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#117841349Thursday, November 14, 2013 7:02 AM GMT

Commands That Are Allowed To Be Used By Admins color/[Player]/[ColorName] Turns Player ColorName. I.E. color/BCGames/Really red Be cafeful that you know the color names! rcolor/[Player] Makes every part in Player a random color launch/[Player] Straps Player to a rocket and launches them into the air, then explodes! flip/[Player] Flips Player upsidedown! normhead/[Player] Makes Player's head normal sized smallhead/[Player] Makes Player's head small. bighead/[Player] Makes Player's head BIG. sethead/[Player]/[HeadSize] Makes Player's head HeadSize. hide/[Player] Removes Player's username above their character. unhide/[Player] Undos hide/[Player]. smoke/[Player] Inserts the smoke object into Player. unsmoke/[Player] Removes a smoke object from Player. tools Displays all avaliable tools for gettool/[Player]/[ToolName]. gettool/[Player]/[ToolName] Gives Player the tool with the name ToolName. give/[Player]/[Asset ID] Gives Player the asset with the clothing ID of 'Asset ID'. showid/[Player] Displays Player's userID. showpic/[Player] Displays what Player looks like. age/[Player] Displays Player's account age in days. adminlist Displays the admin list. cloneh/[Player] Copies Players hats and puts them on the speaker. stealh/[Player] Steals Players hats and places them on the speaker. wood/[Player] Makes Player made of wood. plastic/[Player] Makes Player made of plastic. slate/[Player] Makes Player made of slate. grass/[Player] Makes Player made of grass. corrmetal/[Player] Makes Player made of corroded metal. foil/[Player] Makes Player made of foil. ice/[Player] Makes Player made of ice. dimpl/[Player] Makes Player made of diamond plate. concrete/[Player] Makes Player made of concrete. spin/[Player] Makes Player spin around. unspin/[Player] Undos spin/[Player]. unfreeze/[Player] Thaws a frozen Player. freeze/[Player] Freezes Player. invisible/[Player] Makes Player invisible. visble/[Player] Makes Player Visible. teleport/[Player1]/[Player2] Teleports Player1 to Player2. jump/[Player] Makes Player Jump. sit/[Player] Makes Player sit. fire/[Player] Sets Player on fire without damage. unfire/[Player] Removes fire from Player. sparkles/[Player] Gives Player Sparkles =D. unsparkles/[Player] Removes Players Sparkles D=. nograv/[Player] Makes Player have no gravity likeness. setgrav/[Player]/[Amount] Makes Players gravity Amount. grav/[Player] Resets Players gravity. s/[Script] Runs a script. poison/[Player] Poisons a player and removes health until they die. burn/[Player] Same as above but with fire. m/[Message] Inserts a message for all to see. h/[Hint] Inserts a hint for all to see. kill/[Player] Kills Player. ws/[Player]/[WalkSpeed] Changes Players WalkSpeed to WalkSpeed. make/[Player]/[ID] Makes Player look like the user with the given ID. heal/[Player] Fully heals Player. explode/[Player] Makes Player go BOOM. guim/[GUI Message] Insert a GUI Message for all to see. edit/[Player]/[Stat]/[Value] Makes Players Stat value Value. get/[Apperal ID] Give the speaker the clothing item with the Given ID. kick/[Player] Removes Player from the game. jail/[Player] Freezes Player and places a big black box around Player. unjail/[Player] Undos jail/[Player]. damage/[Player]/[Amount] Damages Player by Amount health. WILL NOT WORK IF Player HAS A FORCEFIELD.

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