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#125604708Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:42 PM GMT

*They board a C-130 chopper after getting their gear on. Anderson straps the oxygen mask to his face since they would be at extremely high altitudes.* *While they sit, seatbelted to the benches inside the plane, the US Ranger song "If I Die in a Drop Zone" plays over their communication system.* "Well this is a cheery way to start a mission," Anderson mutters to Spade sarcastically. Spade laughs, and pulls back the safety clip on his M16. Washington and Gato are sitting across them on the opposite bench.* "Approaching one thousand feet," the pilot said through the intercom.* A bit of an RP I did with a friend "Roger," Spade said, stretching. "Everyone get ready." *They form two ranks at the hinge of the bay door to the C-130. As it opens, they walk out. Spade goes first, jumping straight into the fog. Then Washington kicks off the edge, screaming "WHOO HOO!". Gato laughs and jumps down regularly, while Anderson does a backflip, mock saluting at Knight, who was watching through the camera that was recording their descent.* *Spade readies his M16.* "Approaching 2,000 feet," Anderson yelled in the radio. Spade could barely hear him with the wind whistling around his helmet. "Activate chutes at 900 feet!" *His altimeter reaches 1,000. "DEPLOY CHUTES, THEY'LL BE FULLY OUT AS WE REACH 900!" *Spade tugs at the parachute pin on the shoulder straps. It doesn't work.* "SPADE, ACTIVATE YOUR CHUTE!" Anderson hollers.* "Oh...!!!" *Spade then continues to fall until he's at 570 feet* "Did you pack the emergency chutes!!!???"

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