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#117502046Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:46 PM GMT

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, have given these valued rights and these here laws to protect and defend the freedom of all US Citizens through this article. Bill of Rights(Average Citizen) First Ammendment Freedom of Speech- All US Citizens have the freedom of speech,freedom of assembly,freedom of the press. Only if this is used in a proper way, insighting violance, putting down a fellow citizen or using it to hurt any stable system may result in legal action. Advertisements on the US Group wall for other groups non related to the United States may also result in legal action if this group does not represent US ideals or is a threat to the US. Second Ammendment. Right to Bear Arms- All US Citizens have the right to have a concealed fire-arm. Only if it is not in Federal,Government or Private lands which will be enforced strictly. If this fire-arm is used in public it will only be used in self defence of another or for protection reasons. If used for violence legal action may be taken. Third Ammendment. Right to Property- All US Citizens have a right to their property, if it stolen or attacked by Government,Military or other citizens they have the right to pursue legal actions. If anything of theirs is stolen from their property by Government,Military or other citizens they have the right to legal action. Same applies to Business's. The only case in which property may be legally used by the Government or the Military is if, the property is under direct threat or is a threat to national security only in the cases of War,Attacks,or theifs. Fourth Ammendment. Search and Seizure- No Domestic Service or Department has the right without warrent to Search or Seize of any property of any citizen. Unless a warrent is given to the Service with a justified reason to carry out a Search it is a citizens right to privacy. Only Domestic Government services such as HLS,DOD,Police Forces or the FBI have the right to do so. Military or Intelligence Services will not be given warrents. If this is broken legal action may be taken. Fifth Ammendment. Due Process/Trial by Jury(all Court rights) All Citizens have the right to a Speedy and Fair trial, by a court session with a non bias judge. All Citizens have the right to explain their reasons and plede the case. If found guilty the accused can be suspended or exiled based on offense. No trial will bring up past events and will only focus on the current issue. Witnesses will only be those of which were their and saw the event or know what happened. The acussed will not be pestored or bullied based on what was though to happen but treated with fairness and respect until proven guilty. All Citizens have the right to a trial by jury and well organized council to debate the accused accusations. Sixth Ammendment. Right to Voting- All Citizens have the right to one vote for a political candidate running for office, this vote may be used for diffrent positions several times but to the applied position only once. All Citizens also have the right to take the vote back. Citizens that are suspended,missed the dead-line try to vote early, or dont vote at all cannot vote. A citizen can only vote early in cases of Vacation,inactivness,or other issues only if he applies and is accepted for a practical reason. All Citizens also have the right to one vote for laws and acts which are polled by the public.
#120662607Friday, December 20, 2013 2:37 AM GMT

#120722048Saturday, December 21, 2013 12:19 AM GMT

tl;dr and Since that title i suppose it is on the wrong forum. Said the wise.
#120811141Sunday, December 22, 2013 1:15 AM GMT

WRONG FORUM But thanks for reminding us what each of the oldest ones said :D

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