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#122579153Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

2015 C&G time Capsule ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ My time capsule is back! Here's my previous one: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=88543667 I am doing another one. This time, for the grand year of 2015! This forum will contain 2013-2014 major changes, or even some legendary events that have occurred in the clan world. Even a another C&G list. ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ 【Major Events from 2013-2014】 //Roblox Assault Team/The New Frostarian Union Crisis// Ever since ColourTheory retired as the Grand Admiral of RAT. RAT has decreased in member count, activity, skill, intelligence, and almost every old aspect. Washed away. By from who? The answer is Grand Admiral cjsaurusrex. He has showed major favoritism to people, including his beloved, nukeysaurusrex. Chaos has broken in RAT, and hatred has been spilled on cjsaurusrex. ColourTheory created NFU in hopes in re-gaining RAT. However, after months. Piede and Tenal announced NFU was no longer a rebellion; But a new clan formed on old and true Frostarian principles. Eventually, Piede quit roblox, and Tenal took control. Tenal is currently reforming NFU and had major future plans-But, the question is, what are these plans? //The Grand Imperium/The Vaktovian Empire War// After months of threats and hostilities. Sometime after ToberDam became the leader of TGI; He formally declared an endurance war upon Vaktovia. Vaktovia accepted the war. For months, they battled out. Eventually, ToberDam called the war 'stilled', when there are fights saying it's not Stilled, and he simply doesn't want to deal with the war anymore, when the Vaktovians wish to fight back. Eventually, Castellian took control of TGI. Hostilities have not ceased and continue to increase. //United Clan of ROBLOX Issues// UCR has been through true hell. When poisonlava became president; She did indeed host, and was active. But she failed to listen to her peers, and made rash decisions based on her knowledge, not others. After a long while of criticism. She eventually passed the clan to a WIJ High-Rank, dizzdazz4. Dizz proved to be the most inactive President of all time. He barely did anything, and left UCR to rot slowly away. Eventually, Jko, ROBLOXHAMTAH, and others talked to him, and convinced him to step down. He gave his Presidency to jkoscar02. Who has been working tirelessly on UCR with the help of Benblue, hacker1leo, ROBLOXHAMTAH, and other UCR veterans. UCR went from failing-To a slow increase of hope and power. //The C&G Council\\ After a few years, catlord5 finally handed over his precious to Council to a new owner in hopes of achieving its formal glory. Lissitski is the new Council owner, and has installed some new reforms. Such as a "Ancient" rank and appointed new Council people. and having votes upon the Council, making the Council more of a democracy. //Power Clans of the Year// Power clans such as VOID, Arcen, Tza, The Sovereign Dominion, The Sovereign Unity, Kevlar, and Frigid have made a huge impact on clans this year. ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ 【C&Ger List 2013】 (Credit to Flammus) - [#] - 022609 022981 1qazxc23 1yesman9 123dragon184 2tallhank 2unknown2 23Ar23Jordan23 360NoScoped 42mg 700odin007 7890jj 8SunTzu8 93599 - [A] - aaronjarvis5656 AbbadonTheDark Abillityx ActionStories Acurus Adam335 adpunk4445 ADSFxXCharXx AdvorsusDuo AFlammusList555 AgentJJT agotart7 AJAXfreak567 AK47pwned3 Akbarr al0829 alexangulo Alexnatboy AlexR1212 alexthebloxer3 Allocated ALMEC Alpha5001 Altair55 Amandur Amaster55 Andrew2899lee anthony4444444 Aphexi apple976 aqous5 Arcainek arcaneclone Arcarius Archteryx arcticglalian ArgentumAutumn Ariff Arliss1707 Armanos Arsentic Artia44 Artifically AtmosphereTheory Atomicblast180 Atomicwaldo Atrixeagle1 Audits awesomeadam76 awesomealan1 awesomebigkoko awesomecaptainbeast AwesomeKillerKevin awesomelilwayne29 AwesomeMarshmallow Awesomesniperman1 awesomojohn awesomoshane Azeekee1 Azurixide - [B] - backstop99 badboy392 BaIance Bandolero101 barricade30 barry1234 bazookapotato Bbal belial52 ben0203999 benblue BenBonez BerserkTurtles bidoof77 bigaquawave BIGBUCKS999 bishopabc123 BlackKnightXx blackmagic22 Blackpig72 BlackRainfall bladexflame blazar BlazeMan54 Blazzed blend000 bliza bloodbred bloxed bloxed bloxy980 bluebreez1 bluefredy Bluegunfire BlueJimmies BOBO55552 bobosaid Bomatic BoostPowah BOSSXD BoyWind BOZZSYLUX brandon6099 brian987987 BrianK2355 bryanjunsuh bubbaroots Buc391 BuildingBrandon Bulq bunter54 - [C] - CalSwagDsitrict camabamma campy camrocks918 CapRex213 Castellian Castellnus catlord5 Celestrian chanomano charliespartan300 Che46 CHELSEASOCCER chickenlord Chris1085 chucknorris250 Cintheus ClansAndGuilds clonetrooper039 COD4MW2king codyxxxxc codzombies13 CoejoeTheGreat Coggmatic ColdPow ColdSmoke Collin201 ColourTheory combokonex Commander747 commanderfury Compressor CongoCombo connorking88 Convoulted cookie1024 coolalbet coolblox467 cooldude816 coolmonkey676 CoolPatchyList123 CoolPatchyList75 cowboysrock99 CrakTheRaven cregyD crockdile crome60 crplsteve Crystal55 Cubyfan2 CVFX3 Cyborgtheory - [D] - DaBubs DarkArcane Darkclock666 darkfire261 Darkggod DarkHeartSkillz DarkLuigiLType DarkQueenAlitranna darktrooper600 DarkVakt daruto3 Dasher911 davester14 davidms55 dawson2063z DeadEclipse DeadlyKratos Deathjason06 deboot Deceptional decknut200 Dekord Demetreous Demoneater111 DesertedChrome DetectiveSpartan Devin5134 devinzeth Dharek Diablostwo Diggy25 Digitizing diglet8 DinoFlammusList55 dinosaurmester DiscoHeaven DistrictSwag diuto717 Doctor123lego DoctorCooper DoctorCyrus Domeboybeene dommel101 doomguy9000 DoomSword99 DRagon96xX DragonDX1 DragonOfTime draman78 Drazeox drdumke2 DrWaffler DSepic4ever dslord22 duck14 DuckyPatchyList333 DUDEman5599 dudeshark Duelingwarlord DullTitan DuncanD Dynamite2787 DZyrus - [E] - eagletouch eatableswat EchoDuplication Eclipsin Eddren EFRAINROSARIO Electerizer eletrowiz elite6247 EliteaTiki EliteFlammusList99 ELLYKINS Elotus Embracing EminemIsWhite eminemrocks93 emporerj EmpressAlexa EmptyBaseplates EnchantedWaffle EncounterTheory enes130 Entonas342 epicthunderbird Equals3 Eraticus EternalImperator Evelio95 Evess eviljeffhardy21 ExplosiveGrenade ExtremeStormTrooper Exuberate ezaiahs - [F] - fabiao fabiao14 facebookrobloxcool fallenflash Falsewarrior000 FELOOx Ferasrocas fernak fghrty77 fighter97man fiht345 FinalFlame12 fireantfive fireboy902 FIRECAKE fireman658 Flam3Wolf Flameboy45 FlameFunnyButt flaminwolf123 Flammus flavor147 FleskhjertaOwns Fluxoid FoggedOut footballfreak1122 ForeverJohn Foreverly Fortitudo Fortone fourpapa1 fox1238 Frightfulness Frized fruitbox fruz fryber11 funnymagic8ball FunnyTennisCat furt7483 FuryCommander Fyritas - [G] - Gammer0932 Gargix Gasleaks General18919 generalfolley GeneralKai GeneralLunar GenPatchyList ggballing GGGGG14 gh98765 Ghettoneff Ghost3650741 Gigazic gking19 Glocktech goar24 gokured1234567 goodnamesalltaken GreatAmnesia greatmen greatswordpwner greekdagreat GrimmReaper7 groovyclone GroupFlammusList13 GrownCool7 gtboy7 - [H] - haden007 HaHaHaFail HailMario halo83 hammer124 HAMSTARSK Handwritten