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#117409415Friday, November 08, 2013 10:57 PM GMT

The war that ravaged the world, beginning in the 1950s and progressing throughout the 60s and 70s between the Soviet and American blocs, spreading diseases and illnesses, depleting the world's resources, devastated the world's population and caused widespread turmoil, strife, and internal conflict. Mutinous armies rebelled against their leaders; riots and rebellions went out to the streets, toppling entire nations; new factions arose from the ashes, but as consistently proven before, they continued to wage war, no doubt not learning from the mistakes of their predecessors [referring to the leaders who ruled the nation before them]. By the year 2030, much of the world has been rebuilt, armies created and reorganized, major cities that had previously been leveled were reconstructed, and an uneasy peace was at hand. The peace would not last long. {RULES} You know the drill. It would be nice if you had some experience in Nation RPs Put Global war in other *most of the technology here is here in the present *no nukes alt hist they weren't invented *no drones, either *The world is currently aligned with many treaties and complicated alliances, and with the inevitable war rising over the horizon, you are likely to have BOTH hostile countries working against you or allies trying to help/support you. The next couple of pages is most likely going to be dedicated to figuring out alliances between PC [Player-controlled] nations [with all of the players consent on the alliance] If you prefer to have an NPC country as an alliance, you are permitted to have one as an ally, but first, ask. You may control up to 2 countries. Admins can control up to 3. {ADMINS} None, for now. {COUNTRY SHEET} {Name of Country/Faction/Organization} {Leader} {Government} {Population size} {Capital} {Military Size} {Military branches} {Occupied Territories} {Primary imports} {Primary exports} Rating scale: 1-100 {Military strength} {Economy} {Technology} {History - *optional*} {Other} [MY CS] {Name of Country/Faction/Organization} The Greater Ottoman Empire {Leader} Grand Sultan Mehmed I {Government} Absolute monarchy {Population size} 32,000,000 {Capital} Mehmed; present day Istanbul {Military Size} 1 mil. {Military branches} The Royal Ottoman Army; The Royal Ottoman Navy; The Royal Ottoman Air Force; The Royal guard [elite unit that protects government officials]; The Ottoman Special Operations Task force unit [Official special forces branch] {Occupied Territories} Occupying the whole of turkey, Western Thrace, a strip of land running down the coast of Syria to Egypt, Northern Iraq, and part of Iran. {Primary imports} Food sources such as wheat, grain, and various fruits, aluminum, rubber, copper {Primary exports} Oil, manafactured goods, various machinery Rating scale: 1-100 {Military strength} 59 {Economy} 73 {Technology} 56 {History - *optional*} Turkish general Muhammed Kkopek raised an army in his faction, the remnants of the Republic of Turkey, when an empire dominated most of the Middle East. Devising an extremely well planned and realistic military operation, he attacked with blinding speed, his 300,000 troops driving through Turkey and recapturing Istanbul and many other major cities, crushing all resistance. After liberating turkey, he proclaimed the Greater Ottoman Empire, absorbing the Republic of turkey as a vassal state and in several decisive battles, capturing land and major oil sources until their enemy finally collapsed. By 2022, he had proclaimed himself Grand sultan and in 2023, officially absorbed the republic of turkey, which had long been considered a province of the ottomans, and turned it into a province; its president Am Abullah, was forced to abdicate, and its puppet government was dissolved. {Other}
#117409593Friday, November 08, 2013 10:59 PM GMT

#117409792Friday, November 08, 2013 11:02 PM GMT

#117410175Friday, November 08, 2013 11:06 PM GMT

[casually crashin'. retry.]
#117411806Friday, November 08, 2013 11:24 PM GMT

{Name of Country/Faction/Organization} The Vladivostok Collection {Leader} Collective Commodore Seijn Weznikvil {Government} Communist Republic. {Population size} 40 million {Capital} Vladivostok {Military Size} 3 million. {Military branches} The Collection Requires( Police/Weak army), Collective Enforces( Regular army), Vladiv Gray( Navy), The Gray Bear( Black Ops, Secret Police) and the Sky Collect(Air Force) {Occupied Territories} North East China to Mongolia's border, Korean Peninsula, Japan and parts of Siberia around Vladivostok. {Primary imports} Metal, Ore, oil and rubber. {Primary exports} Gas, various Food items, munitions and Rating scale: 1-100 {Military strength} 78, because of the ex-Russian navy fleet now in part of the VC. {Economy} 52 {Technology} 64 {Other}
#117411883Friday, November 08, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

