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#122996837Sunday, January 12, 2014 10:03 PM GMT

Now, I have played Roblox for a very long while and not to long ago stopped playing much. Now that I'm more interested in it, I noticed something that I disagreed with. As someone who has played for a while I'm used to "The old Roblox Studio" as of such I feel very uncomfortable with the new one, and feel I cannot build well at all. As a result I'm getting bored with the game, because I can't play any fun games being NBC and poor, I thought "Hey that doesn't matter, the best thing about Roblox is building!" well now I really dislike the features, and would really prefer having access to tools (C-frame, un-anchoring tools, cancollide enabling tools, ect) I would be very happy if the staff at Roblox would enable you to "switch" back to the old studio if we wanted to, and to those who think this is one of the do not suggest things, Its not getting rid of updates, its simply making old ones accessible. I would very much appreciate support, and if you disagree I understand.
#123001235Sunday, January 12, 2014 10:53 PM GMT

Um, you have access to tools. Maybe they changed the symbols to different ones than those you saw before? MY hammer.
#123016621Monday, January 13, 2014 1:36 AM GMT

No, I use tools from my models. I need to access them through my char, and I want to be able to walk around for instance to test an obby.
#123044753Monday, January 13, 2014 12:34 PM GMT

Oh, I thought you meant studio building tools. If you want to walk around, use Tools>Test Solo.
#123047033Monday, January 13, 2014 2:37 PM GMT

1) The old client is available, but you'll have to find it in the blog. It won't have access to dynamic lighting, etc. 2) ROBLOX isn't going to maintain two different studios, which do exactly the same thing. 3) Read what Lego said.
#123049144Monday, January 13, 2014 3:57 PM GMT

I had your problem too. It takes some time to get used to Studio 2013. Just give it a while to sink in and you'll find yourself back to your original building capacity. I find that 2013 is better than the older versions.

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