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#124957296Wednesday, February 05, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

There was once a virtual world, long ago, left to the ebbing sands of time. It was a world full of fun, joy, and opportunity. That world is long gone, now replaced with corruption, decay, and death. The world was named ROBLOX by it's creators. It was a land full of potential, but it was tricked into a fate of evil by it's own people. One innocent man was subjugated to this madness, and was falsely accused of a serious felony. He was banished from the ROBLOX world to a land of gray and misery. This is his story, his point of view of this catastrophic calamity. What was the land, you ask? It was Banland. [Want to be in this story? Just state that you want to be in the Chronicles to be included!]
#124958298Wednesday, February 05, 2014 11:29 PM GMT

I would love to be in your story if you will have me.
#124958866Wednesday, February 05, 2014 11:35 PM GMT

[PROLOGUE PART 1] The days went on like a gust of wind. Noob paid no attention to the time, as he floated in inky darkness. His only passion-no, his LIFE, was several leagues under the chilly void known as the ocean. He had nothing to cling on, nothing to remember about his life, except for floating in a metal shipment container for Builderman knows how long. Noob was severely dehydrated, and was on the brink of starving to death. No one knows if he was even alive, and Noob himself didn't know if he was dead yet. He wanted this pain and suffering to end, loneliness consuming his very being, until he was a hollow shell of his former self. He let himself slip into the cold abyss of death. Noob woke up quickly, his head banging whatever was on top of him. He was hyperventilating, the heat and humidity of the room choking whatever air was left in his body. He strained to heave himself off of the bed, and tumbled towards the door of his small room. It was a jail door, and he was seemingly in a holding cell. He tried to look past the door, to only find two pale blue uniformed guards waiting outside. He could only be silent and wait for whatever was to come for him.
#124960233Wednesday, February 05, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

I would like to join
#124963103Thursday, February 06, 2014 12:24 AM GMT

You both have been documented. Just tell me what your character's personality would be.

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