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#118196Wednesday, August 22, 2007 3:50 AM GMT

Alright, there have been many a thread asking for these, and I'm here, as a person who knows the Roblox Lua well, and who is currently working for Roblox Corp documenting the Wiki, that You cannot currently do the following: You cannot have music. Yes, you can make a Sound object. Yes, you can make that object emit sound. Yes, you can hear it. But, since the system isn't set up to send files across the system yet, no-one will be able to hear your music. So therefore, it simply adds to the lag of the map without any benefit. You cannot copy hats. (Or do much else, for that matter) Hats (because everyone wants to own them all) have been stripped of all of their functions, so you can't Copy a hat, you can't Save a hat, and you can't do anything but move them around. This is because the Devs didn't want people saying they could give away hats. You cannot make a picture on the wall. The system doesn't stream anything that isn't uploaded to Roblox. Now, you can get around this by making the picture you want into a shirt, but it doesn't hold the resolution, and may turn out fuzzy when you try to make it into a room-sized wall. Therefore, you cannot make a picture. The Decal don't work properly yet people. You cannot make a custom skybox. For the same reason as pictures, they aren't given out to other players when they load in. So, therefore it will look very pretty to you, but no-one else will see it. You cannot use LocalScripts. These are special scripts that only are used on the client-side. Unless you really know what it means to be non-networked, locally run, understand what clients and servers are, and REALLY know what you are doing (don't kid yourself, you'll crash servers) don't use them. You cannot make a custom picture for your tool/weapon. For the same reason as other pictures, it won't work. You cannot make a custom FileMesh. Don't even try, I've crashed my game already three times. Even though you may know what you are doing, you can't use a FileMesh from your computer. Talk to an Admin about having it uploaded. Remember that you also need a texture. You cannot make people talk. It's a priviledged function, and it doesn't work. You cannot make a player of Roblox join a game. You cannot turn a player. That means that no matter what (unless they are in a seat) a player will always be upright along the Y-axis. You cannot make a camera move. No matter how much you want to, you cannot make a camera of your or another player move. That's about all I can think of right now. Don't ask why, don't ask how or when, but you cannot do anything in the list. Don't ask for help in any new threads.
#118210Wednesday, August 22, 2007 4:00 AM GMT

Wow... How long did it take you to post all that? I read it all though. :)
Top 100 Poster
#118222Wednesday, August 22, 2007 4:22 AM GMT

Bout' 5 minuites.
Top 100 Poster
#118228Wednesday, August 22, 2007 4:30 AM GMT

You know alot in here.....you been on Roblox for along time no wonder you know all this but it will help
Top 100 Poster
#118250Wednesday, August 22, 2007 5:01 AM GMT

I'm a quick study. What I saw in Roblox was an opportunity, and I took it. I've learned a good bit of code, some of physics, and made a good group of friends. Anyways. /Restore topic >Topic restored.
Top 100 Poster
#118277Wednesday, August 22, 2007 5:20 AM GMT

Heh, I bet I could script around that Hat one. ?-Anaminus-?
Top 100 Poster
#118281Wednesday, August 22, 2007 5:22 AM GMT

I've tried and talked to Clockwork. And you've sen my attempts at getting that darn cloner to work. You can't copy a hat. End of story.
#118400Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:29 AM GMT

About the decals, i can see them in other player's places just fine. So basicly the decal does work?
#118550Wednesday, August 22, 2007 2:15 PM GMT

Is is possible to change a Hats.Handle.Mesh? ive been trying to transform my TeapotHat's Mesh on buttlad to a Golden Crown
#118777Wednesday, August 22, 2007 4:02 PM GMT

Wait....did we used to be able to do some of these things? Totti
#118791Wednesday, August 22, 2007 4:10 PM GMT

"you cannot make a picture on the wall" "you cannot make a custom skybox" WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea!
Top 100 Poster
#118811Wednesday, August 22, 2007 4:33 PM GMT

Decals SOMETIMEs work, so instead of saying they work and having people complain that they don't work, we say they don't work.
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#118862Wednesday, August 22, 2007 5:19 PM GMT

This should be pinned!
Top 100 Poster
#118949Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:12 PM GMT

Heh, agreed. I only have moderator privileges, not full-on Forum admin.
#118974Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:34 PM GMT

after all the good uve done ROBLOX i think u deserve full admin status Mr.DoomBringer (just my opinion) not that my opinion really matters... =l
Top 100 Poster
#119097Wednesday, August 22, 2007 8:13 PM GMT