HappyRed3CP hardy359 Harveer12121Alt HatianDragon6400 hawkeyesnathan421 HawkFlammusList1950 Hawkstick1878 HD188753 HeartbreakingBlaze HeatSucks111 HelloSlackers Heroofskill highcyndaquil HippieVanz HMAX12 Hockey868 Hollowbyakuya Holmes01 HospitableRoblox2 hulkone HungryDJgod HunterBeastKiller123 hydrodash - [I] - IAmTheState iBurke iBurning iC7G icvdude IcyBlox iFlammusList Ignitos igoing2win Igotgame102 iJJamAwesome iKeyloggz ilovebaseball12 Imaginatived ImAwesomeFoo Imitater imnotaguestimagirl ImperatorChaos Imperatos Imperiatus InatorTheory InfraredVision Infuscate IntelFlammusList123 IntelliTroodon IntenseSnows InvictusRex iPerfume IPwnedYou123 irockyourheadoff Irrelative isaaclovespeas iSena Ishinoshiro2 ISOLAYTOR iStOlEuRcAnDy isunlinkpk ISY111 Italyman99 Iysander - [J] - J40ooxx Jack37b JACKSONTYLERHALL jacky051 JacobProne Jadusable JamalMarley jamiethedevil jamkid12 Jammintoad jasonf12 JG13579 jhonny1202 jijibo1 Jipll jjjakey Jman88s joeycoolio jonman11 JordanRaptor joshua101814 Jrakey justin2865 - [K] - K1D4 Kaboose671 kaelan01 kai165 Kalma733 Kasert kashawn100 Kellapod kerrets Kevaknight keybladebearersora kidcool1111 KidPatchyList500 KIeos KILGO65 killer1234455 Killer6199 killercorvette kingnuman KingOfFencing KingXulq kingzeb kjet kjr51 KoalaOfWonder koletonswagger Kondou krazo5092 kyle90038 kylerocks444 Kyrosoid - [L] - LadyFlammusList LadyMoo LadyRosevanSong LadyVengeance LagginDragons laneysuarez10 Laszlo1000 LawlLessNess Lazia lDragons Leeman102 Lefty13 legodude12 legostarwars98745 lejam7890 Levidoo6 lightningshadow1 Lissitski logmanjr lolzbored LordCheerios LordDacter LordDionysos LordElectro LordFlammusList LordGando LordHyx LordIsacal LordKaname LordMeowsers lordmerick LordMiltonious LordNobody LordOreo LordStriked LordVydrak LosDorito Lucara Lucario1991 lucypinsocute Lunarian LunaScamander Luscelle - [M] - macedonianelite Madonna Maic1 MajorBismarck marcopolo444 mario555555 MARIOREX6464 maro846 MaroFlammusList1056 maste1925 MasterGamer1998 MasterKrux Masterlock MASTERMATT564 Materialization Mathi777 mattblocks MaZeR98765 McVoss med Meekle13 meercat991 MegaDragonxxx MegaE800 megapachi47 MegaPatchyList123 Melisa131 Meowmixxed meto02 METTALOID MexiMan michael6589 micol2242 MinatoTheHokage MintyFr3sh MissAntarctica MisterMiles05 MisterNewbieKiller MisterPandora mitch126790 MM54321NO1FAN Moderately momo113 mrbeastcod mrpaperman mrrecon119 MRro33blox mudkip123456 mugged MysticAce - [N] - n0vawaffle nahom007 NatAdd Navation ncusa17 Negativeone neirin123 NeoEclipse nick2cool1 nick3112 NightFlammusList43 NightKnight2 nightstalk95 Ninja2e ninja7869 nirvanadude nitroyoshi9 Notom Novarum nowihaveyou - [O] - Obtention Offensively Olethrus olldeath omarwwazzan omgking102 Omnovia Oppius OptiTheory orthis OwneD1991 OwningDutchMan Ozzymen - [P] - paintballzombiedude pandatoby PappyJr99 Paracosm Parthax pat5556 patchypat paul321321 PeregrineFalconz PerilousDanger peterp12 phantom1616 Phantom357alt PhantomNinja18 PieFlammusList106 pieisgreat piman1026 platinum467 PLOOBER33 plooberp33 pokecatchsoul pokemaster901 pokemonJ7 Pokemonleader11 PoketSniperOps PooBrainz poppopbob88 practice Pragmatic PresidentPig pridak245 PrincessMarry probug Profucious Pryovin pumpedpwnage4life54 punkster1234567 Puppier PureskillNoluck12 purplelightning12 PurpleMicro PvtBogus Pyromachinist - [Q] - qqnoodle Quidditchman - [R] - Rabpit Radicalsoldier RaidSkills Rankenn RapidSpeed RapldBilly101 rareharryboy2 Rattlemans Ravone Razer100 Razghul RealPersa realsteel89 Reaven Reburm ReconXIV RedFlammusList88 RedRegrets560 RedSox4 Rektriangle Relictus Relods Restricting Rezdonox rhinguin Richochet richy8447 