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#119992116Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:15 AM GMT

The Unexpected Misadventures of Robloxia and The Temporal Paradox There have been stories around Robloxia about a place called Timera. Long story short it's where the first Time Machine was invented, before the entire city disappeared. Now, over seven hundred years later, rumors are going around saying that "Timera Stands" or "Did you hear that some people are gonna stop time?". Of course, rumors are just rumors....right? Rules 1. Standard RP Rules apply 2. Have Fun ~CS Sheet~ Name: Profession: Items: Bio: [This is part of a series called 'The Unexpected Misadventures of Robloxia' more info can be found here: http://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=410392 ]
#119993671Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:27 AM GMT

~CS Sheet~ Name: Conner Syxtofre Profession:Adventurer/Storyteller Items:Staff of the Woodlands Bio: An Adventurer of the world, Conner has helped to save the world twice in recent history with his close friends. Most notable feature? He is entirely monochromatic due to a accident with turpentine and magic, he's not fond of talking about it.
#119997328Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:56 AM GMT

(Wow, I do not like the new forum layout. Kinda like iOS7.) ~CS Sheet~ Name: Hint Core Profession: Knowledger/Scientist Items: Hyperlaser Gun, Handheld Scanner Bio: A Knowledger from the Orien who has accompanied Conner and Murph in previous exploits. Like all Knowledgers, he is, in fact, an android. Has an interest in overcomplicated science.
#120060317Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:42 AM GMT

Prologue: "Tick tock, goes the Clock" December 5, 2013 AC 1:35 AM The City of Timera laid in ruins as it had for seven hundred years. All of the museums in the city were closed, but that doesn't meant everyone was sleeping; creeping down every street were hooded Robloxians making their way toward the City Center. Each one wore an intricate robe with an hourglass design on their fronts, and each character was as mysterious as the last, silently marching down the streets. At the City Center stood thirty Hooded figures situated in front of Timera's Astrological Clock, one which laid dormant ever since the Timerians disappeared. "Let us call this Counterhour meeting to session" One of them said in a low tone, his white beard looking like sand falling through his Hourglass pattern As the twenty nine others grunted in response, the Bearded figure started "We've gathered here to finish what had begun centuries ago by our ancestors. We all remember what to do?" He asked before the rest nodded in agreement, "Sister Nine-Fifteen may you present the Watch?" He asked into the crowd A female figure responded "Yes, Father Midnight" Before going up to the Bearded figure with a large gilded pocket watch and handing it to the Bearded figure "Brothers and Sisters, may we chant to the Watch to finish what has been started. Bring our City back to life!" The Bearded figure said as the other members started to chant in a methodical and unknown language, as the pocket watch began to glow and tick. Soon, a golden light shined from the pocket watch and quickly traveled down the bearded figures arm and robe onto the cobblestone path, before quickly spreading across the City Center and into the city. The light traveled up the Astrological Clock Tower and started to move gears and springs, soon the old machine ticked and tocked as it chimed for Midnight as it meant to centuries ago. The golden light traveled all across the City of Timera, it repaired every crack it could find, every ruined building became new, each dead tree sprung back to life Before long the chanted subsided and the golden light diminished, "Brothers and Sisters;" Father Midnight said, "Welcome to The High City of Timera" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 6, 2013 9:13 AM Conner tapped his foot impatiently as he stood outside Runer's Tower in Cardinal City. "I'm pretty sure Hint said he'd be here by now, that or I'm an hour early...." He said to himself as he looked around the plaza; near him was the latest issue of 'The Cardinal City Cardinal' and with his curiosity getting the better of him, Conner looked over the front cover "'Ancient City of Timera mysteriously reappeared'? Interesting..." He quietly said while rubbing his chin in thought (Oh it feels wonderful to do this again...)
#120063157Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:08 AM GMT

