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#11921834Tuesday, July 28, 2009 11:48 PM GMT

My entry for the contest on making Tutorials. It is a basic script that requires small scripting knowlage including making new instances, and baseic SCrame positioning. Please rate and comment on it so I know what you think ^.^ NOTE: The quallity came out horrid after conversion, so to see the script I am talking about look in the video description. I will also have a copy of it here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MMj1NYavpc --Script Start function WeldTime() w1 = Instance.new("Weld") w1.Parent = script.Parent.Handle -- The main Handle. w1.Part0 = w1.Parent w1.Part1 = script.Parent.Handle2 -- Change this to your second part's name. w1.C1 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0) end script.Parent.Equipped:connect(WeldTime) script.Parent.Unequipped:connect(WeldTime) --Script End
#11922402Tuesday, July 28, 2009 11:57 PM GMT

I definently had trouble reading your script. All in all. You could've focused the camera on the script itself while writing it. That would've really fixed it and made your video better. It's decent. If you don't mind, could you watch my video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Fyww6Jzjo
#11922713Wednesday, July 29, 2009 12:03 AM GMT

Agreed with thuner. Mine! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Fyww6Jzjo Pllease watch I watched yours!
#11923016Wednesday, July 29, 2009 12:08 AM GMT

Well I want to point out again my cam dosnt focus on areas easy, it was trobble enough to get it how it is now. Second, PM me to watch yours, dont advertise yours, Or I'll have to make a new thread with no comments allowed. I'll be happy to support yours, but dont advertise it on mine.
#11923077Wednesday, July 29, 2009 12:09 AM GMT

Also troble reading is hence why the script is posted here and in the video's desc and there is a comment in it saying to check the description because the conversion quallity is horrible, It looks great in the actuall video file I have, but the conversion messed it up big time.
#11929268Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:47 AM GMT

i read your script and since i have little experience scripting i found myself dumbfounded...
#11956529Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:38 PM GMT

Iwould like to point out "requires small scripting knowlage including making new instances, and basic CFrame positioning" Yes it was spelt wrong in the original post, I was in a hurry... If you understand how to use CFrame to position objects, and how to use the function Instance.new("") then this script is quite simple, again this is not for people who are new to scripting, since it involves scripting. I do not feel a tutorial should be made at a basic level, for instance making things transparent is something I figured out how to do the first time I used roblox, same with resizing bricks. I feel a tutorial should push the user to learn. I alos don't think a tutorial should only be 60 seconds or less, but those are the contest rules, if I had more time I would have explained how to use each part, not just what it was.
#11988729Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:08 AM GMT

Man you use the computer well, as well as scripting, i got to see your work O_o
#11988780Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:09 AM GMT

i'm gonna try it sometime. nice job.
#12148650Saturday, August 01, 2009 8:24 PM GMT

Thanks...ARG!!! The quallity of conversion is messing with my perfectionist side T.T Fix dang you fix!!!!!
#12182802Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:08 PM GMT

Try to make the video the same size as youtube screens while you are editing it.I'm not very good at editting videos and i don't even know if you CAN do that but...Whatever.
#12198034Sunday, August 02, 2009 7:31 PM GMT

thx but im just wondering how do you become a admin at your place?
#12252791Monday, August 03, 2009 7:10 PM GMT

he has to see you on there... ALL THE TIME!!! if he notices that you are on there obsessively, he will make you admin. if you are also one of his close friends. I gave him ideas for most of his roleplays, and he refused me. I was his friend before he was famous!!! SPACE ROLEPLAY WAS MY IDEA!!! MINE!!! BUT I COULD BARELY MAKE A BRICK HOUSE!!!! AND HE LIKED THE IDEA, BUT WOULDN'T LET ME BE ADMIN!!!!!!!! I EVEN GAVE HIM IDEAS FOR MIDEVIL ROLEPLAY!!! SLIME CAVE= MOSTLY MY IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT CAN I BE A KNIGHT?!?! CAN I BE A MAGE?!?!? NO!!!!!!!!!!
#12305766Tuesday, August 04, 2009 7:22 PM GMT

Wow, just for that comment you arnt my friend anymore, I always knew you as a good person, not anymore though. Not to mention my slime cave was there way before you suggested it, and I wanted to make a space rp before you suggested it. I only had ONE PLACE at the time, so i couldnt make the space place yet, THAT DOSNT MEAN I WASNT PLANNING ON IT. The slime cave was in some of the first versions of my Medieval rp, but was REMOVED do to problems, then READDED later. Since we apperently arnt friends anymore I no longer feel obligated to keep this to my self eaither. Most of the ideas you sent to me that I hadnt already thought of, where rubbish, usless, stupid. Back on topic, the quality is not quite fixable, but I added things to help out.
#12401072Thursday, August 06, 2009 12:38 PM GMT

i think the multi handed tools would win whatever your contest entry is, and it could be good use for people who love roleplaying like me.
#12401137Thursday, August 06, 2009 12:41 PM GMT

Also, YOU are the best perso i ever knew of, because your the only famous person who hasnt lost their mind. every person with like 50k visits thinks theyre too cool for teh rules. its not really cool.YOU are the cool one because you have a medeival roleplaying game. its a great game, and no matter what people say it a great game and they cant change the fact.
#12402114Thursday, August 06, 2009 1:15 PM GMT

#12404724Thursday, August 06, 2009 2:23 PM GMT

My entry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm9nFZYQfFg
#12414324Thursday, August 06, 2009 5:21 PM GMT

it was hard to read.. i know pointing out the obvious...im just agreeing with you guys
#12447956Friday, August 07, 2009 3:09 AM GMT

Can you right anymore Scripts about othe stuff like the medevil place

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