I've already been given a job position in Roblox, but I don't think I deserve full admin. I know code, but not enough to really work for Roblox corp yet. That's what I get living in a town of very, very few people who know some real code.. Ah well, that's what college is for.
#119529Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:39 PM GMT

It's a shame roblox puts so many limits on what we can and can't do. Can't really blame them it's only maybe 7 people who made this game. But I have a lot of really cool ideas that I cant make because of scripting Lua and roblox's knowledge. But MrDoom anything is really possible in this game. Like robots, they're a complete hack, suprisingly it works but it isnt neat( 875 lines of headaches). Any questions?
Top 100 Poster
#119858Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:05 AM GMT

Hammerhead, you sound like you know what you're doing. Creating an AI is never easy. Something always has to have the ugly hack to set the basics. If you have ever looked inside a Roboman, or an Aibo dog, it's a mass of microcontrollers and switches. Instad of having just 875 lines of controls, you have 18 or more single microprocessors that each have their own 10,000 ines of headaches. Then if anything goes wrong, then whole thing is toast. Creating a viable AI is even more difficult. You have to do what evolution has perfected with cells over milennia, what we humans have clumsily clomped together with these metals and electric currents of ours. Then, you have to tell it specifically what to do. If anything , to get soemthing that can walk around and chase you with just 875 lines is pretty good. With this RASA project of mine, we are working (aielbeit, slowly) an AI project. The Lua system in Roblox, which is as far as I can see revolutionary and very good platform for a game like this, is simple and in it's early years. The Devs still consider Roblox to be in it's very early stages. Obviously, the latform has come to a point that it is very stable, but it's still undergoing a lot of changes. If you do have any ideas for additions to the Lua system, there is a Suggestions section on the Wiki that is occasionally looked at. Go ahead and post some ideas of yours. I've worked with very simple robotics before, and I know what it's like to try and program a computer to think for it'self. By definition, a computer is supposed to take a set of instructions and think about it, not provide instructions for it'self. Send me a PM some time, we can talk about this another time.
#119862Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:08 AM GMT

wat u mean by u cannot make a player of roblox join a game?
Top 100 Poster
#120279Thursday, August 23, 2007 4:47 PM GMT

I've made a custom Skybox
#120286Thursday, August 23, 2007 4:51 PM GMT

Read the whole thread......he said you can do some of the things but not all the time >< Totti
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#120915Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:44 PM GMT

Again. The system only works for you, because of the way th address is generated. You guys need a crash course in how directories work. On your hard disk there are several thousand areas, called "sectors." These sectors hold data. When a file is written to the Hard Drive, it's Sectors that it's written on are recorded, and given a file name and directory. This works just like a street name and house address. The File Directory points the computer program to the "street" that the file is on, and then the name directs it to the "house," the file. Now, when you type in an address into the internet browser bar, such as "www.roblox.com" it sends a message to that address. The address name is just a name, it's not a directory. There is a number, called an "IP" that is the directory to the computer that has that address. So, when you type in "www.google.com" it sends a message to the IP of Google, and then the comptuer at Google's address responds with the web page. When you enter Roblox, and there is a wall with a picture on it,it needs to know where the picture exists. If the picture has been properly uploaded to Roblox, then the game knows to go to Roblox.com, go to the proper addresses on the hard drive, and then get the proper file. When you just click the "Browse" button, all it does is make an address map to your hard drive. Say the picture is in your Desktop, and you make a Decal out of it. What it does is make an address to your hard drive name, then the streets. If it's the desktop, it's C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop, and then it can find the file name. So, when the game searches for the file at that address, it will find it. But, if the game has to look for the file on someone else's computer it will look in C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop. But then it can't find the file, so it returns with nothing. And then you don't see anything. So, to recap: A directory is like a street address for a file. An IP is a number that tells the world where your computer is. If you make a Decal with something on your computer, you will have no problem seeing it, since the game can find it on your computer throught eh proer directory. Since no-one else has the same computer set up as you, and they don't have the file, when the game goes to look through their computer for the file, it won't find it, and they can't see it. And there isn't a system set up to automatically upload the picture to Roblox, so that everyone can find it. And the same thing goes for every other file that you try to upload. And that is why you can't make any custom items like that. There are ways around it, but until there is a way for everyone to do it, then it will remain that you can't do it.
#120923Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:45 PM GMT

Whew...that was intense xD Totti
Top 100 Poster
#121159Friday, August 24, 2007 1:29 AM GMT

Hence the term "Crash course."
#121162Friday, August 24, 2007 1:31 AM GMT

ahem......custom skyboxes i have a different opinion! i see custom skyboxes in peoples places very clearly!! i beleive it is possible.

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