#158596030Wednesday, March 25, 2015 3:54 AM GMT

"No." Melicore chided. "I suppose Spice had told you otherwise, but It was perhaps another way to pickpocket you. There is nothing, no secrets, in the vortex to hide.As it is one big space of peaceful darkness, it is bared for all to see." Stepping into the vortex, the spinning sensation swirls around them, before, as opening one's eyes, the familiar wide and pitch black space was laid out in front of the two.
#158596313Wednesday, March 25, 2015 4:01 AM GMT

"One big space of peaceful darkness, alright.." Ashe murmured as she repeated his words softly. 'Mm... Father would have enjoyed it here. A place where he could be secluded from the world.' She thought, her mind wandering back to her first visit to the Vortex. There wasn't much to contrast, besides the fact that Melicore had replaced Spice, but there was a similar darkness in the Vortex that resembled when one closes their eyes.
#158596595Wednesday, March 25, 2015 4:08 AM GMT

Melicore begin walking, going in whatever direction he felt the need of going in. Leading Ashe, they weren't bothered for a while, until the shadows that could not be seen the moment they had come in due to the trick of the eye started appearing. The demons watched from afar at first, but began to come closer to inspect the two. Upon seeing Melicore however, they retreated back. However... One came close. Very close. Breaking the silence, it shrieked and gnashed it's teeth in Roth towards the Guardian of Punishment. The pale male gritted his teeth. "Oh, enough. To hell with you." Unleashing his whip, Melicore lashed out at the creature the whip crackled above it's head, and it coward away- allthewhile whimpering.
#158597227Wednesday, March 25, 2015 4:25 AM GMT

Ashe, meanwhile, remained silent. Her eyes scanned the crowd of demons and took in their features. Due to her beastly features from her father's side, she was able to make out most off their distinct attributes. She remained quite calm as Melicore lead her along the Vortex, until a demon approached them. Her body twitched as silence was broken by the creature yet she said nothing about it, curiosity dancing in her eyes. The beast girl twitched again when the whip was cracked, causing her tail to jolt up with a start against her back. Still... Ashe said nothing.
#158781474Saturday, March 28, 2015 5:56 AM GMT

After much walking, a slightly coherent voice began ringing in the echoing darkness around the Guardian and the Beast girl. "Fifty bottles of scrumptious b.eer on the wall~!" Melicore's senses froze in tension, before he calmed almost immediately afterwards. He had seemed to have recognized the scratchy tone quite easily when they had gotten closer. Quite obviously, it was Spice. Shaking his head of deeply colored hair, The Guardian of Punishment began walking towards the sound wordlessly- almost leaving Ashe behind in the dust. There, just up ahead, where the silhouettes of The big and muscular Terrah, and the skinny Spice- who was skipping around the much older man while singing in a torturing manner.
#158799346Saturday, March 28, 2015 3:46 PM GMT

It was him... again. The one who freed her from her boundaries and took her on an adventure without any hesitation. Ashe nearly lost grasp of Melicore's sleeve as he suddenly made his way towards that familiar voice, which she took into memory, and hurriedly walked with him. She didn't want to get lost with all those other..demons or the sort. That would've suck. The beast girl said nothing as well, not wanting to break the silence she had around her and the Guardian of Punishment. Then again, Spice had already done so. Still... She had taken into the account to remain quiet, a trait earned from her mother.
#158806607Saturday, March 28, 2015 5:34 PM GMT

Melicore stopped a considerable distance away. He remained paused, and just stared on to the scene. It seems as if Terrah had noticed them first, as he stopped the younger red-head to point in the direction of the Guardian of Punishment and the Beast girl. Spice gave them one look, before gasping and hiding behind Terrah nervously. The brown-haired man gave an audible sigh, before taking Spice by the collar of his dark cloak and dragging him up to Melicore and Ashe. "Melicore." Terrah's deep voice rumbled in a greeting. Looking down, he nudges Spice forward and gave him a raised eyebrow. Spice sighed, pulling forward a bag. It was Ashe's.
#158819443Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:33 PM GMT

Ashe found herself releasing Melicore's sleeve slowly. She inched behind the Guardian of Punishment with her hands linked behind her back, seeming to shy away from both Terrah and Spice. It was unlikely to find her acting this way around people she had grown to known. Maybe it was because she didn't want to go up and take her bag. Or maybe it was because the beast girl was intimidated by Terrah. Ashe simply peered at Terrah, Spice, and her bag from over Melicore's shoulder in silence. It was impossible to tell what her eyes were saying, for her bangs hid her ocular organs like a curtain.
#158822826Saturday, March 28, 2015 9:18 PM GMT

Spice winked at Ashe suddenly. "Come on baby, nobody ain't gunna hurt ya."
#158845329Sunday, March 29, 2015 2:08 AM GMT

Ashe twitched, shrinking away from Melicore's shoulder and avoiding Spice's words.
#158848120Sunday, March 29, 2015 2:47 AM GMT

Spice snickered softly while shaking his head. Carefully, he reaches out and grabs her hand. Next, he sets the strap of the bag in her palm. Black eyes shimmering with a bit of sadness, he gives a pathetic grin. "Sorry, Ashe."
#158852531Sunday, March 29, 2015 3:44 AM GMT

