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#118597979Sunday, November 24, 2013 5:06 PM GMT

plz add this so you can delete your stuff and get robux or tix. a nother thing is so you can delete your trade hiostory and get the tix or robux back
#118598060Sunday, November 24, 2013 5:07 PM GMT

I think I heard Shedletsky say that when you delete a hat, you wont get a refund. ~I had your cookie but I ate it~
#118603875Sunday, November 24, 2013 6:16 PM GMT

No refunds. ●‿●
#118604026Sunday, November 24, 2013 6:18 PM GMT

No refunds, remember ROBLOX is greedy, of course they wont give you a refund L:!
#118618178Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:51 PM GMT

This is a very good idea, but considering how greedy admins are and how much they want us to buy BC they probably won't add it...
#118619157Sunday, November 24, 2013 9:01 PM GMT

That's pretty stupid. With these idea, you can wear any hat for as long as you want, then just delete it when it gets "Out of Fashion" and get your money back. The whole point of buying it goes to waste.. Also, ROBLOX isn't greedy. They have to earn money too. Running so many servers with so many players, and just running everything here in general isn't easy.
#118722633Tuesday, November 26, 2013 3:24 AM GMT

@Symbol ... Wow are you that dumb? They have SO MUCH money left over.. They spend money on servers and Updates, and paying for their workers. They still make a fortune everyday. You think thats not greedy?
#118725659Tuesday, November 26, 2013 4:05 AM GMT

@Kiddy Above Me I believe you are being stupid. With this idea, the point of even having robux mainly goes away. People won't need BC anymore, and ROBLOX would loose money. ROBLOX has about 12+ workers. An average American Salary is $2,410 a month. Multiply 12 * 2,410 and you get $28,920. ROBLOX needs to earn at least that much, WHILE paying for the severs (which there are a lot of) Most people have regular BC, which is only $5.95 a month TBC: $11.95 OBC: $19.95 ALSO ROBLOX IS GIVING MONEY IN THE DEV EX PROGRAM! And people who buy lifetime, only pay once, making that amount of money earned only valid for that certain month. Don't forget that employees have to pay income tax too. Sure, BC Cards and In-App purchase help a lot. But in the end, although they make money, they still need the remaining money to grow the company. Don't forget they also pay for advertisements! Maybe consider ROBLOX workers before making such a stupid reply, based off no evidence?
#118751834Tuesday, November 26, 2013 6:08 PM GMT

@Symbol, Nice insult but I wont spend 20 bucks a month like you to a greedy as company like this. However they make MONEY FROM the game cards at stores. Do you know how much? Thousands. Adding to you being able to buy it on the website even MORE. And people want ROBUX too right? DevEx is for people like you who pay 20$ a month. No thank you.
#118754814Tuesday, November 26, 2013 7:04 PM GMT

@Samuel He's right >20 bucks a month for a greedy company like this It's called earning a profit Every company does it >However they make MONEY FROM the game cards at stores Game cards make up less than 10 percent of Roblox's income >Do you know how much? Thousands Not much considering that most popular websites earn more than double Roblox's >And people want ROBUX too right? DevEx is for people like you who pay 20$ a month Or people who try to earn bux By running a game or something

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