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#125622607Friday, February 14, 2014 12:00 AM GMT

Welcome to Legion Academy! This is a private school rp in present time, We rp teachers, students, and basically anything you want! We offer some of the best education. We are a highschool. *RULES* 1. No trolling 2. Nothing inappropriate 3. Don't fight (you can rp fight) 4. No 'magic powers' 5. Have fun! :D Character sheet: CS: Name: Age: Grade: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Anything Else: We hope you have fun!
#125623496Friday, February 14, 2014 12:11 AM GMT

hopefully someone joins sooon.
#125624144Friday, February 14, 2014 12:18 AM GMT

Name: Lacey Ackerman Age:15 Grade: Freshman, 9th. Gender: Female. Appearance: Long black hair with a piece of hair that goes down to her nose. She has unusual, black onyx eyes. She wears a black scarf. Personality: She tends to isolate herself. She keeps to herself and has no friends. She always has a blank expression and can fight when she needs too. Bio: Alice grew up as a only child. When Lacey was 6, her mother gave her a black scarf. Lacey loved it and always wore it. However, on Lacey's 7th birthday, her family and her took a trip. They met a fatal car crash. Both of Lacey's parents died and left Lacey in shock. From then on, Lacey always wore the scarf her mother gave her. Lacey was adopted by two men (meaning they were gae) Alice loved her dads. They then adopted a boy a year older then her. His name was Zack. Lacey and her brother didn't get along well, so Lacey kept to herself from then on. Anything Else: She has a scar on her back from when she was in a car crash when she was 7.
#125624253Friday, February 14, 2014 12:19 AM GMT

(ignore last post) Name: Lacey Ackerman Age:15 Grade: Freshman, 9th. Gender: Female. Appearance: Long black hair with a piece of hair that goes down to her nose. She has unusual, black onyx eyes. She wears a black scarf. Personality: She tends to isolate herself. She keeps to herself and has no friends. She always has a blank expression and can fight when she needs too. Bio: Lacey grew up as a only child. When Lacey was 6, her mother gave her a black scarf. Lacey loved it and always wore it. However, on Lacey's 7th birthday, her family and her took a trip. They met a fatal car crash. Both of Lacey's parents died and left Lacey in shock. From then on, Lacey always wore the scarf her mother gave her. Lacey was adopted by two men (meaning they were gae) Alice loved her dads. They then adopted a boy a year older then her. His name was Zack. Lacey and her brother didn't get along well, so Lacey kept to herself from then on. Anything Else: She has a scar on her back from when she was in a car crash when she was 7.
#125626424Friday, February 14, 2014 12:42 AM GMT

CS: Name: Alanna A. Allison Age: 13 Grade: 9th Grade Gender: Female Appearance: Alanna has medium length, wavy blonde hair. It goes down to about 3 inches below her shoulders, and it's a honey color. She usually puts it up in two pigtails on the side of her head, letting her curly hair fall. If she doesn't have her hair up, Alanna does have bangs, which cover her left eye. As for the rest of her appearance? Alanna has grey eyes with little specks of blue in them. She has a heart-shaped face, with a button-type nose and a full bottom lips. Alanna usually wears bootcut, dark blue jeans, and some type of t-shirt. She has a pink hooded jacket, with fake fluffy fur on the inside and white snowflake designs on the outside. She almost always wears this jacket, unless it's in the extreme heat. Personality: Alanna is extremely peppy, and she loves being a leader. She will always be there to comfort someone, and hates unfairness. She is often extremely competitive, and lets it rule her decisions. Alanna adores reading, but she isn't a shy girl. Bio: Alanna had a nice life with her family, which consisted of her twin sister Lara, her little brother Jake, her mother and her father. They were always doing things as a family, and seemed perfect. Alanna and Lara fought rarely, and they both adored Jake. That's really it. There's usually a problem, but it's really just that Alanna and Lara want a better education and so they got sent to this school. Both of them are two grades ahead, having grown up in a community where school was a lot harder than normal. Anything Else: Alanna has a golden chain necklace with an amethyst on it, given to her by her sister. Lara has a similar one, only hers is a silver chain with a Zircon on it. (Can I make Lara as another character?)
#125626613Friday, February 14, 2014 12:44 AM GMT

(Accepted, and yes you can add Lara. 1 more person until we start rp c:)
#125627446Friday, February 14, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

CS: Name: Bella Clowsky Age: 19 Grade: Senior? Gender: Female Appearance: She has blonde hair that's shoulder length,and blue eyes. She stands at 5"7 and is short Personality: She is funny and sweet Bio: N/A Anything Else: Nope
#125627602Friday, February 14, 2014 12:55 AM GMT

