#124328234Wednesday, January 29, 2014 2:04 AM GMT

Gaz watched them run. "Why are they running?" he thought. That's when he saw the horde of zombies he brought. Frightened, he took off into the building next to the building the girls ran into. He hurriedly closed the door and barricaded it with a nearby closet. He took off up the stairs when he realized he couldn't get to the roof because the top was blocked.All of a sudden, there was a crash from downstairs. The zombies had broken through the barricade! He looked around quickly until he noticed a vent he could fit into. He opened the vent door and closed it and hid inside. The zombies walked past looking for the smell of human flesh. He opened the vent door slowly and put it down. He spotted a ladder and started to climb up until the zombies noticed him. He scrambled up the ladder as the zombies shambled towards him. He finally got to the roof closing the trapdoor quietly. He saw the girls on the ground panting. He finally tip-toed until he felt he had to cough. He tried to hold it in but failed. He coughed loudly. Loud enough for the girls to hear him. He froze in terror.
#124331685Wednesday, January 29, 2014 2:34 AM GMT

Denim was sitting on the roof panting. "Is everyone alright?" She called,"No scratches?". They all just looked and shaked their heads saying no. Denim, relieved, heard a sound of someone coughing nearby. She turned slowly and saw someone standing there. Raising her weapon she shook the tennis racket and the small blades unsheathed itself. "You there!" She called,"drop any weapon you may have and come closer slowly!". The rest of the group stood except for the two other survivors they had rescued. Standing across from this other survivor they stared eye to eye. "We won't cause trouble!" The guy behind denim called. They waited moments longer until they heard thudding from downstairs.
#124394674Wednesday, January 29, 2014 11:48 PM GMT

Gaz looked at the group terrified for his life. He had only his knife and knew he should come with him. A large thud from the bottom of the trapdoor put him back in reality. The zombies were climb up the ladder? Were they mutating? Another thud from the trapdoor told him to act quick. Gaz looked around wildly and grabbed a wooden boards and lied them flat over the trapdoor. Gaz looked more to barricade the trapdoor. Gaz found a nearby crowbar hiding behind the one of the vents. He look at one of the heavy vents and used the crowbar to peel the vent off. He succeeded and laid the heavy vent across the trapdoor. He knew the barricade wouldn't last long so he said to the group, "Shouldn't we go?"
#124400074Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:45 AM GMT

(Damn it, I missed a lot.) Nettle I walk silently through the dark night, the only thing you could hear is the cool wind, blowing away pieces of paper and plastic around. I zip up my jacket, feeling a bit chilly. I clutch onto my small knife with one hand, and rest my hand on my gun which is hanging under my belt. The zipper on my backpack makes small cling sounds, which annoys me very much. I go to the side of the nearest building and rip out the zipper, throwing it on the floor. I really think this apocalypse changed me. Am I still the down-to-earth peacemaker I was once? How could I be if I don't even have anyone to talk to? -which reminds me, I need a group.- I'm such a mess now. With my knife, I write on the sad looking dirt "SOS". Like that will help. Then I hear some sounds. Is someone in this building?
#124402250Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

The barricade breaks open as the zombies start to break through. I yell in terror as they start to climb out. I throw my knife at the first zombie and he topples onto the other zombies so they can't get out. Gaz sees a fire escape and looks down. Surprisingly, all the zombies were in the building. i push down the ladder but it won't go all the way. I look at where the group was and they were gone. "Looks like i gotta jump" murmurs Gaz. it's about 10 feet high, and high chance of injury but not death. Gaz braces himself and hears the zombies breaking out and looking for him on the roof. Gaz jumps and everything seems to go in slow-motion. He see another girl drawing in the dirt and not noticing him. He screams as he falls and he is knocked out from the fall.
#124404136Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

Denim saw the zombies coming through the other end were the stranger stood but she couldn't wait for him any longer. She led her group to the other side of the roof and jumped onto another building. "Lets go!" She called,"They'll be coming through soon!". The other four cautiously brought a wooden plank and connected the two buildings together. As they walked across Denim could see the zombies coming through the trapdoor and the stranger frantically trying to keep them away. She turned back towards the group and back to the stranger. "Denim," One of the girls said,"We gotta go!". Denim wouldn't move. She took out the map from her back pack and looked back at the others. "Another can't be taken," She told them,"You two take the survivors to camp, I'll help this guy". Denim had put the map back into her backpack and walked towards the edge. The others inched forward to stop her but in a moment she jumped down from the roof onto a fire scape ladder. Denim ran down the alleyway and heard the zombies groans in a distance. Over there, she thought and ran towards the building the zombies were invading. She ran to the front door and saw them climbing onto each other to get to the roof. Denim reached into her back and found some cloth and a bottle. Just need some alcohol, she thought, but where would a house like this keep some? Denim frantically looked around the house for some alcohol, searching the cupboards, drawers. "Gotta act quick," She murmured,"They will notice me soon". She opened a drawer and found a small bottle, half empty, with lighter fluid and quickly poured into the bottle with the cloth. As she turned towards the zombies they had already noticed her and were walking closer. In a panic she threw the bottle at the horde and shielded herself with her arms. The explosion could've nearly caused her to be deaf.
#124404567Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:31 AM GMT