richy9558 richyard RileyYG RIPCWK RisingImmortal Rivalize robb12 robic robloxianCEO RobloxianMall RobotWeegee101 robrecht99 rockinst97 Rockonfreaks RoDuck3D RoFlammusList00 rolliply romuluz Rontron3000 rony28 roony777 rossb654mail runeyak5 Ryan2k92k8 Ryanr23 ryanwraith Ryukoto - [S] - sadawesomeguy Sadcamp SalsaSight sam41998 SAMSONITE2 Sanchez6 Sancuu SandFlammusList100 sandstormassassin sandwichmanlol Sapun2000 Scathe Scorvius seanisawesome14 Seant112 Seany112 SeanyBiy searing321 SGTalpha43 Shadow8875 shadowblaster22 shadowlite56 ShadowLugia500 Shadowluigi64 ShadowSTR shadowsword ShatteredQuantum ShatteredRealites120 Shellod Shocked12 Shootingraw1 shortPinman shred1894 Shredna SHREKODUDE shutupkoolman sidous25 SilentDemons SilentSwords Sillylego Sinusoid Siprox SirAmerica Sirmoosealot sisoftogatoga skul4o SkullStealler skye84611 skylernum1 Skyman772 Slayer9116 SlayerJones sledge327 sloppycanada slotcarman123 smallninjabob SmbkMachinima Smooks12 smorg30 sobe7779 Solisticus Soloking1 solong66 Solotaire solticex somepizzaman99 sonicboomX3 SophicationWizard souleater8700 spaceout11 spartacan1 spartank45 Spectix Spectonial spectra7588 Spectrial Spectric Speedycub100 Spid3rg0d SPIKERICCI spongipuffle spot SpySapper SpyVortex squidboi2 St0rmx Statfire StealthxPro steeler55 Stelthfighta steveojr Streety StudLife SubTwentyEight SummerSurfer Sunsshines Superburke1 superflarpflarp superredrazor13 SupremeWarrior1878 suskae223 swim4ymca Swordmaker Symbol - [T] - TacoBlox182 talahasseawesome Tallkittycatlover Tama742 Tasha5266 TDulisse teaser303 tehnoooobshow Tenal tennisboy555 TerrifyingTaco Tezis Thaepikbunneh ThaFlammusList333 Thasoldier The13thHippie thea96 TheBetaProject TheDarkMelon TheEpicPwnor thegalaxin TheGeoff23 TheHeroOfBrine TheIrishPenguin thekyleshredder TheLittleGoomba TheMysteriousShadow1 TheNobleSurvivor Thepiewarrior theplaner ThePwnzorMan theteacher7 thetruck8866 thok1599 thorhayes Thundercrap tibiscus Tictacs123 tightman17 tightrocket tmlkid1996 ToberDam togov Tonitoni ToxicShard Traccerr TradeForFun Trailior TravisGamer TRUSTnU twinkie424 TwistedPictures tylerj002 tyricul - [U] - Ubernoob1234 UcMetal2 ultracutekittens uncoverloser UntoldTheory USAFGeneral USArockssoccer15 - [V] - vader10 Vaktory Vanhelius Vaporized Vatreus Vauxility Vecrow Vektren vendo88 Vermilions Verodoxys vertigo12 vertigo12 vertigoguy Vexax VicePrezLava victoria621 Vielfalt VisuallyClear Vivided voal Voile Vrix Vyrkar Vysq - [W] - w33w03 Waggy567 wakbob WannaBet warpendeshia watchfulEzio webkinz22 welcome10 WereWolf07 WhiteElite18 WierdCaveman Wierdo1337 williamis3 Willingroblox123 WiseguyO586 wizardspell wolficelord WowFlammusListZ12 WowMan2 wraith730 WVfighter - [X] - x001 x1pro x3eith Xaino xAtterador Xenatus xerland2 xFlammusListxX Xnite515 XNoBoomX Xozes xRainingSlayerx xSanctum xshafeex xTia98x xtremegaming Xuouq XxAmigosxX XxAwesom3xX - [Y] - Yan117 YesFlammusList27 Youshin Yui810GhostofOTPast - [Z] - Zach1102 zach2222 zachlovespizza zackiscool54 Zasputin Zerito Zertrex Zippa01 zman250 ZombiePizzaAwesome ZoneOfWar zozo1112 ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ 【In Memorium】 -GamesEater -spot -Bulq -EricaMarilyn -Amandur -Pragmatic/Firetruck -LordVade -darkggod -IBurning -tightblox18 -Materialization -Benblue -Sleet Clan (Shutdown) -darthvaderclone -TheBetaProject -RisingImmortality ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ To be opened in the year 2015 See ya then (If I'm here e_e)
#122579274Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:32 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#122579309Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

