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#11988797Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:09 AM GMT

2010 - President assassinated 2011 - Murderer of president found 2012 - Murderer escaped, somehow sinkin the jail in mud 2013 - Murderer tracked down to a swamp Days later - Troops sent down to catch murderer, troops never seen again 2014 - Swamp greatly expanded 2015 - Swamp taken over half of US 2016 - Swamp spreads over all of US, very few alive 2017 - After a year of survival, around 100 survivors in the entire world left How did this happen? - Strange beings live in the swamp and they kill anything they see, why? We don't know. What are they? We don't know. Where did they come from? We don't know. Can you survive? We. Don't. Know. Character sheet: Name: Age: Bio: Gender: Apperance: Primary Wep: Secondary Wep: Melee Wep: Mine: Name: Jon Age: 27 Bio: A US marine, knows how to survive this kind of stuff. Gender: Male Apperance: US soldier outfit Primary Wep: M16 with grenade launcher attachment Secondary Wep: Desert Eagle Melee Wep: Combat knife
#11989021Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:13 AM GMT

#11989346Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:18 AM GMT

Jon:*walking through swamp* -5 mud men jump up- Jon:*shoots em all down*

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