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#121488041Sunday, December 29, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

PREVIOUS PHASE: http://web.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=119283227&PageIndex=1 [Go to the above link if you want to join. Will not accept very many new requests, though.] THEME: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oSMuTvDHCM WORLD MAP: http://piratepad.net/ep/pad/view/ro.wJAoJz3rz6/latest ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ YEARS LATER... You continue to grow. Perhaps the world you know undergoes a few changes. You change as well, perhaps learning new skills or going to new places. Your body is altered, perhaps growing stronger or thinner, maybe taller... You are now seventeen years of age, and still reside around the same area in which you grew up, most likely. Your memories are still strong. What has your past shaped you as? What did you do during this time period? How will it affect you in the future? -- ◘▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◘ RULES AND NOTES -See previous thread's rules. -Different seasons. -You can now do more things. -You can get into more trouble now. -A few new world events may be occurring. ◘▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◘ CHARACTER SHEET [Repost your previous character sheet as well, if you want.] CHARACTER NAME: APPEARANCE CHANGES: PERSONALITY CHANGES: CURRENT GOALS:
#121488471Sunday, December 29, 2013 12:51 AM GMT

CHARACTER NAME: Aaronus Stratus APPEARANCE CHANGES: He has grown taller, bulking up. scraggly blond hair, stubbley chin hairs PERSONALITY CHANGES: He has become less carefree, more of a reclusive person, keeping his thoughts to himself unless absolutely needed to be spoken. CURRENT GOALS: To become a disciple of druidism
#121488716Sunday, December 29, 2013 12:54 AM GMT

CHARACTER NAME: Phaestyllora APPEARANCE CHANGES: You can see that he's starting to grow a beard very slightly and a mustache is visible. Styll's hair is a lot darker now, more like brown than tan now. PERSONALITY CHANGES: Smarter. Styll as become smarter and he's more adventurous, disobedient, and well, I guess, a troublemaker. CURRENT GOALS: To learn to hunt and use a bow. Old CS: NAME: Phaestyllora Morjan (Likes to be called Styll) GENDER: Male /-\GE: [The age you want to be in your adult phase.] 25. If too young, 46. RACE: Forest Elf NATION: Forest Elven Concord APPEARANCE: [Physical. Do not include clothing unless you already know your rolled social status.] He has a very round face with a very light brown color for his hair. His eyes are an almond shape, tanish colour, and pretty small. For his skin, it's pretty pale, but not vampire pale.. just pale. Phaestyllora's eyes are pointy, his lips a bit chapped, and his teeth? Well, I guess they are straight-ish. He is an average height for his age. (Sorry. I'm not good at explaining these things..) PERSONALITY: [You cannot automatically be insane or heartless. You can become insane or heartless during the game, though.] He isn't shy at all, but he doesn't like talking as well. For sure, he gets mad fast and when he's mad, he's just quiet and when he's quiet, he's stubborn, and when he's stubborn, NOTHING gets done. He's only rude to his parents, but no one knows why. He also loves learning and reading. EXTRA: [If you want.] I'm excited. I'm bad at doing CS's. Bleh.
#121604505Monday, December 30, 2013 1:46 AM GMT

-Aaronus- You wake up with a start. There is some yelling outside. In your room, there is your coinpurse with 18 aurs in it, now. The axe from a few years back is still there as well, along with some old clothes. Over the years you have become slightly physically stronger. -Styll- You are in your bedroom. Your coinpurse with 25 aurs is sitting next to you on a stool, along with a bowl of cabbage soup. There is also a pig-sticking knife hanging on the wall in your room. Over the years you didn't really do anything, but you managed to gather some money.
#121605152Monday, December 30, 2013 1:52 AM GMT

(Finally back into essance) Aaronus Grab the axe and the aurs and step outside.
#121605426Monday, December 30, 2013 1:54 AM GMT

-Aaronus- You see Concordian soldiers with weapons drawn walking by. A royal sergeant is talking to a few farmers and two elves with glaives stand at his side.
#121605778Monday, December 30, 2013 1:57 AM GMT

