:18 PM GMT

(we RP with each other if we happen to meet each other. If you are colonizing Mexico, you probably wont meet some one on the Hudson river so fast.)
#117398332Friday, November 08, 2013 8:19 PM GMT

[Mexico was colonized by Spain, not the french]
#117402335Friday, November 08, 2013 9:23 PM GMT

( *facepalm* We know that, this is a "what if" RP )
#117402458Friday, November 08, 2013 9:25 PM GMT

The men start chopping trees for a wall and huts and scouts are sent to secure the area. If there is a problem, but not a solution, why worry about it? - A lot of people but I patent it.
#117402989Friday, November 08, 2013 9:33 PM GMT

*after an hour, the "Emperor" returns* Sailor: "Sir, terrible news" Octavian: "What is it?" Sailor: "We got lost for awhile and found another river" Octavian: "This is bad because?" Sailor: "Its bad because its Colonized" * Octavian looks at his colony* "Long live Roma Novis! I declare this river, Tiber Novis!" *The settlers cheer, and go back to building houses and manors*
#117405060Friday, November 08, 2013 10:01 PM GMT

Vagen Colony- "Captain, whats the first order of busniess? I reckon we get some houses built and maybe a d-" Vooralv looks to the forest, and the 2nd mate follows."Savages! Ready the muskets! Pre-" He doesn't finish before he stares in shock... Vooralv, who just right next to him, is actually going to the natives. (The colony is in South Carolina... So good temperature...)
#117405207Friday, November 08, 2013 10:03 PM GMT

["What if Mexico was colonized by the English, instead of the French?" It makes it sound like that France really colonized it.]
#117405902Friday, November 08, 2013 10:13 PM GMT

*After a while most houses are finished and some Mohawks come to the colony bringing gifts of peace* "These natives, they are not like the hostile ones we met before." *soon after coming the natives left, fearing that the colony's horses would eat them* Settler: "Sir, we have completed your mansion. What is your next order?" Octavian: "Build some docks, if the river decides to flood or flow rapidly, we might lose the ship." Settler 2: "Sir I think we should establish a Church, and start praying." *Octavian being very tolerant in all Christ believing religions, knew a church would mean choosing just one form of Christianity. This could create persecution, and Octavian's father died by a religious persecution.* Octavian: Perish that thought, no churches are going to be built until I say so. Pray in your homes!
#117405963Friday, November 08, 2013 10:14 PM GMT

(My apologies, just ignore that mistake)
#117406145Friday, November 08, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

['S fine, I'll join soon]
#117406580Friday, November 08, 2013 10:22 PM GMT

Explorer/Colonizer's name: General Henri Beaucup From: Paris, France Colonizing for: France Name of the first Colony: Froidnord; a collection of settlements on the coast of Canada. It has around 1,200 settlers and around 300 soldiers. Character Description: A general in the French Army; he was tasked with an expedition to give France colonies in the New world and expand her military might and strength, as well as exploit the resources there and establish a thriving economy. He has a very serious expression most of the time, with neat dirty blonde hair and pale blue eyes, he is often in uniform.
#117406993Friday, November 08, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

#117407222Friday, November 08, 2013 10:31 PM GMT

(Each post is one day, correct? Then you have a crappy mansion Ender...) Vagen- "Don't! You don't know what the savages will d-" "Turnon, I hired you to watch the settlers... NOT to spill innocent blood..." Vooralv snaps, and the look in his eye sends even the tough Scot back to his place. But the dark side quickly fades, and Vooralv strolls quietly to the natives. ------------1 hour later--------- Vooralv returns to the increaseingly nervous settlers, with a native behind him." These are some of the livers of this land... WE will work with them for survival..." Vooralv says, and everyone knows thats a order. (Any hint of betrayal, Vooralv can turn into a monster... He's like a bear. Giant but gentle until its harmed, then you better be faster than the person beside you.) (The natives he found are the Yamasee indians.)
#117407332Friday, November 08, 2013 10:32 PM GMT

(Total settlers in Vagen- 363 men, 162 women and several children.)
#117407805Friday, November 08, 2013 10:39 PM GMT

"Recently we have secured and expanded our territory westwards, sir" The nervous man lowered his head out of respect. "Continue to expand. Tell the soldiers to fortify their positions, just as an extra precaution." "Yes sir," "Maintain good relations with the locals, and send our fleet docked at the port south, we need to establish a warmer colony."
#117408334Friday, November 08, 2013 10:46 PM GMT