#117411939Friday, November 08, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

{COUNTRY SHEET} {Name of Country/Faction/Organization} Reborn Ptolemaic Empire [RPE] {Leader} Antichroiun the third, rumored to be the descendant of Alexander himself. [Who really believes rumors?] {Government} Dictatorship. {Population size} 56,000,000 {Capital} Arguable, but generally admitted to be Athens. {Military Size} The entire military numbers to around 1.7million. {Military branches} Ptolemaic στρατία [Le Army] Ptolemaic πεζοναύτης [Marines] Ptolemaic Air-force One [Elite regiments.] Ptolemaic Special-Operations, Ptolemaic Navy, Ptolemaic Engineering Corps, Ptolemaic DOD, Ptolemaic ISIS Force [Only known to guard Athens.] Ptolemaic Merchant Navy [Actually assists in combat.], Ptolemaic Transport Corps, Rot-thorn weapons contractor, M.I.N.E. vehicle contractor. Ptolemaic γνώσεις [Knowledge] department. Ptolemaic Science Division, Ptolemaic Sub-terrain environment Division. Ptolemaic Honor Guard. [MILLIONS OF TYPES.] {Occupied Territories} All of Greece, a small portion of Egypt is rumored to be in their control. {Primary imports} The resources that are apparently imported are oil and gold, alongside marble. {Primary exports} The Ptolemaic Empire is known to export cuisine, pharmaceutical goods and aluminum. Rating scale: 1-100 {Military strength} 65 [GREECEEE.] {Economy} 80 [GREEECE...PHARMACEUTICAL GOODS.] {Technology} 65 [GREEECE. First gen country.] {History - *optional*} The Ptolemaic Empire history is long and tiresome, they however have simply adopted the original Empires' moniker and history as their own, and without that assisting their importance; they really have a short history. Most is clouded by fantasies over Antichoriun's greatness and his destiny to be the next Alexander. What was known that the rebellion that occurred in Greece ripped it apart from the inside, the military fluctuated and dissipated to ash and the government were found dead in the council room. That is when Antichoriun took his move and blamed it on the Egyptians, and so the reformed army marched forth, taking Alexandria by force and spreading out. But now his 'dynasty' had begun again, and quickly he remodeled Greece as he saw fit, leaving the Ptolemaic Empire in it's place. Although the term 'Ptolemaic Empire' is used, the name used publicly is the 'Republic of Ptolemaic Rebirth.' Their goal is to unite the world under Antichoriun's banner at any cost. Ruthlessly hostile and dangerously close to going to war with the Republic of Macedonia. [Not the Greek one.] {Other} Global War.
#117412491Friday, November 08, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

[Accepted! btw you can start doing your thing negotiating making alliances etc]
#117413687Friday, November 08, 2013 11:46 PM GMT

{Name of Country/Faction/Organization}: United Nations of Western Italy [UNWI/Western Italy] {Leader}: Marco Bellios {Government} One Democratic type thing that rules over the city-states or states of Western-Italy. (The states are all semi-independant, if that makes sense) {Population size} 27,150,010 {Capital} Siena (Rome is disputed territory, just so im not OP.) {Military Size} 1,200,000 (1.2 Million) {Military branches} The normal stuff, but in Italian. {Occupied Territories} All on the west coast above Rome until you get to the french-italian border. {Primary imports} Military Equipment, Exotic Foods. {Primary exports} Medical Equipment, ITALIAN Exotic Foods. Rating scale: 1-100 {Military strength}: 67 {Economy}: 76 {Technology}: 71 {History - *optional*} After WW2 ended, Italy collapsed, creating many different states. Eventually Many states formed 4 pacts, the North Italian Coalition, Naples & Sicily, the United Nations of Western Italy, New Empire of Venice, while states like Rome and Milan decided to stay independent. {Other} Global War.
#117413835Friday, November 08, 2013 11:48 PM GMT

