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#12174741Sunday, August 02, 2009 5:13 AM GMT

First off: I know this has probably been done before, no I'm not copying anyone because I've never seen a thread like this, so don't call me a copier, alright? In this you take place as a young adventurer in a mythical world. Right now, there is one faction, the Silver Dragons. Hidden around the world are magical scrolls, when absorbed you learn a magical power, also known as a spell. You and your group will search the world for these scrolls, to become powerful magi. But creatures stand in your path, will you brave the trials or die trying? Notes ~There is only one group at the MOMENT. If someone asks I will make another group and another character, I will always have a character in every group unless I die with that charcter. It's okay to have more than one character, but max characters of YOURS in a group are 2. If we had 3 groups then your max character count would 6. You do not have to have a character in every group. ~I will decide what scrolls you get. So no saying like you see a chest, open it and find a summon dragon scroll. If I say you can pick the scroll, i must be YOUR LEVEL OR LOWER. If I don't say you can pick then I will say what you get. You can ask me OOC if you could find a certain scroll, and I might make the next scroll you get that scroll. Also I choose when you level up. Period. So no uber leveling. I will almost never make someone gain more than a level at once. Character sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Favored Weapon: (The one you use most of the time and use the best.) Race: (Elf, Human, Dwarf, etc. NO UBER RACES) Starting weapon: (See below) Starting scroll: (A level 1 scroll from the list below) WEAPONS ~starting weapons Dagger (2 if you want) Short-sword Long-sword Gauntlets (spiked gloves) Bow Crossbow (takes longer to reload than bow) SCROLLS This is not a complete list EXCEPT FOR level 1. I may add or remove scrolls from other levels. ~Level 1 Burning Touch (touch spell) Freezing Touch (touch spell) Fireball (medium range) Fire Blast (short range, hits all enemies around you.) Frost Nova (Same as Fire Blast) Small Lightning bolt (long range, is weak though) Shock (Short range, stuns enemy it hits) ~Level 2 Blink (move at lightspeed for a point second, carrying you about 30 feet.) Outward Shock (Short Range, hits all enemies around you.) Freeze Water Melt metal. (Touch spell, will melt a metal piece up to 1 cube foot) ~Level 3 Summon Clay Golem CounterSpell (Deflect a shot spell, such as a fireball, does not work on touch spells or blast spells) Create Ammunition (Make up to 200 arrows or bolts per day.) I'm working on more spells. I'll update the list as we go along.
#12174951Sunday, August 02, 2009 5:21 AM GMT

Name: Sparik Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Brown Leather Armor, has light brown hair. Favored Weapon: Bow Race: Half-Elf Starting weapon: Bow Starting scroll: Shock
#12175621Sunday, August 02, 2009 5:45 AM GMT

Oh come on, I worked hard on this and still am.
#12175932Sunday, August 02, 2009 5:57 AM GMT

Name:xaiver Age:11 Gender:male Appearance:black hoodie (slits in teh back for wings),blue jeans, white and brown sneakers.black hair. Favored Weapon:guantlets (The one you use most of the time and use the best.) Race:half dragon half human (Elf, Human, Dwarf, etc. NO UBER RACES) Starting weapon:guantlets (See below) Starting scroll:fireball (A level 1 scroll from the list below)
#12176014Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:00 AM GMT

i want to plays :D (would half dragon half human be an uber race?)
#12176075Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:03 AM GMT

Name: Ryan Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: A knight. Favored Weapon: (The one you use most of the time and use the best.) Sword. Race: (Elf, Human, Dwarf, etc. NO UBER RACES) Human. Starting weapon: (See below) Sword Starting scroll: (A level 1 scroll from the list below) Shocked.
#12176181Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:07 AM GMT

Name: Aradicus Age: Unknown Gender: Male in appearance Appearance: He's a shapeshifter, but his preferred form is a pale-skinned middle age male with black spiky hair, wearing a silver bound black top hat. Also wears tuxedo with A in right margin and 13 in left margin. Holds a cane which can be used as a weak secondary weapon. Favored Weapon: His own power Race: Exiled god Starting weapon: Cane (works like a longsword) Starting scroll: None (Already has small power over time and darkness, which becomes stronger by feeding on the power from the scrolls) A small bio: He was the former god of time a hundred billion years ago. After losing a large portion of his power for attempting to abuse such, he was trapped in the state of non-existance. He was recently released accidentally in a failing experiment in 1913. Although he has lost a large ammount of power, he can still use some of what he has.
#12176193Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:08 AM GMT

[Yes, half-dragon is fine. I was planning it but wanted to use a bow so I picked Half-Elf. Also, you are allowed wings, but you can't really go fast with them.]
#12176222Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:09 AM GMT

[Fantasy, that means this isn't Earth, it takes place in a mideaval environment.]
#12176238Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:10 AM GMT

(k ill go about 15 MPH while flying)
#12176245Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:10 AM GMT

Aradicus: *looks around* So this is where that teleport took me. May as well explore. *attacks nearest hostile within level range*
#12176290Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:12 AM GMT

xaiver: 'flying above checking for enemies'
#12176307Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:12 AM GMT

(btw isnt exile god a little uber class.....)
#12176308Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:12 AM GMT

[@ ryann, what kind of sword, short takes 1 hand and is 2 feet long, long is 1 hand or 2 hand but easier with 2 hand, and is 4 feet long] Spark looked over the group. "There's supposedly a cave on the West side of the wood, hidden in a hill. Inside the cave there's a hidden entrance to a magical tomb. As you know, tomb means scrolls, scrolls mean we go there."
#12176316Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:13 AM GMT

(One handed one.)
#12176327Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:13 AM GMT

[@aradicus, you must be a part of the group. Also I said no uber races.]
#12176332Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:13 AM GMT

Aradicus: *Does a magnificent finisher with cane, steals all posetions of the corpse and move on searching for scrolls*
#12176334Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:13 AM GMT

xaiver: 'flies back down' it seems our journey will be quite safe spark
#12176345Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:14 AM GMT

xaiver: a few enemies but i bet we can take them....mostly wolfs.
#12176387Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:15 AM GMT

"Ah, wolves are nasty suckers in packs. Good thing we have mister knight here to be bai- I mean hero and distract them since he's wearing armor."
#12176396Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:15 AM GMT

It's not an uber race. He's exiled meaning he's about as strong as an weaponless, un-armored master chief with extremely minor powers. Aradicus also works alone, so just delete me if that's a problem. I'm not joining a team, and i'm not having the team join me.
#12176415Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:16 AM GMT

I run to Spark.
#12176429Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:17 AM GMT

*hunts for scrolls*
#12176433Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:17 AM GMT

xaiver: but we better stay kinda quite...while i was flying i saw a gryphon...
#12176446Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:17 AM GMT

[Aradicus, the point is working as a team.] "Yes, Ryan?" Spark said, a slight smile on his face.

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