Aaronus Set the axe aside and walk over as far as they will allow me and try to over hear them
#121610272Monday, December 30, 2013 2:33 AM GMT

NAME: Wunderstrike Shield of Scelland GENDER: Male /-\GE: 25 RACE: Isle Humans NATION: The Kingdom of Scelland APPEARANCE: One eye is blue, and the other is water blue. His hair is black and long (Shaggy hair styled basically, look at my robloxian's hair) he is pretty tall for his age, his face is handsome. He wears green clothing, his pants though are slightly baggy, and he wears a grey buttoned jacket over his green shirt. Has a silver bracelet. He is pretty skinny, allowing him to move fast, although he isn't that strong. Flexibility is much greater than his strength. His skin is a tan color. (Might add more stuff, just not remembering everything.) PERSONALITY: Despite being close to royalty, he tries to act like your average 13 year old. Often reckless and kind, although when needed he will become serious and careful. Funny. EXTRA: Just a bio? (A small one) Bio: He is wanting to study the art of war, and become a warrior. THE ORIGINAL POST ^ NEW POST CHARACTER NAME: Wunderstrike Shield of Scelland APPEARANCE CHANGES: He has a bit more strength and muscles. His hair has become slightly shorter, and he is taller. He is slightly stronger than flexible, although he still retains most of his flexibility from his age of 13. PERSONALITY CHANGES: He became a bit more stubborn, and a little less kind. CURRENT GOALS: Becoming talented in the ways of fighting, swords and war hammers especially. Becoming more known though-out the land.
#121624052Monday, December 30, 2013 4:37 AM GMT

Styll I stand up, stretching out my arms and legs. Then, I eat my soup quickly and messily, then grabbing my coin purse. Then, after that, I walk out my room and into the kitchen.
#121639201Monday, December 30, 2013 7:35 AM GMT

NAME: Mun Mun of Renford GENDER: Male /-\GE: 18 RACE: Rove Human NATION: Valclay APPEARANCE: Wearing mostly rags Mun-Mun is not small nor tall, rather he is average. Because of his mother and him moving to the City of Lassex they managed to slightly prosper and now Mun Mun has shoes. Alongside all of this his hair has been recently cut and he took a dip in a nearby lake cleaning off. Brown eyes and hair. PERSONALITY: Mun-Mun dreams of war, having helped in a battle effort changed his viewpoint on life, he has an interest in weaponry and watches the soldiers train. Even though changes occurred Mun-Mun still loves to spy and does so easily. EXTRA: Survived the Battle of Renford, he also knows one of the Guardsmen, an archer by the name of Therge Brumswellow, who he personally helped during the assault.
#121639268Monday, December 30, 2013 7:36 AM GMT

(old one above, new below)
#121639427Monday, December 30, 2013 7:38 AM GMT

CHARACTER NAME: Mun-Mun APPEARANCE CHANGES: Has grown a lot and muscles are very clear on the arms and legs. Although of this he isn't bulky but not a wet noodle. PERSONALITY CHANGES: He has become more responsible and feels more independent. He is some what naive. CURRENT GOALS: To become a soldier, or make meaning with his life.
#121645602Monday, December 30, 2013 9:37 AM GMT

[Both 'cepted.] -Aaronus- "Yes, your houses'll be safe. Move away from the area while we hold them off, or grab something 'an help us," the sergeant says. The farmers nod and walk off, and the soldiers to afterwards. -Wunderstrike- You wake up in your bedchamber. You have a steel shortsword hung up on the wall, and a coinpurse containing 67 aurs at your bedside. You have a quester horse in the keep stables outside. Over the years you learned how to ride. -Mun-Mun- You wake up in your same old cot. Your coinpurse has 18 bronze aurs in it, as well, and you have retained possession your tiny iron dagger. Over the years you became slightly more hardy. You also have gained one acquaintance, a slum resident known as Rony, who is 16, but nearly your age anyway. -Styll- There is no kitchen. Your mother cooks in the central hearth in your family's hovel. Thinking back, you remember that your two older brothers were killed in the war two years ago.
#121645819Monday, December 30, 2013 9:43 AM GMT

