#124239787Tuesday, January 28, 2014 1:59 AM GMT

Pipes are popular, eh?
#124239976Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:01 AM GMT

I prefer staffs. c; And my wooden thinpipe for the darts. c;]
#124240091Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:01 AM GMT

Pawz, Your CS makes mine look dumb xD
#124240321Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:04 AM GMT

I'm sowwy. ;c I don't try to. I just love elaborating.]
#124240799Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

Nah, I just feel like redoing it... I'll probably redo it.
#124240803Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

(I'm gonna start my arc.. kay?) Dillon trudged through the empty streets, dragging along his heavy metal staff, looking for some sign of life. It had been months since he had last had a normal day, gone to school, done anything not to do with this... thing... That's what he called it. Something along those lines anyway. Scavenging had lost it's fun, and even the undead were scarce. He was sure he was the last living person, until he stumbled upon a small, blonde girl lying on the ground, probably no older than 9. He checked if she was alive or not, not going to jump up and bite his face off... Breathing... toes and fingers moving slightly, and... Heart pumping. He picked up the girl, taking more time to notice her features. Dirty Blonde hair, a small black beanie, obviously not big enough for her, and a white hoodie and sweatpants. He decided he would find a safe place, and when she woke up, introduce himself, if she wasn't too scared to speak to him, being a total stranger and all.
#124243032Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

He took a breath, drawing in the air around him. He turned left and right, trying to find a place where he could sleep for the night. The girl hardly stirred as he looked at his surroundings. Suddenly as she was found her nose scrunched up, and she was obviously smelling the swamp-like scent of the destroyed city. her eyes opened very quickly, and she yelled, "Huh?" and looked up at the boy holding her, and then looking back at her. She slapped his arm, surprising him and causing her to fall onto the roads below her. She gasped for air and screamed afterward, obviously alarmed at the young man carrying her. She ignored the bruises she got from being dropped suddenly as she had, and stared at the boy once again. The boy held out his hand and asked, "Urm... Hi. I'm Dillon. What's your name?" The girl refused his help, and pushed herself back onto her feet, saying quietly, "Uh... I-I'm Blaise..." the child hesitated before asking the boy her own question: "What's going on?" As Dillon thought about his reply, Blaise raised an eyebrow, growing impatient. "I found you lying asleep in the middle of the road. I figured if I left you you'd get eaten or something, so I decided to try and find a place to keep you until you woke up, but... You kind of interrupted my plan by... Waking up, actually." came the child's long winded reply. As he looked her over once again, he noticed that she was about his size. Remembering that he was the shortest of any person he had met, there was no surprise in this.
#124244207Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:32 AM GMT

Redoing------- --Character Sheet-- Name: Bonnie Nabiar Age: fifteen, almost sixteen. Gender: Female.. Bio: Bonnie has planned for the zombie apocalypse. She has about 4 weapons hidden under her bed, and a survival plan. She always packed cans for survival, just in case. Shes prepared. Appearance: Bonnie thinks shes short- at 5'7, 123 pounds, light weight. She has brown hair, and blonde at the bottom. She has glasses, but mostly decides not to wear them because they tickle her nose, making her make a super ugly face.
#124247981Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

Not saying i will, but can we kill of one of our own characters? Like my CS made one, could I kill him and leave Blaise to fend for herself?
#124274215Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:42 PM GMT

#124279666Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:50 PM GMT

I'm sure you can, I mean, they're your character's.
#124283553Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:53 PM GMT

Got it, I'll keep that in mind if I ever get tired of having dialogue for a few characters or whatever.
#124284608Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:08 PM GMT

Name: Alpha Age: 16 Bio: Has always been a leader, but never thought that this could happen.
#124311167Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

[Yes you can kill your own characters and if others kill you that's fine unless it wasn't fair(I will tell you). If your characters die then yea make a new to continue the story or role-play as another survivor you have created and that no one has made.] Denim and her two survivors continued walking down the road towards the apartments, where they were to hold the meeting with Zombie 3. She watched her surroundings carefully as to not alarm any zombies lurking nearby. As minutes pass by she heard a rustling in an alley way close-by, she held her weapon tighter in case it was a zombie or another group of hostile survivors. "Denim," One of the survivors whispered behind her holding the map,"I think there's a fire escape nearby, If we get to it we can get to the roofs". The survivor handed the map to Denim and she studied the routes. In another moment she heard the sound of tin cans jolting around and folded the map into her back pack. She walked steadily towards the walls of the alley way and signaled the other survivors to get to the other side. She heard more rustling as they turned the corner, turning on their flashlights and looking into the alley way. As they scanned the dark there was a figure moving near the dumpster bin who seemed to be collecting the tin cans. "Walk out slowly," Denim demanded,"We won't hurt you". As she said this another figure popped out of the dumpster bin and jumped out. Denim watched them closely as they move towards them and found that they were armed but cant yet see their face. "Remove your weapons" One of the survivors behind Denim had asked. The figures put down their weapons and came closer.
#124313395Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:38 PM GMT

( Can I start )
#124315599Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:01 AM GMT

(Anyone can start their characters P.O.V, Point Of View, But when ANY of the characters meet in the story then it turns into a regular role-play game scene until they part again)
#124316090Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

yay Bonnie I grabbed the dollar I found on the floor of my closet. Money is useless now, but you never know. I folded it up, and put in my pocket, hopping it wouldnt fall out. My hands slid to my bed, and I sat there, looking out the window at the 5 zombies walking closer to my house. I bored up everything.
#124316836Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:15 AM GMT