#117437652Saturday, November 09, 2013 4:55 AM GMT

{COUNTRY SHEET} {Name of Country/Faction/Organization} New Ting dynasty {Leader} Ti Li chon {Government} monarchy {Population size} 1.5 billion (it's china so of course {Capital} Tinghai (present day shanghai) {Military Size} 2.5 mil {Military branches} New Ting royal army, New Ting Airforce, New Ting Navy, New Tinghian Guards (Official Guards of all High rank officials, Tinghai special task force of Ting (TSTFT), and finally the FTIIB (Federal Tinghai intelligence/investigation burea) {Occupied Territories} eastern china (not west china with the mountains and deserts), south Mongolia, and south and North Korea. {Primary imports} oil and hard metals (steel, titanium, etc) {Primary exports} manufactured goods, food sources (rice, fish, factory made food, etc), and rare metals (gold, silver, copper) Rating scale: 1-100 {Military strength} 75 (only due to numbers) {Economy} 75 {Technology} 45 {History - *optional*} {other}
#117437746Saturday, November 09, 2013 4:56 AM GMT

(Change tech to 65)
#117497033Saturday, November 09, 2013 10:46 PM GMT

(Tcman, I already claimed Northeastern China and the Korean Peninsula. You can still have Bejing, but your won't get my territory.)
#117498182Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:02 PM GMT

(Oh ok sorry)
#117498476Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

(No, its ok. Its just that the Korean peninsula and Northeastern china are right next to my capital so taking them over smart. Feel free to take Mongolia though, I don't worry for it.)
#117499557Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

{Occupied Territories} South, south central, east china, and all of southeast asia to the tip of the peninsula, east eastern india (that piece of land east of Bangladesh), and bangladesh.
#117499763Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

(im guessing you own north and northeastern china so im taking the 3 lower regions of china and shanghai is part of eastern china)
#117500188Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

(No, Just Northeastern china. I own part of Sibera and all of Japan so I'm not that greedy...)
#117500553Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:29 PM GMT

ok wonder when scary is going to start
#117500899Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

(my economy is split the south central and east china control the manufactured goods, southwest china controls the rare metals, and southeast asia controls all the food)
#117500982Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:34 PM GMT

(south china is southwest china i typed it wrong and its really rocky)
#117508714Sunday, November 10, 2013 1:06 AM GMT

[You may start] Greater Ottoman Empire With possible hostile countries flanking the Ottomans, the Grand Sultan immediately orders a mass military build up, and expects almost 1.5 million troops in two years. [1 post = a little more than a day 1 page = one month 12 pages = 1 year] Oil is extracted from sources in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and Iran.
#117511487Sunday, November 10, 2013 1:37 AM GMT

VC- Food rations in Japan and Siberia corridors are announced to be increased as a new vein of natural gas is found, leading to greater morale and production in the corridors*. The Collective Enforcers again fight against the revolutionary 'Sovin Russia group** operating to the north, with no casualties so far reported. Vladiv Gray is docked for repair after a engine failure in one of the main battleships. *There are 5 corridors- The Siberian Corridor, The Japan Corridor, The Peninsula Corrider( Korea), the China Corridor and the Vladivostok Corridor. **The 'Sovin Russia' is a NPC revolution/Anarchist group spread through Siberia and upper Mongolia. They want to destroy all current governments.
#117511680Sunday, November 10, 2013 1:39 AM GMT

starts a war campaign to take over northwest china, expected to be easy since its barely populated, hard to live in and a third world country. marches 150k troops through the deserts of northwest china. sends diplomats to the VC for alliance against Mongolia.
#117512089Sunday, November 10, 2013 1:44 AM GMT

the northwestern china campaign is expected to take 1 1/2 months due to not having the machinery to travel through the desert.

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