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#122068229Friday, January 03, 2014 1:06 AM GMT

(My First RP) The world has come under siege by the U.S. Government, as it's elected officials sprung up a very much sinister agenda, many countries were spun out of control as a very real situation sprouted, spook agents began showing their ugly faces in high positions of law. First to fall was Thailand, moving onto Japan, and then devouring Iran, followed by China. The threat had become much terrifying after Canada tried to force itself into the U.S, becoming conquered after a long waged border-war. The world was not so quickly done yet, as the new U.S. based leaders soon had control of all countries, chaos broke out, and people were plagued with their own disease: Greed. Humanity diminished, and the planet tore apart into thousands of small-based countries, banded together, and separated by numerous walls, over-watched and outmatched by the CuRhen Military, forged originally to keep the world in peace, now lead a gruesome dictator ship, not by scaring, but by cutting off. People were finally left alone, but struggled to maintain resource, farming was the only reliable factor left. Today, people build their own civilization, with their own laws, their own technology, and with no knowledge of the other thousands of countries own priorities. ---------------------------- Citizen CS -- Name: Age: Appearance: Personality Nationality: (Since there are many countries, you can pick these -> Normanda, Wentyuy, Jaea -- All Beside each other) Bio: (Must be small, but understandable) Weapons: (If you have one or a few, no more then 3 weapons, must be logical!) Job: (If you're Military, skip this) -- [ Military Only ] CS: Rank: ----------------- RULES --> No GodModding Please No Superpowers, No vampires, No crazy mutation stuff, just realism No starting huge wars with The Curhen, remember, they are a powerful military with advanced weaponry, they will kill you. Basically just be realistic, make a good story. ------------------ Name: Uren Age: 27 Appearance: Short, bearing a large brown cloak, my features are hidden permanently for mystery factor Nationality: Jaea Bio: Was born into an farm home, I worked with my father to satisfy his needs, until he passed away suddenly due to factors I didn't know about, I moved on, selling the farm, and becoming a weapons dealer in Jaea's central city. Weapons: Two hidden needles in my sleeve with toxic injection, Compact Shotgun Job: Weapons Dealer I'll put down the names of the people I've added.
#122068502Friday, January 03, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

(That CS is an EXAMPLE)
#122068591Friday, January 03, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

sounds like lmad
#122069200Friday, January 03, 2014 1:15 AM GMT

#122069358Friday, January 03, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

Links allowed for appearance?
#122071993Friday, January 03, 2014 1:43 AM GMT

#122132697Friday, January 03, 2014 5:38 PM GMT


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