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#118558481Sunday, November 24, 2013 2:40 AM GMT

I am a young thief, riding on the coattails of my betters. I live my life in Luxlune, the best city for a young thief like I. I barely make my living from several poor men I either kill or steal from. I barely know much, as I was abandoned one day, and I only have a single bronze dagger. I know my way around the streets quite well, and I am finally ready to make it big time, with my paltry 30 gold, I will rise the ranks and they will all fear my name! 30 points to spend. SKILLS One Handed- Two Handed- Throwing- Thievery-15 Sneaking- 15 Magic- Bargaining- Smithing- Piloting- Commanding- Swimming- Hand to Hand- Strength- Murder- Delving- Clothing, Bronze Dagger, 30 gold
#118575399Sunday, November 24, 2013 6:34 AM GMT

30 points to spend. SKILLS One Handed- 4 Two Handed- 1 Throwing- 0 Thievery-15 Sneaking-15 Magic- 0 Bargaining- 5 Smithing- 0 Piloting- 1 Commanding- 0 Swimming- 2 Hand to Hand- 7 Strength- 4 Murder- 3 Delving- 3 Clothing, Bronze Dagger, 30 gold
#118575488Sunday, November 24, 2013 6:36 AM GMT

30 points to spend. SKILLS One Handed- 5 Two Handed- 0 Throwing- 0 Thievery-15 Sneaking-15 Magic- 0 Bargaining- 5 Smithing- 0 Piloting- Commanding- 0 Swimming- 2 Hand to Hand- 7 Strength- 4 Murder- 3 Delving- 3 Clothing, Bronze Dagger, 30 gold ReplyReport Abuse
#118643287Monday, November 25, 2013 1:32 AM GMT

There is also archery, would you like to spend any points towards that?
#118643492Monday, November 25, 2013 1:34 AM GMT

Take 1 from strength and 1 from hand to hand and make archery 2
#118645676Monday, November 25, 2013 1:55 AM GMT

#118646635Monday, November 25, 2013 2:05 AM GMT

Name and a quick description of your character?
#118646910Monday, November 25, 2013 2:08 AM GMT

Suzanna Mey A beautiful woman, long dark red hair, green eyes, tannish white skin. About 5'7 and 130-140 pounds, her outfit is the generic thieving outfit, minus the mask, and also slightly skimpish. She uses her looks to her advantage,
#118647912Monday, November 25, 2013 2:19 AM GMT

You awaken in the back of a wagon. Resting on some hay, you look around you. Several bandits are in the back, talking about how this is the freshest catch of the day, and she'll do nicely once 'welcomed'.
#118648289Monday, November 25, 2013 2:22 AM GMT

She looked at them, then tried to figure out if she was constricted or not.
#119177629Sunday, December 01, 2013 2:54 AM GMT

Not even bound. Apparently they thought you were really out. You faintly remember a drinking contest with somebody named Sam, and you guess this was the build out of this.
#119177722Sunday, December 01, 2013 2:55 AM GMT

(OMG we thought you died.....)
#119213312Sunday, December 01, 2013 12:06 PM GMT

(Can someone point me in the direction of the starting Forum for this? I want to join.)
#119290795Monday, December 02, 2013 1:46 AM GMT

Tails; Sorry. There's too many players as it is.
#119422205Tuesday, December 03, 2013 9:43 PM GMT

"Helloooo" She muttered.
#119602130Friday, December 06, 2013 4:03 AM GMT

[and you just ruined your chances.] "She's awake. Someone, get her some ropes and bound her. Thought we put her out good."
#119615913Friday, December 06, 2013 11:50 AM GMT

"Ya know, I could just not run away considering you tell me what you plan on doing to me?"
#119851446Monday, December 09, 2013 2:33 AM GMT

[if they were doing anything legal you'd think they wouldn't knock you out?] You are tied up quickly and gruffly, sustaining several bruises in the process.
#119851825Monday, December 09, 2013 2:37 AM GMT

"Owie!" "A little too rough on a cutie like me, eh?"
#119852944Monday, December 09, 2013 2:50 AM GMT

"Sure.. whatever." They give you a nice punch in the jaw for that.
#119853048Monday, December 09, 2013 2:51 AM GMT

"OW!" She hissed at them, stupidly.
#119855992Monday, December 09, 2013 3:23 AM GMT

"Shut up or we'll make ya."
#119859207Monday, December 09, 2013 4:01 AM GMT

"Yes!" she went quiet.
#119930199Tuesday, December 10, 2013 3:41 AM GMT

You remain quiet. They don't talk, just warrily looking at you.
#119930244Tuesday, December 10, 2013 3:41 AM GMT

Stay still like a good girl.

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