"Ah! So sorry! You are down there, right?" A head, presumably the owner of the yells, looked one of the towers many windows. "Yeah, you are down there! Sorry, Conner! Some of my equipment fell out, so I needed to stuff everything in the bag again. But, I'll be right down!" The fellow smiled down from his perch and popped his head back into the tower. After a few moments, a whirring was heard from the tower, followed shortly by a ding. And, with that, the doors opened, revealing a disheveled looking android, struggling to close the backpack he was holding. "Good grief, when I get a moment I really need to sort out this sorting system. I really can not afford to have some of the stuff I carry around here randomly popping out because the system decided that it suddenly didn't fit categorization. Anyways," said Hint Core, flinging the backpack over his shoulder and beaming, " good morning, Conner! You ready to go visit the 'lost city of Timera'?"
#120064428Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:20 AM GMT

"Ah, there you are!" Conner exclaimed, "I was wondering why you called me up about visiting the City, I now see why..." He said pointing over to the newspaper he was just glancing over. "I don't see why not, we'll take the Ventura!" Conner said before adjusting his scarf and started across the plaza
#120064927Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:25 AM GMT

Heh, I remembered this old thing. I couldn't maintain activity so I quit during the Ice Queen RP. Brings back some good memories.
#120066805Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:45 AM GMT

Dust began to swirl across the plaza in front of Conner and condense into the shape of a familiar volcanic Robloxian. The dusty mirage spoke with an also familiar voice: "Hello? This stupid thing working? Yes? Good. Conner, I can hardly believe I'm asking you of all people something but I need assistance. There's a-" a loud explosion is heard and the Murph mirage falls to the ground. "Yeah, turns out the snowpocalypse left a present just for me. At your nearest convenience could you-" bizarre hissing sounds and more explosions are heard. "Oh, it is ON." The dust poofs back to normal as quickly and randomly as it started.
#120068400Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:03 AM GMT

"Well then," said Hint, observing the spot where the mirage had been with a puzzled look. "It appears we will have to visit the city of time at another time." (Badum tsss)
#120070406Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:25 AM GMT

"Well we still should take the Ventura" Conner stated before going on his merry way to the edge of the City with Hint in tow. Beyond the City walls was an Airship docked low to the ground, it was a normal wooden galleon with a large leather balloon, all in all it looked very normal for an airship...if Robloxia was frequent in Airships "What I'm curious is how this thing took a year and a half to do anything"
#120071287Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:36 AM GMT

"Not sure," said Hint, jogging to keep up. "Perhaps some form of hibernation? Given the coldness of the area when it arrived, it wouldn't be too far out if that were the case. It would help to know a bit more about it, but, eh, what's a person to do?"
#120071837Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:44 AM GMT

"Perhaps..." Conner said before climbing the rope latter dangling from the ship, "That would explain why we haven't heard from him since that whole thing" he continued as he climb aboard the ship before going to help Hint up. "Murph's Volcano is out in The Wastelands, right?"
#120072166Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:48 AM GMT

(Aw, gotta go for tonight. Sorry! D:)
#120143346Friday, December 13, 2013 3:18 AM GMT

"Yeah, it's in the Wastelands. Luckily for us, it's not too far into them," said Hint, following Conner up the ladder.
#120148977Friday, December 13, 2013 4:30 AM GMT

"Ah, great. Just gimme a minute" Conner replied before going into the room at the stern of the airship. Some rustling and a crash was heard before Conner emerged with a map. "Alright, southwest it is! Come along, Hint" He said before leading Hint into the room at the bow, the room was fairly large with windows all along the front walls leading out with a wheel towards the front, the rest of the room was decorated with many different machines with many different functions. Conner walked up to the ships wheel and flipped a switch to the right of it. From under the ship a loud whirling was heard as both Conner and Hint slightly lurched as the Ship started to move from it's parking spot. "Next stop: Mt. Murph!"
#120226228Saturday, December 14, 2013 5:41 AM GMT

December 6, 2013 1:10 PM The Ventura flew above Robloxia's Baseplains, effortlessly gliding it's way to The Wastelands. Hint was pacing back and forth around the machines, no doubt thinking about something, while Conner was busy looking intently at the map he grabbed from his quarters. "Are we even going the right-GAHH!" He yelled in frustration before knocking on the wooden wheel of the ship twice. Suddenly a small compartment on one of the larger machines opens up and a small baseball-sized sphere floats out. "Hint, meet ROSALINA: Robotic Operating Systematic Aeronautical Lightweight Integrated Navigational Android. She's the ship's Navigator." He says before the small sphere floats over to Hint
#120269263Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

