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#123258948Thursday, January 16, 2014 2:39 PM GMT

The first option I would like to have as a Roblox Studio developer is to be able to disable that clacking/clattering noise when small bricks are colliding with things. Secondly, and most importantly, is what I call the "Lots of small parts problem". It seems that when you have a large collection of very small parts, say, 500 of them, in close proximity (Imagine that you have a few 50 part guns stacked on top of each other), the Roblox physics processor gets incredibly choppy. I think this is to do with processing all the collision events, or something similar. Thing is, I turned CanCollide off, Anchored the parts, and still we get this massive performance spike when lots of small parts are in close proximity. At the moment my only option is to use some "token" or simplistic object to represent an object in 3D, like a canister or a box for what will become a gun when you pick it up. If this cannot be implemented in Studio or the Roblox Engine in any way by a developer at this present time, could someone suggest an alternative workaround to this problem? Thanks, feel free to chip in on the discussion whether it's directly related to the problem above or just a similar one.
#123322512Friday, January 17, 2014 10:25 AM GMT


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