Mun-Mun "Mum- ye round?" I ask, putting on my clothing, purse, and dagger.
#121661083Monday, December 30, 2013 3:37 PM GMT

CHARACTER NAME: Faeran Kairos APPEARANCE CHANGES: Faeran is now much taller than he was, standing at around 5'6 or 5'7. His lighter brown hair has now turned a darker shade, and he has a slight chin stubble. PERSONALITY CHANGES: Faeran is now much more "hardened" than how he was as a child. Years of abuse from his parents, and him running away, has made this. He still is talkative though, and always enjoys a good conversation. His now has a much bigger wanderlust than he had as a child, causing him to always be on the move. CURRENT GOALS: No goals, he would rather take what the world throws at him.
#121666396Monday, December 30, 2013 4:43 PM GMT

CHARACTER NAME: Anndun Archaf of Birdlen APPEARANCE CHANGES: Anndun underwent normal pubertiy changes, growing in size, growing facial hair and developing a much deeper voice. He maintained his stocky built and remained as flexible as ever. PERSONALITY CHANGES: Growing up under his father influence, he developed a keen sense of honor and justice; the qualities he believes necessary for a good leader. He became more determined with his goals and can be considered quite ambitious. CURRENT GOALS: To continue his training so he can one day take his fathers place as the head of House Archaf.
#121681181Monday, December 30, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

Wunderstrike Take my aurs, and take the shortsword. Let's go look around, and see if people need help.
#121682184Monday, December 30, 2013 7:19 PM GMT

Styll As the flashback started, I shook it out of my head quickly. Why care for the siblings who don't talk to you?
#121697354Monday, December 30, 2013 9:53 PM GMT

[All accepted.] -Mun-Mun- This outfit is tight-fitting, but it works. "What do you need?" a voice asks from the another room. There is no food to be made, so she is not in the kitchen, likely. -Faeran- You wake up in an old warehouse. You have some new apparel, consisting of a woollen cloak, linen breeches, wrapped boots and a flax tunic. Sitting on a barrel is your coinpurse, containing 25 aurs. Your pocket knife and small satchel are there as well. Over the years you have become slightly stronger and have gained acquaintances in a small street band. -Wunderstrike- Where are you looking to help out? -Anndun- You wake up in your bedchamber. Your well-crafted steel shortsword is in its scabbard, hanging above your bed. On a stool next to your mattress is your coinpurse--containing a good 40 aurs. Closeby is a bottle of Calawalsian fine wine, quite pricey. Over the years you learned basic swordsmanship and riding. In the courtyard stables you have a white and brown strider horse, a stallion. -Styll- Folk often fall to the blades of the Feldatan imperials.
#121698413Monday, December 30, 2013 10:03 PM GMT

Wunderstrike Let's check with the guards first, to see :3 If they don't need anything, then to the stables!
#121699809Monday, December 30, 2013 10:15 PM GMT

Styll I walked out of our hovel and walked around. Any friends available to talk to?
#121701242Monday, December 30, 2013 10:27 PM GMT

[Switching to third person perspective.] Anndun slowly got up from his bed. He proceeded to dress himself, still half asleep. Gazing out the window, he noticed that it was pretty early. The sun was rising, giving the sky a certain reddish tint. He‘ll soon head down to the great hall for breakfast. It was early but nonetheless, the serveants were still in the kitchen.
#121712199Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:02 AM GMT

Mun-Mun "Just checkin' you were here! I'm going to go out!" I say as I walk out of the home.
#121714384Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:22 AM GMT

-Wunderstrike- Every guard you talk to states that they do not need assistance with anything, and say that they should be helping you. You walk outside to the stables. Your horse has its back turned to you, munching on some hay. -Styll- There are no other houses that are quite nearby, so no. You may have to travel to meet other denizens of this farming stretch. -Anndun- Often, gentry do not break overnight fast so early, and hold off eating until dinner. Still, any attendants that are up about will still oblige you if you are hungry anyway. -Mun-Mun- "Ah, okay," your mother shrugs. You walk outdoors.
#121715616Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:33 AM GMT

Mun-Mun Go to Ronys home and look for him.

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