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#122260581Saturday, January 04, 2014 8:11 PM GMT

I'm constructing a roughly 200k part HIGH HIGH detail version of Venice. 1st question: How tall is a robloxian? 2nd: How many parts can I have with streaming enabled? 3: Use traditional or modern water (Blue part or robloxian trainne) 4: Any suggestions? Thanks!
#122262444Saturday, January 04, 2014 8:30 PM GMT

A robloxian is 5 studs high, but if you count the mesh and hats they would be a bit taller. The thing that really counts is the 5 studs.
#122264410Saturday, January 04, 2014 8:53 PM GMT

1st question: How tall is a robloxian? 2nd: How many parts can I have with streaming enabled? 3: Use traditional or modern water (Blue part or robloxian trainne) 4: Any suggestions? Thanks! 1: 5 studs + hats 2: Not more than 100k IMO 3: Modern water looks a lot nicer, except it's more tedious to build with. 4: Start with the basic city, then go into detail. If you get too caught up in detail you will lose inspiration for the project quickly.
#122335690Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:30 AM GMT

Any more advice?
#122336381Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:51 AM GMT

1. An average ROBLOXian without any hats will be 5 studs tall, 2 studs for the legs, 2 studs for the torso and arms, and 1 stud for the head. 2. Not sure, sorry. 3. I personally think the modern water looks more realistic, but the traditional water looks more classic and suits ROBLOX more than the modern water. 4. Don't use too many parts, some user's computers can't handle that much parts. Keep the part level to a minimum, but keep the detail level high, if you know what i'm saying. Add details to the more important things, remove parts from the less important things. One more thing, good luck, I hope your project turns out to be successful.
#122338422Sunday, January 05, 2014 11:56 AM GMT

@Mac, Thanks, I have a fair bit of determination. I'm really going for it. http://gyazo.com/a5a3fa0bd2afe3d1648e8bc93f48a5c1 I've done a bit more than that but it's a relativly recant picture
#122340001Sunday, January 05, 2014 12:36 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/VENEZIA-ITALY-Hotel-Aman-Grande-Canel-place?id=141126834 If you want to take a look it looks great already. There is more to it than what the front picture suggests

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