Nettle If I heard the sound of someone screaming come out of nowhere a few months ago, I would've freaked out. Now, it barley bothers me. I get up, pulling out my gun. I stand up and quickly study what is happening. A random boy has seem to jump off a building that have zombies coming out of it. After muttering a few curse words, I try lifting up the boy. He isn't as heavy as I thought. I quickly drag-carry him with my gun still in my hands, praying in my mind that the zombies won't get to us so fast. I see an empty building that is a good distance away from the other building and go quietly inside. The zombies will probably go somewhere else. I probably won't be able to kill them all with a passed out person with me. I put the boy sitting against a wall and look around the building. I check every inch of it, and luckily no one is here. I barricade the door with what I could find and sit beside the boy.
#124404851Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:34 AM GMT

(I didn't notice your post until I posted mine ^ lol, if I ruined your plans of rescuing him or I didn't react to something I was suppose to don't mind :P)
#124404974Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:35 AM GMT

I wake up groggily and look around. It seems i'm somewhere else. Not the building i jumped off. I look around and see a barricaded door. I look to the side of me and see a girl. "Who are you?" I ask.
#124405139Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:37 AM GMT

"They call me Nettle," I say. I hope I didn't scare him. "yeah, I know it's a weird name. You are..?"
#124405396Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:39 AM GMT

(Its fine, I'm suppose to think he died anyways because I didn't find him on the roof)
#124407016Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:56 AM GMT

(Okay, just making sure. c:)
#124409889Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:23 AM GMT

Denim looked up from her arms and scanned the room, burning zombies. She managed to stand up but felt a sudden pain in her arms and legs. Her green jacket were torn and her arms scorched. She looked towards her legs, a wooden stick was jabbed into her right leg. Denim winced as she pulled it out of her leg. I need to clean it, she thought, before it gets infected. She checked her bag and grabbed a long cloth, wrapping it around her leg. It might stop the bleeding but she still needs something to clean it with. Denim walked over to the ladder, with missing steps, and started climbing up, ignoring the pain. As she got to the roof she saw that the stranger was not here. "I was too late," She murmured,"another life was ruined". She walked towards the edge of the roof and looked down into the alleyway. In the dark of the night she saw the stranger being dragged by someone else into a building nearby. Relieved, she climbed down the building and walked cautiously towards the strangers in the building with her weapon in hand.
#124462129Thursday, January 30, 2014 10:43 PM GMT

(lot's of confusion up there! I didn't see the other posts) I groan as i look around. "I'm Gaz." i say to Nettle. Just then, someone knocks on the door. I see my crowbar lying on the ground and hold it in a defensive position. I wince in pain from my leg and say loudly, "Who's there?"
#124464316Thursday, January 30, 2014 11:05 PM GMT

(Lol yea) Denim opens the door while holding her weapon and sees the strangers. "Its only me," She told him,"I see your both ok." She walks towards them and lowers her weapon. "I thought you might need help," she said,"So I'm here to give you help." Her arms were scratched and her leg was bleeding but she fought the pain.
#124467641Thursday, January 30, 2014 11:41 PM GMT

"You okay?" I ask to the girl i met. "Who are you firstly?" I ask. (after you answer) "Okay, nice to meet you Denim. Uhh, do you know of any survival groups i could join? I would really like one. Where are your friends? Sorry to bombard you with question" i say.
#124468270Thursday, January 30, 2014 11:48 PM GMT

"I'm Fine," She told him,"And I'm Denim" (whatever you said) "I do have a group held up on the outskirts of New York," She said and examined the both of them,"That is if your not bit or anything... We do have survivors being cared for up there."
#124469800Friday, January 31, 2014 12:03 AM GMT

"I'm not bit. Dunno about her know. I would gladly join the camp! If they would accept me that is. Do you know if i could join?"
#124470065Friday, January 31, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

"It depends if your useful," she replied,"You can't join if your not doing any good; but if your in bad shape we can heal you."
#124529000Friday, January 31, 2014 9:03 PM GMT

Nettle I sit in silence, listening to their conversation. Then I take my bag off my shoulders, open it, and take out an unwrapped chocolate bar. I eat it slowly, letting the taste sink into my taste buds. I wasn't sure if I should offer them some or not.
#124541616Friday, January 31, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

Denim notices the other survivor eating a chocolate bar. "Well,"She says,"If you guys really need a group, mine is here to help; otherwise your on your own." Denim looked outside to see that the sun was rising and quickly realized about her primary objective. She took out the map from her bag and circled a landmark. "Listen," She told them,"I really have to go meet with my other group so if you guys want my help get to this place and I'll meet you there." She passes the map and two soda cans to the strangers. "If not...Leave my map here and a white cloth so we won't hurt you if we cross each other again." Denim then left the building and sprinted towards the intersection.
#124545112Saturday, February 01, 2014 12:20 AM GMT

Nettle I look down at the map, then at Gaz. Can I really trust her? "What do you think, Gaz?" I say, putting a soda can in my backpack. "Should we go?"
#124545311Saturday, February 01, 2014 12:24 AM GMT

( Recap? I want to come in again :C )
#124545468Saturday, February 01, 2014 12:26 AM GMT

(Just keep telling your story coco and then we shall meet on the way :D)
#124550885Saturday, February 01, 2014 1:41 AM GMT

(Anyone who is viewing the forum can join at ANY TIME)