Levi snuck quietly through the backally, his dark, mottled cloak billowing out behind him. His skin was gray, or, rather, camouflaged gray. The teenager smelled of fresh ash, for that was what it was. Ash provided a rather...comforting aspect, it made it harder for the infected to smell him out, as his scent was slightly coated, as well as provided convenient camouflage, Levi was one to disappear easy in little light. On him, he had his wooden pipe, his main-ranged weapon. This pipe, was special, for it acted in par with his "concoctions" darts, whose recipes were his alone, usually non-lethal, with the main attack being sleeping. A knife, as well, this acted as his hand-in-hand, for those occasional times when one was able to get close to this fleeting boy. In the low light, he was near invisible, shrouded by his gray skin, and dark cloak.
#124316968Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

(I attack a group of large undead titans with my 3DMG and Twin Swords) (Need to re-read my first bits, forgot where I was)
#124317400Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:20 AM GMT

Bonnie I run downstairs, to my empty house. I remember the day My father went out to get more supplies for us, and never came back. I miss him, but I know hes watching over me. I walk toward the back of my large house, and take a look at the nice, abandoned neighborhood. I can still remember all the people, and whos house is whos.
#124317657Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

In Colorado-... Space shuttle crashes on Kenny Stan-Oh my God, they killed Kenny! Kyle-You b..tards!
#124318677Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

(I'm gonna switch between characters POV once in a while I think) As Blaise walked next to the older boy she felt a bit uncomfortable, thinking he might go insane, or get eaten by something and she wouldn't notice. Blaise wasn't good with people, and she had lost her chances of practice after the Apocalypse or whatever this was happened. She didn't like saying apocalypse much, and preferred to not say that, but in her mind it was less of an offense. Instead, she called it the fall. She wondered why this happened at all, what caused it. It can't be just a natural revolt or something, could it? As she walked along, she finally noticed the boy dragging something along the road. Something large, made of metal, and what she thought was concrete. She looked up, noticing how dark it was getting and then saying to the odd boy that called himself Dillon, "From my experiences, we might want to find a place to sleep." not really being sure if Dillon knew what her "experiences" had been like, he replied with a short, "Yeah," and ran off. Blaise followed him and they stopped in a nearby crafts store. As they were walking in, Dillon pulled what looked like a small pillow out of a bag he was carrying at his side, and threw it over to her, "We could probably make blankets out of this fabric," although not being totally sure it would be of much use. It was still summertime, and it only got cold at night. as Blaise picked up the pillow, she noticed Dillon's bag was basically empty, all but a small water bottle, with about 8 ounces still in it, if she knew her measurement. She asked, "Don't you need a pillow?", to which he replied "I don't need much sleep anymore, I'll just keep a lookout, okay?" As Blaise lay her head down on the fluffy object, she decided this would now be alot easier, with someone looking out for her, and someone for her to look out for as well.
#124318978Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

( We're in Albany... Right? xD ) I went through my normal way of living. I ate breakfast, cereal with milk. The milk was a little bad, but I don't care anymore. I ate less everyday because I'm running low on food. All of sudden.. A loud bang approached the glass back door.
#124321152Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:56 AM GMT

Gaz walked down the cold and abandoned street. He knew he wouldn't last long without a group. He walked aimlessly in search of safety clutching a stick with a knife duct-taped around the top of it. The weapons was only temporary and he would need a new one. As he walked, he started to move into the city. Finally he saw a zombie. The zombie was groaning madly and hadn't noticed him. He pondered if he should use a small knife or his makeshift spear. He decided on the spear because it gave him more chance of survival. He ran at the zombie and jabbed it in it's back. The zombie groaned in pain as it sliced through. He realized the zombie was still alive and pulled it out. He then smashed it into the zombie's brain thus killing it. The zombie finally died and Gaz sighed in tiredness. Gaz then heard more of the zeds coming his way. he looked around and saw them shambling. He tried to pull out his makeshift spear from the zombies head but it was stuck. The zeds were getting closer and then Gaz made a run for it. With adrenaline running through his veins he was able to get away. Gaz looked around and saw three figures that looked like survivors near a dumpster. He hid and watched them closely as more figures walked out from behind the dumpster.
#124324967Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:35 AM GMT

"P-Please don't hurt us," One of the figures cried who sounded a young,"We were only looking for food and tools". Denim shifted her beanie and called to the girl behind her, "Check them and make sure they aren't part of "them"". The two survivors behind her then walked towards the other two and searched for weapons and other materials they could've brought. Denim walked to the wall, her back against it, and slowly checked to see if it was clear. Surely the zombies couldn't have heard them rustling through their bags and the dumpster. She thought it was safe until she saw three zombies come into view from the intersection about 20 feet away. OK, She thought, its only three of them. She was relieved until she noticed that more zombies turned a corner and headed their way. It seemed as if the three zombies were leading them towards us or they had just got a head start for the special meal. Denim rushed back towards the others "Guys, we need to go," She ushered,"NOW!". Everyone had put everything back into their back packs and Denim took out the map. She scanned the layout of the block they were in and she started hearing the groans of the zombies getting louder. "Denim!" One of the survivors cried,"Their getting closer!". Denim rushed to find a faster way out of the block. She rushed to the street the zombies were soon to meet them and looked the other way. We can't lead them back to camp, she thought, looks like its that one way. Denim quickly went back into the alley way and folded the map back into her back pack. "Lets go!" She cried,"The fire escape to the roof!" As she ran to the fire escape the rest followed her up. Denim had let everyone go first and the horde of zombies had just reached into the alley way. Everyone started climbing the stairs as fast as they could. Denim finally climbed up and pulled the ladder upwards so the zombies couldn't tear it off. As they reached the roof they all slumped down panting.