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#117901065Friday, November 15, 2013 5:07 AM GMT

Your CS: Name: Hugo Matthews Age: 32 Gender: Male Costume: Sherlock Holmes (:3) Fears: Large, open spaces Weaknesses: He has a bit of an issue saying tongue twisters Other: Fearless It was the night before Halloween and you get a letter from the City Hall. You pry it open to read it. It says; Dear Mr. Mattews, You have been cordially invited to attend the special Halloween party the City Hall hosts every year. There will be food, fun, and contests. When you attend this party, wear your BEST costume. If you win, you'd be able to do.. something more fun than anyone else in this party! We hope you attend this special party. Sincerely, The City Hall staff members' Yep. You're very excited and you're going to attend. Your costume is Sherlock Holmes. Noice. Anyways, you drive yourself to the City Hall. The outside of the City Hall looks normal, but when you walked in, the place was decorated. They actually made it look like a Haunted House! The lights are dimmed, there's fake ghosts, and they added a thunder sound effect! As you continue to walk through, you see many people wearing costumes. Finally, you get to the actual party. Great. Everyone seems to be having fun. You don't know ANYONE there. What will you do? (Don't worry, there aren't any large, open spaces.. yet. Muahaha!) 1. Go have fun.. with yourself. 2. Go make new friends. 3. Stand there awkwardly.
#117901345Friday, November 15, 2013 5:14 AM GMT

3 (May I make a suggestion? Change the dialogue in number 1. A number of the older rpers on the forums here will misinterpret that into something really bad... >.>)
#117901858Friday, November 15, 2013 5:26 AM GMT

(Okay, thanks for the tip! :D) Welp, you stand there awkwardly. There isn't any dangerous person here.. I hope. ANYWAYS, you pretty much stand there like a weirdo. No offense. "BOOO!" someone yells from behind you. You scream in fright. Ugh. It was the mayor who scared you. What do you do? 1. Greet him 2. Yell at him for scaring you
#117901951Friday, November 15, 2013 5:28 AM GMT

#117902041Friday, November 15, 2013 5:30 AM GMT

You were breathing quite heavily after that scare. "Um, hello Mr. Mayor, sir," you say. He gives you a big smile. He wasn't wearing a costume, just his regular tux. "Ahh, hello. Like my costume?" he replies. Oh.. awkward.. I guess that was a costume. Well, answer him! 1. "Yep!" 2. "That's a costume?"
#117975487Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:07 AM GMT

#117975605Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:09 AM GMT

You tell him you like his costume. "JUST KIDDING! This is not a costume. I'm glad you like my work clothes," he says. You simply mod and the mayor leaves. Your stomach starts to growl. Will you eat? 1. Yay, food. 2. Ack, no!
#118008656Saturday, November 16, 2013 5:52 PM GMT

1, pray hope this doesn't get onto my costume.
#118013699Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:47 PM GMT

Good. Your stomach was practically shouting, "Feed me! Feed me!" Anyways, when you get to the table with food, everything on the table was Halloween themed. There was someone who looked like a butler. I think he's supposed to serve you food. "What would... you like to eat?" he asks in a bored way. Choose what you'd like to eat/drink! (You may choose more than 1) 1. Veins (Thin blue, red, or green coloured licorice) 2. A brain (A shaped ball of noodles) 3) Blood (Red kool-aid. It has very thick texture)
#118114318Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:29 PM GMT

2 & 3
#118172728Monday, November 18, 2013 4:15 AM GMT

The butler goes to a human(dummy) and rips open his head to get a brain and then stabs the human's arm where it spills out the "blood". He hands you the food which you eat/drink. The noodles were horrible and the blood just made it taste worse! Would you like to finish it?
#118218167Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:25 AM GMT

Yes. Disgusting foods are the best.
#118218623Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:30 AM GMT

You finish your food with a small gag. "THE COSTUME CONTEST IS ABOUT TO START! PLEASE LINE UP NEAR THE STAGE!" a voice in the intercom announces. You line up at the stage and wait. After a few people, it was your turn to shine. You go up to the stage. What do you do? (*If I don't leave any options, you make your own decisions!)
#118458857Friday, November 22, 2013 11:02 PM GMT

I just stand, and wait for the results.

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