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#118608941Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:11 PM GMT

Has anyone noticed the difference in graphics quality in games yet?
#118609034Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:12 PM GMT

pc master race -hotter than ryan gosling-
#118609047Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:13 PM GMT

Nintendo master race
#118609053Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:13 PM GMT

Xbone = mostly 720p PS4 = mostly 720p with few exeptions PC = all 1080p, 1200p, 1400p, 2k games get rekt
#118609487Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:17 PM GMT

this just proved why pc is superior thank you friends
#118609546Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:18 PM GMT

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#118609777Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:20 PM GMT

sigh... pc elitism... To answer your question, besides resolution, there is no noticeable superiority in graphics from either system. Odd enough, I actually preferred the Xbox One version of Battlefield 4, despite it being in 720p, because it had an interesting color bias going on with it (green).
#118610671Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:31 PM GMT

"sigh... pc elitism..." xbox one elitist and it is a fact that pc is better than consoles you cant deny it ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
#118610723Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:31 PM GMT

"sigh... pc elitism..." xbox one elitist x2 scrubs
#118612753Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:53 PM GMT

PC being better than console is nothing but opinion. And I use PC.
#118612834Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

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#118612836Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

@ros How can I be an elitist of something that is supposedly inferior? Lol.
#118613058Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:56 PM GMT

"PC being better than console is nothing but opinion." fact* @shov you're an xbox one fanboy pc is infact better nub ❤❤�� ❤❤❤
#118613137Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:57 PM GMT

@The: Hm, so? People always try to base opinion to be a fact. Anyways, carry on.
#118613198Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:58 PM GMT

"you're an xbox one fanboy" And your not a PC fanboy?
#118613501Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

"How can I be an elitist of something that is supposedly inferior? Lol." itt shovuc shows he doesn't know what elitist means
#118613875Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:05 PM GMT

"And your not a PC fanboy?" no im just saying that its a fact that pc is better at games than those overpriced consoles ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
#118613953Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:06 PM GMT

>overpriced consoles No. 400-500$ is a good price for something I and others are going to enjoy for a long time.
#118614031Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

"No. 400-500$ is a good price for something I and others are going to enjoy for a long time." not when you can get a much more powerful pc for the same price ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
#118614041Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

@shovuc but you could spend $100-200 on something that would last twice as long and give better performance
#118614201Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:09 PM GMT

"but you could spend $100-200 on something that would last twice as long and give better performance" To put it quite frankly, I don't give a damn. If the games I want are not on the PC, I don't want to spend money upgrading mine.
#118614383Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:10 PM GMT

"To put it quite frankly, I don't give a damn. If the games I want are not on the PC, I don't want to spend money upgrading mine." yeah because spending $500 for zoo tycoon is def worth it ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
#118614618Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:13 PM GMT

"yeah because spending $500 for zoo tycoon is def worth it" FYI, Zoo Tycoon isn't the only game on Xbox One, Einstein.
#118614791Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:15 PM GMT

"FYI, Zoo Tycoon isn't the only game on Xbox One, Einstein. " yeah enjoy kinect animals or whatever in 720p pleb ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
#118614876Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:15 PM GMT

"yeah enjoy kinect animals or whatever in 720p pleb" Kinect Animals isn't even on the Xbox One. You're starting to become really funny.

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