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#12086509Friday, July 31, 2009 7:20 PM GMT

ive been thinking this alot, and there should make a new guitar gear that could play different notes, u know how to change the chores on the one that we have??? its almost the same, but instead of "lkjhg" there would be "lkjhgfdsa" the "l" is the lowest note.. and "a" is the highest, so each letter is a different note, u dont have to press and click, so u just press a letter and the note comes out, it has to be like u can press it as fast as u want, maybe the notes should have the sound in a guitar solo, so ve can create solos online, that would be great, not only solos, but maybe songs too, so wat do u think, its possible, i really think that ROBLOX could do it, or who ever does it, because they are really good scripters (did i misspeled that or this?? lol) so, wat do u think of the idea??? i know alot of u would agree, a guitar that u can use online to create solos and songs, just imagine making your own solo without a real guitar, PLEASE write back,, thnx

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