"Hm? Oh, fantastic!" said Hint, turning to look at the orb. "Did you make her?"
#120277017Saturday, December 14, 2013 9:55 PM GMT

"Technically, found her frame battered out near Bog Easy and found an A.I. thingy in a junkyard in Casino Canyon. Brought both to a friend of mine in Ciudad de los Muetos and he fixed her up, good as new!" Conner replied, looking back at the map, "Hey Rosa, this is the right way to The Wastelands, right?" At that moment the androids LED eyes blinked white as soft beeping was heard, in a second her eyes returned to normal and nodded yes "Great, second question: Where'd you leave the snow shovels?" He asked, looking out the windows as they began to be pelted with snow
#120278835Saturday, December 14, 2013 10:15 PM GMT

"Really? Snow? Doubt Murph's happy about that," said Hint. "Say, though, has his volcano been frozen this entire time? I never really followed up on that. Or, was it just that some ice monster has been hiding in his house for the past few months?"
#120286549Saturday, December 14, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

The Ventura's windows began to be pelted with more than just snow. Tiny embers and bits of ash were mixed with the fluffy flakes of snow. The ash began to collect at a more intense rate, and the snow turned to hail. A hailstone the size of a fist smashed into the window, shattering and leaving a tiny crack in the glass. In response, a fireball of roughly the same size sailed past. Larger and larger spheres of ice and fire whizzed past the Ventura. Practically a glacier twice the size of the ship soared past, obscured by the fog. A red light glowed through the hailstorm, presumably the location of the volcano.
#120288729Sunday, December 15, 2013 12:08 AM GMT

"Ah! Um, Conner, I do think it would be quite advisable to land the ship n-OW!" Hint yelled in a panicked voice, as a piece of hail smashed through the glass and hit him in the leg, causing him to fall over. "Oh for crying out loud!"
#120304055Sunday, December 15, 2013 3:04 AM GMT

"Sorry! I can't see anything!" Conner yelled as Rosalina floated over to Hint to check on him. Conner sailed the airship higher, trying to get above the cloud layer of fire and ice. All the while trying to avoid any fireballs or hailstones that might damage the ship. "Hint, I know it's absurd right now; but I'm gonna need you to head below decks to the Cargo Hold. Down there you'll find an assortment of Bots. One of which has flamethrowers for arms. If you could activate him and bring him up, that would be ama-ZING!" Conner screamed as he sharply turned the ship to avoid a car-sized ball of ice, "What the bloody hell is happening!?"
#120305298Sunday, December 15, 2013 3:17 AM GMT

"No idea what's happening, honestly!" yelled Hint, getting up, and struggling to stay upright. "But, sure!" With that, Hint sprinted out of the room and stumbled down the stairs to the cargo hold. He ran into the room and, once there, immediately stopped, staring in awe at the amount of bots floating around in the hold. "Alright, then," Hint said to himself. "Let's find a flamethrower robot."
#120306290Sunday, December 15, 2013 3:29 AM GMT

Conner finally brought the ship above the layer of dense clouds and eased the ship to continue heading to Murph. "That, was weird. What the hell has Murph been doing since we saved The Frost Queen?" Conner asked the floating android who only gave a look in her eyes that simply said 'I dunno!' "It's weird, confusing and just....woah..." He trailed off as Conner got a look at the Volcano. A raging blizzard was swirling all around the mountain as a frozen pillar of ice and rock was stuck mid-eruption from it's crown. All the while two figures could vaguely be seen in the raging snowstorm. "What has Murphy gotten himself into..."
#120307278Sunday, December 15, 2013 3:40 AM GMT

"Got it!" Hint called from the hallway, and then proceeding to run in with the flamethrower android. "So do we just let him go-oh my goodness, what in the world is that?" Hint asked, referring to the column of ice. "This is insane. Murph's supposed to be Mr. Heat, and his whole house is frozen. Did the volcano not get the memo that the snowpocalypse is over?"

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