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#117951232Saturday, November 16, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

The List of Commands is what is allowed to be used Don't Worry about the Numbers if it skips 12,13,16 it just means there are commands that are not allowed to be used in between them for in this example 12,13,16 can be used when 14 and 15 Can't List of Admins:- Low Admins (93 out of 126 Commands) are supereian, katerinak and darthahsoka Etc High Admins (103 out of 138 Commands) are JuszieDragon and KnightLancer1 |Low Admin Commands| 0. clean -- Is a command anyone can use to remove hats/tools lagging up the place 4. :m Hello People -- This commands will let you shout a message to everyone on the server 5. :kill kohl -- Kills the player 6. :respawn kohl -- Respawns the player 7. :trip kohl -- Trips the player 8. :stun kohl -- Stuns the player 9. :unstun kohl -- Unstuns the player 10. :jump kohl -- Makes the player jump 11. :sit kohl -- Makes the player sit 12. :invisible kohl -- Makes the player invisible 13. :visible kohl -- Makes the player visible 14. :explode kohl -- Makes the player explode 15. :fire kohl -- Sets the player on fire 16. :unfire kohl -- Removes fire from the player 17. :smoke kohl -- Adds smoke to the player 18. :unsmoke kohl -- Removes smoke from the player 19. :sparkles kohl -- Adds sparkles to the player 20. :unsparkles kohl -- Removes sparkles from the player 21. :ff kohl -- Adds a forcefield to the player 22. :unff kohl -- Removes the forcefield from the player 25. :freeze kohl -- Freezes the player 26. :thaw kohl -- Thaws the player 27. :heal kohl -- Heals the player 36. :removetools kohl -- Removes all tools from the player 37. :btools kohl -- Gives the player building tools 38. :give kohl sword -- Gives the player a tool 39. :damage kohl -- Damages the player 40. :grav kohl -- Sets the player's gravity to normal 41. :setgrav kohl 100 -- Sets the player's gravity 42. :nograv kohl -- Makes the player have 0 gravity 43. :health kohl 1337 -- Changes the player's health 44. :speed kohl 1337 -- Changes the player's walkspeed 45. :name kohl potato -- Changes the player's name 46. :unname kohl -- Remove the player's name 47. :team kohl Raiders -- Changes the player's team 48. :stopmusic -- Will stop all music playing in the server 49. :teleport kohl potato -- Teleports the player 50. :change kohl kills 1337 -- Changes a player's stat 51. :kick kohl -- Removes the player from the game 52. :infect kohl -- Turns the player into a zombie 53. :rainbowify kohl -- Turns the player into a rainbow 54. :flashify kohl -- Turns the player into a strobe 55. :noobify kohl -- Turns the player into a noob 56. :ghostify kohl -- Turns the player into a ghost 57. :goldify kohl -- Turns the player into gold 58. :shiny kohl -- Makes the player shiny 59. :normal kohl -- Puts the player back to normal 61. :untrippy kohl -- Untrippys the player 66. :guifix kohl -- Will fix trippy/strobe/blind on a player 67. :fling kohl -- Flings the player 68. :seizure kohl -- Puts the player in a seizure 69. :music 1337 -- Plays a sound from the ID 73. :jail kohl -- Puts the player in a jail 74. :unjail kohl -- Removes the jail from the player 75. :fix -- This will fix the lighting to it's original settings 76. :fly kohl -- Makes the player fly 77. :unfly kohl -- Removes fly from the player 78. :noclip kohl -- Makes the player able to noclip 79. :clip kohl -- Removes noclipping from the player 80. :pm kohl Hey bro -- Sends the player a private message 81. :dog kohl -- Turns the player into a dog 82. :undog kohl -- Turns the player back to normal 83. :creeper kohl -- Turns the player into a creeper 84. :uncreeper kohl -- Turns the player back to normal 88. :h Hello People -- This will shout a hint to everyone 90. :starttools kohl -- Will give the player starter tools 91. :sword kohl -- Will give the player a sword 92. :bighead kohl -- Will make the player's head larger than normal 93. :minihead kohl -- Will make the player's head smaller than normal 94. :insert 1337 -- Will insert a model at the speaker's position 95. :disco -- Will make the server flash random colors 97. :admins -- Shows the admin list 98. :bans -- Shows the banlist 99. :musiclist -- Shows the music list 100. :spin kohl -- Spins the player 101. :cape kohl Really black -- Gives the player a colored cape 102. :uncape kohl -- Removes the player's cape 103. :loopheal kohl -- Will constantly heal the player 104. :loopfling kohl -- Will constantly fling the player 106. :unloopheal kohl -- Will remove the loopheal on the player 107. :unloopfling kohl -- Will remove the loopfling on the player 108. :unspin kohl -- Removes spin from the player 109. :tools -- Gives a list of the tools in the lighting 110. :undisco -- Removes disco effects 111. :unflash -- Removes flash effects 114. :cmdbar -- Gives the speaker a command bar 118. :swagify kohl -- Swagifies the player 119. :version -- Shows the current version of the admin 120. :tm 49 yolo -- Shows a message for 49 seconds (MAX 60 Seconds) 121. :countdown 43 -- Shows a countdown message, (MAX 60 Seconds) 122. :clone kohl -- Creates a clone of the player 124. :startergive kohl epic -- Gives a player a gear in their starterpack -- |High Admin Commands| -- 3. :sm Hello World -- Creates a system message 9. :loopkill kohl -- Will constantly kill the player 10. :unloopkill kohl -- Will remove the loopkill on the player 13. :gear kohl 1337 -- Gives a player a gear 14. :shirt kohl 1337 -- Changes the player's shirt 15. :pants kohl 1337 -- Changes the player's pants 16. :face kohl 1337 -- Changes the player's face 17. :hat kohl 1337 -- Will give the player a hat under the id of 1337 18. :god kohl -- Makes the player have infinite health 19. :ungod kohl -- Makes the player have 100 health

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