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#123872760Thursday, January 23, 2014 11:32 PM GMT

So I was sitting around, thinking about what could make roblox better, when suddenly an idea hit me. It was a fantastic idea that would cause revolutionary new games and make current ones exponentially better. Immediately similar ideas started bombarding my mind, and I realized this was going to be a great thread. The following are a list of graphics updates that came to me during the idea shower. ---Table of Contents--- 1. Motion blur 2. Edge blur 3. Fog blur 4. Light glare 1. Motion Blur The motion blur is quite simple to understand. It would blur the parts as you move along. Due to this, parts would seem to have a "trail". The faster you are moving, the more it blurs and the longer the trail will get. The motion blur would be a property of the camera that you could adjust the level of with a number between 0 and 10. Higher numbers have more blur, lower numbers have little blur, and zero, obviously, has no blur. This could be used for multiple purposes. One could simulate a much more realistic earthquake with this. It could also add a sort of suspenseful feel to shooters and horror games. The list goes on and on. 2. Edge blur The edge blur is a simpler concept than the motion blur and would simply make the edges of the camera blurry. It wouldn't make parts have "trails" but would make it unfocused in the blurred region of the screen. The edge blur would be a property of camera, much like motion blur. A developer would enter a number, and the blur would extend out that far, whether it be pixels or fractions of the screen. The number would have to have a limit so that it isn't abused or set too far in. This could be used to add suspense in many games. It could also add an interesting effect in other games. Be creative! 3. Fog blur Fog blur is probably the most complex option on here. This would cause lights and parts to become blurry as they are overtaken by fog. This option would be under lighting alongside fog. It would be a true or false value. If true, any parts at the edge of fog will become blurry, and as they are more overtaken by the fog then they become blurrier until you cannot see them when they are completely overtaken by the fog. This would add another interesting layer to any games that use fog, especially those with very heavy fog. 4. Light glare If you've played roblox enough, you have probably noticed how the sun causes a glare on your screen. I think the same should happen with lights. If you look at a light, a slight glare should appear on your screen. This option would be able to be turned off in lighting. If it is on, parts cause a glare depending on their brightness and color. If it is off, lights behave like they do currently. This would make games more realistic and more fun to look at, especially those that use a large number of lights and want them to be more realistic. Please realize that I don't care if these implemented immediately or not. If it is beyond the capabilities of roblox, so be it. I just want to throw these out there to see if they would be at all possible. If you support, great. If not, I'm good with that, just so long as you say why. tl;dr: Read the post, because I'm not going to try to put it all in one short phrase. Sorry if you can't read a lot at once.
#123875232Friday, January 24, 2014 12:01 AM GMT

One word. Scripts. Normal Users only, ODers will be crushed and burned.
#123876440Friday, January 24, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

Not scripts. You can't script blur and glare. Especially blur. If you can, tell me how.
#123877635Friday, January 24, 2014 12:26 AM GMT

I don't know how to do blur, but I've definitely seen glare in a game. Normal Users only, ODers will be crushed and burned.
#123878663Friday, January 24, 2014 12:37 AM GMT

Perhaps instead, Roblox should create a blur field as a gui that blurs anything beneath it. Then blurs would be scriptable.
#123881387Friday, January 24, 2014 1:06 AM GMT

Roblox has mentioned that they were planning on improving the sky in the near future, specifically mentioning sun glares. It was in the blog post about their BloxCast, answering questions they couldn't get to in the video.
#123881795Friday, January 24, 2014 1:10 AM GMT

Two words: PC explosion. three words: 4th of july 4 words too long to read whatever
#123881927Friday, January 24, 2014 1:11 AM GMT

That last one was 5 words, not 4.
#123882979Friday, January 24, 2014 1:21 AM GMT

Support, though I assume you can script this. Please try out my new game: http://www.roblox.com/Menger-Sponge-Battle-Arena-place?id=119564388
#123883660Friday, January 24, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

haha. skipping lines isn't grammar. :3 I am just saying whatever because you were supposed to ignore that. xD
#123894854Friday, January 24, 2014 3:20 AM GMT

Support, I just hope that all those effects wont cause huge loads of lag. If it does, then users should be able to toggle those effects on and off.
#123904424Friday, January 24, 2014 5:48 AM GMT

It would be part of the typical graphics settings that you control
#123915279Friday, January 24, 2014 3:09 PM GMT

Bump. Come on guys this is cool!
#123916088Friday, January 24, 2014 3:34 PM GMT

4 and 3 are good. Other ones are bad. Motion blurs bad and this edge bluer is just antialiasing which already exists.
#124494188Friday, January 31, 2014 4:22 AM GMT

#124494303Friday, January 31, 2014 4:24 AM GMT

#124497212Friday, January 31, 2014 5:10 AM GMT

@YWY That's it. You win everything. No exceptions. Normal Users only, ODers will be crushed and burned.
#130009873Sunday, April 06, 2014 3:20 PM GMT

Look, Please just accept the fact. If ROBLOX makes this, will save you HOURS of coding. JUST. ACCEPT. IT. Sounds like you want to purposely spend your precious time programming a script over 50 lines to only achieve an effect that could be added simply by configuring the camera.
#130010083Sunday, April 06, 2014 3:23 PM GMT

@Lucas; The sun glare wouldn't even be near 50 lines. You could probably do it in less than ten.
#130020342Sunday, April 06, 2014 5:29 PM GMT

But with this objects added, you would script 0 lines to make it work. See?
#130025476Sunday, April 06, 2014 6:22 PM GMT

Ok, chill with the scripting garbage. It'll help new users. Not everything has to be hard and require skill to make. I think that it'll help the quality of many places.
#149401120Saturday, November 08, 2014 7:49 PM GMT

I need a blur gui object. FULL SUPPORT!
#154048897Friday, January 16, 2015 9:43 PM GMT

#154049074Friday, January 16, 2015 9:46 PM GMT

I'd rather not motion blur because motion blur is for console peasants who need to hide their 30 fps garbage [audience laffs]
#172812027Sunday, August 30, 2015 2:12 PM GMT

Edge blur and motion blur are horrible effects, they make the whole game un-definitive, so it's harder to see stuff, for example: 1. Motion blur: *Guy turns around* *Sees blurry black things* *Attacks black things* *He realises that black things are his teammates* (Yes, enemies have black uniform too and names were hidden). 2. Edge blur: *Guy sees a black dot* *Thinks that he's a teammate* *Black dot draws sword, approaches Guy and kills him* (Guy's cursor was on an enemy and his sniper rifle couldn't aim down sights).

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