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#125501956Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:46 AM GMT

If ROBLOX introduced a multiplayer studio, would you guys use it? What features for multiplayer would you want?
#125504132Wednesday, February 12, 2014 1:29 PM GMT

All that Roblox studio has. Also a place to chat and see each others screens.
#125506942Wednesday, February 12, 2014 3:18 PM GMT

Check the plugins on Roblox Studio :)
#125517778Wednesday, February 12, 2014 7:18 PM GMT

@ked: I believe the OP is looking to make his own multiplayer Studio plugin, and is in need of ideas. Very rarely do people ask for others' opinions unless they plan on using those opinions. @OP: The biggest challenge with multi-person development on ROBLOX is that people are afraid that other people might steal their work if they have access to the whole place. Having access to the whole place makes it easier to develop, but then again, any developer could steal another's hard work. It's not so much of a problem with any of us here, because we have been on ROBLOX long enough(usually) that we have a list of people that we could develop something with that won't steal our stuff(not that we'd mind if we lost some measly script anyway), but the fairly newer members of ROBLOX are pushed away from multi-person development because someone might steal their work. If you figure out a way to give access to the whole place, but prevent players who don't own the place from saving the place/models of the place, a lot more of the newer members might delve into development.
#125527443Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:42 PM GMT

all hail priblox all hail priblox all hail priblox all hail priblox

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