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#12156712Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:05 PM GMT

I once knocked out 8 elephants with a carrot.
#12157820Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:29 PM GMT

Then killed 20 lobsters qwith salt
#12209337Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:06 PM GMT

...and then ran to the Andromeda Galaxy and back to the Milky Way Galaxy in less than a half of a half of a half of a half of a milli-milli-milli-millisecond.
#12209398Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:07 PM GMT

and then this thread got locked for copying teh contuniue the story game
#12209461Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:08 PM GMT

and then i talked to builderman and he was like "what the hey, i like this story" so he unlocked it
#12209823Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:14 PM GMT

but its gonna be locked by mr.doom bringer who has a little more athurity in teh forums
#12210674Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:30 PM GMT

but i just looked at the rules topic and didn't see any rule against what i did above
#12210799Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:32 PM GMT

u cant copy other games without the other game's player's permission
#12210928Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:34 PM GMT

i didnt copy another game and this isnt a game
Top 100 Poster
#12210950Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:35 PM GMT

I did a barrel roll!
#12210986Sunday, August 02, 2009 11:35 PM GMT

ok fine but watever
#12215428Monday, August 03, 2009 12:56 AM GMT

n he ran all the way to the other sideof tyhe galaxy in lesss then a 1/3 of a milisecond stoping to get a galactic soda

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