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#125094462Friday, February 07, 2014 9:12 PM GMT

I'm unsure if its a game or not, But its about there being 5 sectors, Each thinking theres something more important to surviving the appocolipse, The Five Sectors are Sectror Blast, Which thinks Firepower is the best way for survival, Sector Feast, Which thinks gathering food and water is a key element in survival, Sector Medical, Which thinks finding a cure is most important, Sector Flight, Which thinks using anything as a weapon is most important, And the unknown Sector, The Unknown Sector houses to people who think 2 or more of the other 4 sectors skills are nessisary, But, Hardly anyone gets into The Unknown Sector, for it uses a major training area to accept people, Most people die at the area so passing is a blessing, You are a human who are in one of these Sectors, it begins on the graduation day, Where you're old enough to join one of the 5 sectors, In the middle of the five sectors where people under 15 go to live is called Peace, Peace is the most heavily guarded and is near impossible for Zombies to enter, Will you die, or sucseed in survival? Only your actions will choose your fate. Rules 1: No Godmodding 2: Humans ONLY, Though they can dress up as Pokemon. :3 3: Basics 4: Romance is okay with me, Just don't go into the bedroom :3 Owner perks: Ban after 1 warning, Accept/Unaccept, 4 weapons Admin Perks, Ban after 3 warnings, Accept, Unaccept, 3 weapons Owners Me InvisibleNinja550 Georgec2001 To register post in this format Name: Age: (15+ to be in a Sector) Gender: Sector: (14- can put Peace) Appearance: Personality: Weapon: (2 for normal, 3 for admins, 4 for Owners) Other: Here is me Name: Raian Age: 15 Gender: Male Sector: Unknown Appearance: Like Link from T.P. Personality: RP it out Weapon: Master Sword, Lancer, RPG-7, A crooked Everburning Dagger Other: Magic Corndogs
#125096478Friday, February 07, 2014 9:31 PM GMT

The unrealism....It burns!
#125096613Friday, February 07, 2014 9:32 PM GMT

This is based off Divergent, with the different sectors. And it's very hard to be Divergent, like being in the Unknown. Just add zombies.
#125096625Friday, February 07, 2014 9:33 PM GMT

No one is begging for you to join, Plus Zombies have ALWAYS been very unrealistic.
#125096759Friday, February 07, 2014 9:34 PM GMT

"No one is begging for you to join, Plus Zombies have ALWAYS been very unrealistic." I'm saying that to rio by the way
#125097053Friday, February 07, 2014 9:37 PM GMT

Not only that, But why would someone even dress up as a pikachu just to fight zombies? He/she would be dead in a second.
#125097692Friday, February 07, 2014 9:45 PM GMT

the site I origonally posted this on many people REALLY liked Pokemorphs, so I allowed the cosplay of Pokemon.
#125115553Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

Name: "My name is Strider Hiryo Age: "I'll just say somewhere around 20. I don't want stalkers." Gender: Male Sector: "I am in the flight field." Appearance: "I am a 5'9 man with black robes and tabi. If you don't know what they are, Look them up. I have red eyes and jet black hair that I don't tend to." Personality: "I own 2 katanas, Handmade. I also have 2 shurikens I make usually by scavenging off of zombies I kill." Other: "Nothing else."
#125115625Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:49 AM GMT

(When I mean 2 shurikens, I mean I can only carry 2 at once. Does that classify as 2 weapons?)
#125115695Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:49 AM GMT

I guess Invis, and because your an owner bro,You're accepted
#125115777Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:50 AM GMT

(Woo. Alright, Shall we begin?)
#125116041Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:53 AM GMT

(Left a detail out. I have EXPLOSIVE shurikens.)
#125116194Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

LETS BEGIN!!! You start bro
#125116582Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:58 AM GMT

I sat quietly, Sharpening my blade. "I'm bored." I say. I get up and begin exiting the sector. Once I found a zombie, I did my classic attack. I jumped into the air, And stabbed its skull. Blood squirted out, But none landed on me. I scavenged some stuff off of him, And found a few pieces of metal. I then made 2 of my explosive shurikens using some gunpowder. (Oh, And how does the infection spread?)
#125116716Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

(Usually like the normal type of stuff, You get bit or scratched, You die, then rise the next day again) I went to the Training Area for the Unknown Sector
#125116918Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

"Hmph." I say at the dead zombie. I do my mark of the ninja thing. I decapitate the zombie and slash an X on him. This is usually what I do when I'm scavenging to let people know that its already been looted of resources. I return to my sector and head to the training area, Like Raian.
#125117249Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:05 AM GMT