(Kinda accepted, add more detail though.)
#125627756Friday, February 14, 2014 12:57 AM GMT

Name: Aurora Rose. Also known as: Rose, Briar, or The Briar Rose. Age: 15 Grade: 9th Gender: Female Appearance: Long, dark brown hair that falls in curls to her waist. Deep blue eyes and a slim waist, with strong legs and arms. Personality: Head-strong and tough. Can be sweet though, but usually distant, very athletic but no one lets her show it. Bio: Lives with her Mom and Brother in a small apartment after her father divorced her mother. She still sees him but its not the same. Used to be liked, as soon as she got distant people started ignoring her and picking on her. Anything Else: Nothing.
#125627945Friday, February 14, 2014 12:58 AM GMT

(Alena, accepted. And since your my bff, Your head admin. Alena91823 is HeadAdmin k bye)
#125628013Friday, February 14, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

(Detail to what?)
#125628016Friday, February 14, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

(Wait, you're leaving the RP?)
#125628260Friday, February 14, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

(No I'm not leaving rp. And little, I mean add more detail too personality and you should put stuff for your oc's bio.)
#125629754Friday, February 14, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#125629990Friday, February 14, 2014 1:19 AM GMT

Alanna I pull my bag into the school, looking up. "Wow!" I breathe, spinning around. This is beautiful!
#125630134Friday, February 14, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

CS: Name: Lara M. Allison Age: 13 Grade: 9th grade Gender: Female Appearance: Lara looks exactly the same as her twin sister Alanna, with the only differences being caused by the environment. While Alanna wears comfy-cozy clothing, Lara wears whatever is 'in' and loves being the center of attention. She always has her hair down, because putting it up looks dorky. Personality: Lara loves being a star, and is often the most popular girl in school. She will deign to hang out with her sister, but she always knows what to do. She hates fighting with people herself, but will insult others to the ends of the earth. Bio: See Alanna. Anything Else: See Alanna, again :P
#125630665Friday, February 14, 2014 1:25 AM GMT

Lacey My dad drives up to the school and drops me off. "Bye." I say as my dad drives off. I adjust my uniform and walk into the school. It's huge. It's full of rich people. Of course you have to have money to get it, execept, I got in by grades and a scholarship. I walk to my new locker.
#125630895Friday, February 14, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

[Briar Rose] Soon I'm pulling up in my moms car near the new school, and bid her goodbye. I grab my backpack and get out of the car, and my mom drives off. I sigh and walk into the school, waiting. I wait for the bell and everyone else to come in. "This will be a boring day.." I mutter.
#125630957Friday, February 14, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

(May I ask if you got 'Briar Rose' from a Tamora Pierce book?)
#125631079Friday, February 14, 2014 1:30 AM GMT

Character sheet: CS: Name: Jason Randy Age: 17 Grade: 10th Gender: Male Appearance: This: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/287/7/2/Headphone_Guy_by_houseki_chan.jpg Personality: Nice, Funny, Music Loving and Kind Bio: Lived a quite normal Life Anything Else: Headphone guy
#125631150Friday, February 14, 2014 1:30 AM GMT

[Briar Rose] **edited Soon I'm pulling up in my moms car near the new school, and bid her goodbye. I grab my backpack and get out of the car, and my mom drives off. I sigh and walk into the school, waiting. I wait for the bell. "This will be a boring day.." I mutter. I walk to my new locker and put stuff away, and decorate it. Tons of rich kids, this will be tough. I got in by my intelligence and a scholarship, like the other few of me here who aren't rich. I see a girl next to me, and I'm pretty sure her locker is next to mine. She looks like me. Plain, not rich or snobby. Just withdrawn. I study her for a moment before going back to decorating the inside of my locker.
#125631218Friday, February 14, 2014 1:31 AM GMT

[And no.]
#125631247Friday, February 14, 2014 1:31 AM GMT

Lacey (First bell ringing, select any class you want to go to) I hear the bell fix my scarf. I head to math, the first class I have. My hair swishes as I walk quickly. I arrive in class and take a seat in back. I wait for the other students to come in.
#125631341Friday, February 14, 2014 1:32 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#125631477Friday, February 14, 2014 1:34 AM GMT

Alanna I head into the school, checking my schedule for the first class. "Honors Geometry." I say out loud, turning to Lara. "You?" Lara I pull out my schedule as well. "Same!" I tell her happily. "Let's go."

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