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#121870140Wednesday, January 01, 2014 4:53 AM GMT

Sorry for the extra anime thread, guys. I'm not really a huge anime guy, but this seems interesting. Should I watch some?
#121870670Wednesday, January 01, 2014 4:57 AM GMT

I've only seen a few episodes, but I liked what I saw in them. It's a bit old, and the animation is obviously dated, but from what I hear it is a timeless classic. I'd say go for it.
#121873344Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:15 AM GMT

#121873406Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:15 AM GMT

It's a great anime. Also there are remake films. They've done 3. The next one is the last one, I believe.
#121875938Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:37 AM GMT

Never seen one episode. :(

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