I met a girl named Sapphire at the Training Camp, During every training thing, I surpassed every trial where Sapphire was struggling, Sapphire looked depressed so I went over to her "This sucks" She muttered "This is for those in Blast Sector..." She added then noticed I was there and was very surprised, Me and Sapphire both pasted the trails until the Final Exam, 40 entered the training camp, 5 remained, The final challenge was to actually kill a Zombie, I didn't think of it as a challenge, I got out my lancer, Sapphire got out a Lance, the other 3 got out a Pistol, when the cage was lifted, the zombies charged after the 5 of us, I easily cut the zombie in half with the Lancer, Sapphire was trying to fight back the zombie, But the lance broke from every one of her blocks of the Zombie's attacks, I charged at the Zombie, stabbed it in the back, then in the head, then cut in in half with the Lancer, the zombie collapsed dead, Sapphire stood up "T-thanks." she said "I'm not letting you die on my watch" I say, the other 3 zombies were drenched in blood, the 3 other humans died, there were bullet holes everywhere on the zombies, I took out my Lancer and fired at the zombies, the zombies didn't die, I charged at them using Soul Edge, and cut them in half easily, they began crawling, I stabbed their heads and they died (These zombies are Bullet Proof zombies, the best way to kill these are with Explosives)Sapphire smiled as we pressed onwards, On Graduation day, Me and Sapphire were immediately put into The Unknown Sector, Sapphire kissed me on the cheek as we met the leader, The leader of The Unknown Sector was named SpiritFire, Who believed Blast's theory and Medic's theory were most important
#125118399Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

Once in the training hall, Me and a select few of people like me are let loose into an arena. It was time for the rival battle. This battle is optional, And very dangerous. We all bow. "It begins." I say. Someone shouts "GO!" And I run up to one of them. I kick him and sweep him. When hes down, I stab him in his heart and twist my sword, Ripping his heart up. One trys to sneak attack me, But I cut him in half. I grab one half of him and turn around again. I stick the half on the head of another ninja, And stab him. 2 are left. One was a girl with blue hair put into a pony tail, She also had a mask that only covered her mouth and nose and red eyes. She was dressed almost exactly like me. "Looks like we both won, Sister." I say. We both bow to each other and go to the real training hall. Me and her are faced with a hoard of zombies when the cage opens. I cut one in half and sweep a few. I stick my shuriken in one and they all explode. Another group appears and I use my other shuriken. That one explodes. My sister, Sky, spin attacks and cuts a circle in half. I decapitate a zombie, And my sister runs up behind me and stabs one trying to be "Sneaky". There is small amounts of metal on some zombies, So I make more shurikens. Finally, A huge cage is lowered and when lifted, turns out to be a hunter zombie. It spits the infection at us, But we dodge it. I make a hand symbol to Sky, And we throw our shurikens in its skull. It explodes. "We win." We say synchronized.
#125118816Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:21 AM GMT

After a while, Spiritfire died and his brother Fearhope took over, Fearhope thought fear was stronger than hope While defending from Zombies, our usual training, Fearhope seperated everyone with only a dagger as a defence, When the zombies were unleashed on us, I killed the zombie with no effort, Sapphire on the other hand wasn't doing as well, I tried to help Sapphire out, but was blocked off by Fearhope "Lets see what she can do by herself..." he said looking and smirking as Sapphire struggled, I knew Sapphire wasn't good at Close Combat and I pushed Fearhope out of the way and began helping out Sapphire, Fearhope was enraged and demanded that I saw him in his quarters immediately after the training I knew Fearhope HAD to go immediately (You'll see what I do to him! :D), At his quarters, Fearhope closed the blinds "what was that. I told you it was a SOLO practice." Fearhope said sternly "Me and Sapphire ALWAYS work as one." I said, and that was true "If you keep doing stunts like that it will get her NO experience." Fearhope says angrily "STILL! She could've died!" I shout at Fearhope "so your fear is Sapphire put into situations where she would die by herself?" Fearhope says "You could say that." I say, "I'll take not of that" he says and I leave after he allows me to, At night I took out my dagger and secretly entered his quarters while he was asleep and stabbed him in the back of the head, Killing him almost instantly, I left without there being evidence of his death and I disposed of the body
#125119411Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:29 AM GMT

I was the current leader of Flight. I often trained people to be like me.. Though usually they are better suited to guns. REAL ninjas are sent an optional invitation to the rival battle. How I became leader? Rival dual with the older one, Nicknamed "Gunshot".
#125120221Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:38 AM GMT

This RP has been UNAPPROVED by the Critics! Because it basically is a ripoff of Divergent.
#125143521Saturday, February 08, 2014 6:10 AM GMT

(Small question, And this is not a troll question. What the crap is Divergent and does it have ninjas in it?)
#125148618Saturday, February 08, 2014 8:35 AM GMT

what is this
#125148711Saturday, February 08, 2014 8:40 AM GMT

Why are there ninjas in a zombie apocalypse?
#125161368Saturday, February 08, 2014 2:54 PM GMT

Because of other RPs and some confusing crap. I had this character in 3 other RPs, And it involves some confusing stuff with naruto and pokemon. Just... Don't ask.

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