#122579384Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

#122579396Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

@killer "Veterans" >killer is veteran ok
#122579489Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

not doing crap atm just like always
#122579507Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

#122579528Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

wow so many random people on that list but im not on it +1038 posts | Joined October 2010 | [-★-] Our Unit shall rise again]
#122579577Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#122579931Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

here are some of my additions because i say so ok -enzo01234 rip old riu heil new riu raa suks +1038 posts | Joined October 2010 | [-★-] Our Unit shall rise again]
#122580072Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:40 AM GMT

I'm a veteran :/:/:/
#122580255Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:42 AM GMT

#122580453Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:44 AM GMT

not on -cries-
#122580998Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:49 AM GMT

its ok
#122581096Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:50 AM GMT

im sad tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
#122581438Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

RIU triumphant.
#122581527Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:55 AM GMT

wat twinkie
#122581543Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:55 AM GMT

how is someone like sledge327 (who is that) on here and I'm not
#122581563Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:55 AM GMT

hi im echo ಠﭛಠ
#122581932Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

lots of you aren't on the c&ger list because you didn't c&g when flammus made it
#122582138Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

I'm not on this list...
#122582226Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

not on list q.q
#122582396Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

You had to comment on it, new years... I'm pretty sure thats why I'm on there :D [HAU]MaZeR98765 - [L3] Specialist
#122582913Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

#122583722Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

Just a list guys XD

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