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#11978626Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:24 PM GMT

i think that building would be so much better if that you were able to put brick through other bricks WIHOUT the rotate tool. so this mean getting a brcik and being able to drag it straight through another brick also! put a REAL rotate tool in, not something made by a random user so like you click a brick, then click a rotate tool and then like in most games you would have transparent sphere with a green line, blue line, and red line on it for all 3 rotateing points it be WAY easyier(typo) then that free rotate tool
#11979239Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:32 PM GMT

1.) Make 2 bricks, one anchored & non-cancollide, the other one un-anchored & cancollide. 2.) Put the un-anchored one on top of the anchored one. 3.) Press run. 4.) You have a brick in another brick without using the rotate tool. ›~>S9S4<~‹
#12030808Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:20 PM GMT

ya see the reason i dont do that is becuase it will fall stragiht through everything if its not timed right
#12031146Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:26 PM GMT

Dude. The one on the top is CAN-COLLIDE, but UN-ANCHORED. The one on the bottom is NONCAN-COLLIDE, but is ANCHORED. Meaning you can touch the one on the top, and you can't touch the one on the bottom, but they don't fall off. ›~>S9S4<~‹
#12031384Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:30 PM GMT

densie ur 1st message don't make sense.
#12079531Friday, July 31, 2009 5:24 PM GMT

@ super9soler4 ya I did that and ti still fell through the whole thing, also it would be eseier(typo), just to be able to drag bricks into others instead of all the non cancoilde coilde garbage!, i did exacl what you and the other guy said BUT GUESS WHAT AHPPEND IT FELL THROUGH THE GROUND!
#12087724Friday, July 31, 2009 7:40 PM GMT

Then you are doing it wrong. It works perfectly for me. And spell my name right next time. ›~>S9S4<~‹
#12088520Friday, July 31, 2009 7:53 PM GMT

Da-da-da-daa! CFrame! Or clever use of mesh properties!

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