(Yeah by mansion, they meant the best of the houses, which just means my house is just bigger than the others. It will be upgraded, but no, each post is not a day) *after a awhile some natives come back, but this time armed to the teeth* Settler: "Sir, I don't think these are Mohawks" Octavian: "Men, Prepare to attack if they attack" Native leader: "Do not worry pale-face, we came to welcome you" Settler: "The savage speaks... English" Native Leader: "You are not the first pale-faced men to land here. The last man taught me your language. Call us Savages again... I dare you." *The Natives start to aim their bows at the defenseless settlers* Settler 2: "We were told you were savages-" *The natives start to aim at the settler and they all shoot him at once* Octavian: "FIRE UPON THEM!" *Some militia fire, while others board the "Emperor" and use its cannons*
#117409242Friday, November 08, 2013 10:56 PM GMT

Vagen- "But captain, he's a bloody savage who will r-" *Smack* The Scot gets floored by a quick punch from who was considered a gentle, quiet captain. "I will not force you to work with the natives. I encourage free choice actually. But unless they have done such to your family, your friends, your life, you do not judge them. Or so help me the last thing you will see is the tip of a axe deep within your skull, 'Scot'." Vooralv threatens, and the message is loud and clear. Insult/attack the natives, you will die by Vooralv's sword. Vooralv and the native talk, probably with Vooralv trying to learn the native language. The settlers get to work chopping wood for houses/fire wood. (Again, when he senses betrayal/ threats to the inhabitants of a land, his quiet manner fades to a darker side.)
#117410159Friday, November 08, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

"Be careful of the English, those dogs." Henri warned. "Dismissed," The man nodded, carefully walking out of the room, as if every step could be his last one.
#117411403Friday, November 08, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

*The battle goes on for about an hour, and the colony's population was lowered from 400 to 370. In the end the colonists win.* *Octavian walks around the colony, burying the dead and tossing native bodies into the fire, (after looting them of course) and consulting his colony* Octavian: "General Ferdinand, please come up" General Ferdinand: "Sir What happened today was a massacre of our settlers. Any European nation can just destroy the colony. We need more military." *About 50 men come forward and volunteer to join the army* Octavian: "This is good enough for now. Tomorrow we will seek the help of the Mohawks." General Ferdinand: "Is that wise sir? After our battle today, they might as well finish us off" Octavian: "Fine, send some messengers out to the colony in the other river. Maybe we can ally them and get some more ships and men from Naples" *The scouts and Messengers depart for the mysterious River colony*
#117411646Friday, November 08, 2013 11:22 PM GMT

The general sighed, inspecting defenses around the settlement. Mainly a short wooden fort in construction, it would do little to hold back men from climbing the walls. Several soldiers were carrying logs to the forts. A large collection of huts and poorly paved dirt paths weaved in out and snaked around in the small town.
#117412130Friday, November 08, 2013 11:27 PM GMT

Explorer/Colonizer's name: Pierre Ducasse From: Born in France, lived in Siena Colonizing for: Italian Republic of Siena (city-state becoming major colonial empires ftw.) Name of the first Colony: Ralona (Probably going to be on some island.) Character Description: Pierre will do anything for his country, Siena, and establishing a colony for his country makes him patriotic and brave.
#117413680Friday, November 08, 2013 11:46 PM GMT

#117414160Friday, November 08, 2013 11:52 PM GMT

He strolled along the path, continuing to inspect the entire village and catch anyone who wasn't working. It was rather exhausting, and before long he arrived at the port, where soldiers were carrying goods into the ships tasked with establishing a more southern colony
#117414272Friday, November 08, 2013 11:53 PM GMT

Vagen- Vooralv heads back to the settlers, and has the 2nd mate gather them around. After a bit of whispering, the 2nd mate nods." We are going to wreck the ship. The shore is too dangerous and we clearly ain't have enough fishing poles. We're going inland, where the 'natives'..." The 2nd mate spits out the word, and only Vooralv's threat keeps him from the term savages. "Where these natives live. We will join the natives and set to work on the settlement Vagen. Leave the heavy items." Vooralv finishes, and the colonists grump but begin to pack.