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#124098286Sunday, January 26, 2014 3:14 PM GMT

Actual title: Ideas of an old man who in his past was a whiny kid, left and returned striving to sound more mature that wants to fix the economy. Disclaimer: This is a long post for a TL;DR see below this line, beware of bad grammar as I am a foreigner. For a Q&A go at the Bottom. TL;DR: Tickets have lost value, to raise their value we need more tix hats or more tix actions. First I'd like to introduce myself, i'm the one in the title, as a kid I was hooked by Roblox, and played for 4 years, then I stopped and returned recently. I played during the "Gold ages" even tough I remember it in another way, in those times the trade currency was quite favorable for someone who didn't buy the Builders Club, and apparently everyone was happy even tough they whined about studs , places, and robuxes (as I remember). Having returned I saw how Roblox became, and I was amazed, many of the ideas i had readed about in my old times were accepted and implemented but I won't bore you with the details. Luckily I had a lot of Robuxes stashed and I immediately spent them in things I dreamt about. After that I wanted to exchange my tickets and I saw the rates... It offered horrible bargains... I went to the S&I to see what was happening and I saw all this threads about: Trade currency, Price Floors and of course Troll threads, tough there were some suggestions that would have been useful. And now we get to the point, this has been suggested for a while but apparently nobody took the time to analyze it: I suggest Roblox starts making more ticket hats. As of now the user has no reason to ammass tickets but to buy over-priced shirts and pants, most of the transactions require you to pay in Robux, the average user then heads to the trade currency, exchanges its tickets into robux and then the rates go higher. I believe that introducing more ticket hats that encourage the user to exchange robux to tickets will allow this fictional economy to reach a balance. Of course this suggestion is not limited just to hats but also (if the devs want to) gears, packages or other actions that charge you a fee. But if we want this idea to work the items shouldn't be worthless pieces of paper that everyone will avoid but items that can and will encourage the player to buy them. Now you might say, how can this encourage players to buy BC? It will, in the first months of release of these items the rates will favor a player that can exchange robux. If this Idea is implemented and many players rich in robux decide to buy these items the Trade currency can finally find a balance. Of course this isn't a definite solution to the problem, the power is in the hands of users, should they decide not to buy these items the rates will stay high. Possible and already covered Q&A Q: Isn't this WNTS? A: No, I tried to stay out of their limits Q: Why the strange actual title?/Why the long introduction? A: Just for fun, and to lighten up the mood. Q: Why so long you could have cut "insert part here" A: The background is needed to let you know why i'm suggesting Q: Haven't they already made tix hats? A: They did, but apparently they aren't the first choice for a user Q: Is this favouring the NBCers A: Yes and No, Yes beacuse a fairer trade currency allows both NBC and BC to have more buying power, No beacuse in the first times the items with high prices could be buyed only by BCers. Q: TL;DR. A: Already covered in the top Q: Why are you trying to sound mature? A: Because the community needs more mature users Q: Why the stupid Q&A? A: I'm pretty bored. Q: This is a stupid idea especially this "insert here" A: Give me a reason. I hope you've understood me, I don't claim that this idea is perfect. If you think something wasn't clear or want to suggest something I accept it as long as it's constructive
#124098476Sunday, January 26, 2014 3:16 PM GMT

Yes. Support
#124106038Sunday, January 26, 2014 4:54 PM GMT

Thank you. As much as I hate to do this I'm going to bump this, at least for today.
#124106783Sunday, January 26, 2014 5:02 PM GMT

I wish they had considered this around 2010. I think it would have been worth the making at that time. Now, I think we need it more than ever. I mean seriously, what it the point of being paid in Tix if all we use it for is to exchange it for R$?
#124123884Sunday, January 26, 2014 8:07 PM GMT

Well, last bump, I promise I won't bump it anymore after this.
#124124196Sunday, January 26, 2014 8:10 PM GMT

#124125597Sunday, January 26, 2014 8:26 PM GMT

When I was brand new to ROBLOX, I really wanted a new hat (preferably hair) so I could take off that awful Fabulous Pink Hair and not be bald. I soon found out that there was no hair for girls that charged TIX. I hope new ROBLOXians don't have to experience this. Support. -Roy G. Biv

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