#15378555Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:17 PM GMT

Elisa:Hey Dom...Glad you came...but...what happened to your shoulder?
#15378637Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:19 PM GMT

Dom "MG nest..." "I..I'm fine." I was a little out of breath from running like that.
#15378716Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:20 PM GMT

Elisa:*begins to climb a ladder*Lets go up...*climbs up**gets up quietly and attacks an MG Nest*That's for shooting Dom...*waves at Andel**goes back in*
#15378794Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:21 PM GMT

Andel I smiled when I saw ELisa wave. I ducked, just avoiding some fire. DOm I followed Elisa up the ladder.
#15378893Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:23 PM GMT

Elisa:A Floor Plan...convinient...*reads it*up that ladde- An Elevator rises up from below Elisa:*speechless*....nevermind...
#15378943Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:24 PM GMT

Dom I crouched and aimed my LMG at the elevator in case an enemy was in it.
#15379027Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:26 PM GMT

Some Soldiers Fired their Rifles as the Door opened Elisa:Whoa! There's no Cover inside the mech... Elisa:*shoots at the soldiers*Man...they have bad aim!!
#15379158Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:29 PM GMT

Dom "Yeah, I wonder who trained them?" I said as I fired at the soldiers.
#15379245Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:31 PM GMT

Elisa:My guess...no-body!! Soldiers:*all dead* Elisa:Come'on,lets use the elevato- The Mech shakes,due to one of its arms falling off..again Elisa;Whoa-Whoa-WHOA!!*falls off an edge but grabs the ledge with 1 hand,dropping her rifle down the entire Mech*
#15379310Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:32 PM GMT

Dom I dropped my LMG and reached down to Elisa. "Grab my hand."
#15379375Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:34 PM GMT

Elisa Struggled reaching for it,when it was close enough... The Mech shook again,and Elisa lost her grip...and she fell...
#15379438Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:35 PM GMT

Dom "Elisa! No!" I cursed at myself. I would finish this job. For Elisa. I picked up my LMG and got on the elevator and rode it up.
#15379577Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:38 PM GMT

Boche:WHATS TAKING SO LONG!!!!?! Minion:Uhh...the Elevator is coming up...looks like the soldiers were killed... Boche:Imbesiles...*takes a Rifle* Minion:*takes a Tactical Shield*il keep you protected... Boche:I CANT SEE!!!*whacks the minion away* The Elevator has reached top floor... {To be Continued...} {I gtg}
#15379699Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:40 PM GMT

(okay, bye..)
#15381931Wednesday, October 14, 2009 12:21 AM GMT

Johin "Tanya, do you have a shot?" asked Johin as their mechs setup on the ridge. Tanya's sniper rifle set in the ground, the stands deployed to allow better accuracy. "Pfh, I always have a shot." Was Tanya's snotty reply. "Whatever I can see I'm no use in this mech." said Johin as a hatch in the bottom of the floor in the coc-pit opened up. He grapped a rope with a triangular step at the end and it gradually lowered him down. Once he reached the ground he lied on his back relaxing his head on the foot of his mech. (Is it snowing? For some reason in my mind i see it snowing.)
#15382635Wednesday, October 14, 2009 12:33 AM GMT

"Well, this is boring. Man why did I have to go out into this cold?" Johin says this and gets back on the rope. The rope begins rising being pulled by an electric motor. As Johin gets back in his mech he activates his sensors and observes the battlefield carefully making moves on his chess board compared to the moves made by the sides. "You know Tanya? This is too easy for him to have thought this would actually work. He must be planning something and using this as a diversionary strike, OR he's just this stupid." said Johin, having made the moves, seeing only sudden reinforcements or a counter-attack on their base while Boche distracts them with this. "I really don't care Johin, just let me and my baby make this shot. Or else I'll still be happy because I won't have to listen to your constant yammering."(by baby she's referring to her mech obviously) "Well I got a faster system." Locks onto the leg joint and fires 4 NIRV long-range missles at it. "See I did it in 0.5 seconds. I just owned your fastest-aiming speed score." "Well my fault for being much better then my targetting system." She said as she lined up the shot finally. (Oh and they were out of the range of the EMP shockwave.)
#15390075Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:02 AM GMT

Elevator Opens Boche:HA!*aims Rifle at Dom*I got you first...
#15392328Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:55 AM GMT

Dom "I don't think so." I was crouched and I fired after I aimed at Boche.
#15392336Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:56 AM GMT

Tanya fires her mech's sniper rifle at the last remaining leg joint causing the collosal mech to collapse, shaking the bridge. "Finally you shoot, what was that five hours? Four?" Johin says this jokingly to Tanya. "Shut up." Said Tanya in reply as she locked and fired her missles at the bridge of the collosal mech.
#15392386Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:00 AM GMT

Dom I felt the mech collapse as the last leg joint was destroyed. I grabbed onto something nearby to steady myself and I kept shooting my whole clip at Boche.
#15392566Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:21 AM GMT

{I was playing Gee tee Ay...how addictive to drive around in a TANK!!!} Minion:IL SAVE YOU!!*dives and protects Boche in time..and dies eventually* Boche:O_O you...YOU!!! I WONT LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!!! SOLDIERS!! OPEN FIRE!!!! Soldiers:*sneaks Behind Andel and gets ready to shoot*FREEZE!!!
#15392646Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:30 AM GMT

{I waited...you are too late...} Soldiers(3 of them):*Shoots Andel before she could even re-act against them*
#15400314Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:23 PM GMT

Andel I fell to the ground, blood surrounding me. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I tried pulling out my pistol and I was able and I shot two bullets at each soldier before passing out, dropping my pistol. Dom "Yeah? Try me." I pulled out my pistol and shot a clip at Boche quickly then reloaded both my LMG and pistol easily.
#15406030Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:24 PM GMT

"Okay, Tanya provide covering fire for me. I'm going down there." Johin says this as he sends his mech forward. Deploying an idea they had installed during the briefing. "Landspinners away!" Johin says this and wheels connected to a boom drop from inside the legs of the mech. These wheels combined with a low friction plate on the bottom of the feet allow it to go in speeds in excess of 50Mph. "I got unidentified mechs 12 O'clock engaging, over." He appears behind the back lines and fires a PPC into the rear most mech. Quickly evading the rounds being fired at him using his newfound maneuverability towards his advantage.
#15422668Thursday, October 15, 2009 3:13 AM GMT

"YAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Was What Boche Yelled out before he dies...the mech was collapsing...Dom now has no choice but to jump out through the Bridge right before the Collosal Mech Hit the ground...,on the other hand... Jan:Send some aid...they should still be alive...somehow... Minion:Dispatching a medical Van and a few IFV Jeeps... Medic Truck:*can be seen in the distance* IFV Jeeps:*close by,like escorts*