"Don't apologize, stupid..." Ashe said, speaking up at last. "Words have less of an effect than actions do." Her fingers curled around the strap of the bag as she spoke. She brought the bag to her chest and cracked a weak smile. "Stupid Spice.." [ //goes to ship it even more ]
#158854099Sunday, March 29, 2015 4:05 AM GMT

(lol kiss kiss) Spice gasped. "You had me so worried, girl!" He glared up to Melicore with a totally suspicious look. "Did you influence her with your depressing attitude or something?" The Guardian of Punishment shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly in deep thought, which immediately got a soft chuckle from Terrah. "Thinking about somebody, Hm Mel? Melicore's single purple eye darted straight up to Terrah angrily, but he swiftly went his own way without answering. Spice screeched after Melicore at the top on his lungs, emitting a childish "OOOOOO!!!"
#158858356Sunday, March 29, 2015 5:11 AM GMT

[ //shoves spice n ashe together ] "Eh?" Ashe said, watching Melicore leave before glancing at Terrah, then back at Melicore and back at Terrah. She tilted her head to the side in confusion with a frown. "I admit... He certainly has a sense of depression around him, it was getting to me. Then again my father would get along with him, I suppose." She murmured. The beast girl slung her bag over her body and clasped her hands behind her back again. "Let see.. What did he tell me again?" Ashe questioned herself, trying to recall her memories from earlier with Melicore and... Kaine.
#158859156Sunday, March 29, 2015 5:24 AM GMT

(spice: sup homeboy) Terrah, once more, was serious again. He looked down to the two younger adults, and left once more for guard post. A calm, yet stern sincerity was emoting from him. Perhaps this is what he was like when he wasn't irritated or giving a cold shoulder. Spice flirtatiously wiggled both of his eyebrows in a silly manner. "Who told you what?"
#158859539Sunday, March 29, 2015 5:31 AM GMT

[ ashe: 'ello, stupid. ] Ashe tapped her finger against her bottom lip, before her eyes widened in recollection. She pointed to Spice, "Meli said you tricked me." She pointed to Terrah next, "Meli said you disapprove of me." The beast girl paused as she grinned a bit sheepishly before turning serious. "Meli hates me... And Kaine is to get me." The last part were a whisper.
#158860348Sunday, March 29, 2015 5:46 AM GMT

"Melicore hates everybody, and Terrah disapproves of everybody. That's common knowledge, sweet-cakes." Spice brought his fingers up to his face to place on both of his cheeks, blinking his red eyelashes quickly. "And whaaaaaaat, did you see my brother too! Shockers! What's the dude doing with his butt not in a throne?"
#158860911Sunday, March 29, 2015 5:57 AM GMT

Ashe waved off Spice's first statement with her hand, her attention fixed on him. "If I remember correctly, the old King is dead and Kaine is no longer a prince... He also gave me quite the flirtatious smirk, if I say so myself." She nodded her head, hair getting ever messier with strands poking out like twigs in a bird's nest.
#158861264Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:03 AM GMT

Spice's tan complexion had gone pale in a matter of seconds. His hands slid off of his cheeks and dumbfoundedly fell to his thin sides. "That means that..." he begins soullessly, "that Kaine is pharaoh."
#158861662Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:11 AM GMT

Ashe twitched, recalling Kaine's words again. She took a deep breathe and tried emptying her thoughts into a vault for later. Alas, no prevail for the daughter of the beast.
#158861813Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:13 AM GMT

Spice began shaking his head of pin-straight red hair and muttering. "No, no... how could that be? The king had many sons suitable. REAL kin to carry along the bloodline... Kaine was only adopted into royalty." The red head took a deep breath. "Ashe... I gotta go to Egypt."
#158862263Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:22 AM GMT

"Eh?" Ashe looked up at Spice with wide eyes. "Spice... He told me that he was going to get you, before I could. That he'd be seeing me again when Meli isn't protecting me like a little birdy." The beast girl said, finding herself shaking. "Are you really going..?"
#158862523Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:28 AM GMT

"No, not just me." He said firmly. "Terrah will come along if I ask all polite-like. Besides, Kaine becoming Pharaoh is worrying. If it's dangerous and worrisome, he'll always come along to help. He gets angry easily and will rampage, but he's friendly any other time. Honest." Spice looks to the black floor. "Also, I want you too come too. Y-you don't have to worry about Kaine attacking us or anything. I was going to force Melicore along as well, and Kaine will not harm us if we have Mel."
#158862816Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:36 AM GMT

"... You're going to make me deader than dead, Spice." She sighed, making her way over to him. "My father will order Cogsworth, Lumiere, and Mrs. Potts to go out on a world-wide search for me... But, since it's you we're talking about, so be it. I'll come for your sake and my own account." Ashe took his hands with hers. "Also, about Meli... Did he have bad connections with Kaine in the past? He's always so cold to your brother, who seems to act flirtatious in response."
#158921863Sunday, March 29, 2015 11:44 PM GMT

Spice set his hand on his cheeks again, grinning from ear to ear out of happiness when she said that she would come. However, when she mentioned Kaine and Melicore, he was downright enthusiastic to a scary level. He began giggling, before quieting down his voice. "Don't say anything about this around Meli-boo, it might make him more grump then usual. So get this hon... believe it or not, Kaine and Melicore used to be lovers."