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#117896397Friday, November 15, 2013 3:48 AM GMT

They will vote for who will be in the Ro-Sports Hall of Fame in the South Entrance. These are the following Categories: Old Non-SFers (4) New Non-SFers (4) Old SFers (4) New SFers (4) Innovators (3) Architects (3) Commissioners (3) Anyone who wishes to be on this committe must have knowledge about Non-SFers aswell. If you wish to sign up complete this: Name: History in Ro-Sports: Awards: Leagues in: Leagues ran: Reputation will be heavily factored in.
#117896544Friday, November 15, 2013 3:50 AM GMT

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#117896578Friday, November 15, 2013 3:50 AM GMT

i demand to be put on here
#117896660Friday, November 15, 2013 3:52 AM GMT

Name: Pri History in Ro-Sports: Stuff Awards: Can I give you a list later Leagues in: RUFL, SFCFA, SFMLB, SFCBA, RNHL, RAAAHL, NMHL Leagues ran: RO-SHL
#117897131Friday, November 15, 2013 3:58 AM GMT

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#117897162Friday, November 15, 2013 3:58 AM GMT

Name: Grabner History in Ro-Sports: Named best RAAAHL player ever, RNHL all-star, really good in all other sports., Awards: RAAAHL HOF, MVP, Most goals, RNHL HOF, GK of the year, ROTY, Cup, RHL Cup, nominee for MVP Leagues in: RAAAHL, RNHL, RHL, RNBA, SFCFA, RMLS Leagues ran: None.
#117897505Friday, November 15, 2013 4:03 AM GMT

Name:Hanboy16 (formerly known as Hancock3) History in Ro-Sports:Formerly in Ro-Epl (Passmaster's league) Awards:None :( Leagues in:RUFL,SFMLB,SFCFA,SFCBA,RMLS,HRDL,(Non-SF League) RFL (owned by tch), (Non-SF League) EBL Leagues ran:None
#117897611Friday, November 15, 2013 4:04 AM GMT

Also NMHL with Rebels (muffin's team)
#117898090Friday, November 15, 2013 4:11 AM GMT

Name:Pokenoob999 History in Ro-Sports: Used to be very good at ball hockey in 2010-2012. Also was a respectable driver. Awards: If I had any I couldn't remember didn't have much except IRHL HoF Leagues in:IRHL,RHL,RAHL,RMLB, some indycar series Andy had, Leagues ran: Semi truck series which had failed after race 3 same with an F1 series. Search poke or m full user in the forum that'll tell you about me
#117898246Friday, November 15, 2013 4:13 AM GMT

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#117899014Friday, November 15, 2013 4:26 AM GMT

COMMITTEE: -Muffin -Scar -Death - - - - - - - - - - - -
#117899114Friday, November 15, 2013 4:27 AM GMT

Name: Bung History in Ro-Sports: A lot of leagues Awards: Ro-cup champion, BMHL champion, RHL champion, BMHL conn smythe awards Leagues in: RUFL, SFCFA, SFMLB, SFCBA, , RAAAHL, NMHL Leagues ran:none
#117899600Friday, November 15, 2013 4:35 AM GMT

#118137941Sunday, November 17, 2013 10:11 PM GMT

#118138912Sunday, November 17, 2013 10:21 PM GMT

Name:Cha20 History in Ro-Sports: since 2010 Awards:A lot of them, Most notable: RMLS Cup MVP S5 Leagues in: I can't count how many lol Leagues ran: none :(
#118138937Sunday, November 17, 2013 10:21 PM GMT

Name: Double History in Ro-Sports: a lot won some SFCFA titles Awards: QB of the Year SFCFA Heisman Leagues in: Too many Leagues ran: NRCAAF, NCAAB (Both had 2+ Seasons)
#118139029Sunday, November 17, 2013 10:22 PM GMT

Name: Rockstar7734 History in Ro-Sports: RNHL All star. RHL finalie apperance. First Jagr of Ro-Hockey.One of ROBLOXs best Lacrosse players. Awards: RNHL S4 Championship, RHL Activest player, Storm HoF, LLWS Canada Chamipionship,Storm WS, Ro-lacrosse Bandits Championship (owner), Ro-lacrosse top scorer. RIHL best DJ (LMFAO) and other crap. Leagues in:RNHL,RAAAHL,HHCL,PGHL,RHL,(whatever league storm in) (forgot others) Leagues ran: none gg "I don't really care how we done it, we done it." - Jaromir Jagr
#118139287Sunday, November 17, 2013 10:24 PM GMT

Name: dannygopher123 History in Ro-Sports: Winner in S2 in SFWPL Awards: none QQ Leagues in: RNHL, SFCFA, SFCBA, HHCL, RHL, RAAAHL, NMHL, Leagues ran: none I will be espically good for NEW SFERS

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