#129756048Thursday, April 03, 2014 11:10 PM GMT

(Accepted. Great details.)
#129756136Thursday, April 03, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

(Thanks c:)
#129757384Thursday, April 03, 2014 11:23 PM GMT

Lily Private school. A private school. Should I send out Avona? No. Wait to see what the other kids are like. Then Avona can come out. Okay. You got this, Lily. Just go out there and meet the other kids. Easy, right? Yeah, really easy. Well, I could bring out Lulama, just be hidden until I find out if I need Avona... Sounds like a plan. I rushed into the girl's bathroom and brushed my hair down into my face. Alright. Lulama I hurried out of the bathroom just as the bell rang. Oh, my. So many people! I tried to stay as hidden as possible, attemping to melt in with the crowd. Oh, boy. This will be a hard day.
#129774031Friday, April 04, 2014 1:44 AM GMT

Jason I come out the restroom in a racing suit with a racing helmet on my head, as i proceed to walk to the race track
#129775588Friday, April 04, 2014 1:58 AM GMT

Alexis I stand up slipping my phone into my backpack. I then proceed to walk with the flow of the people to class.
#129829959Friday, April 04, 2014 9:04 PM GMT

Lulama I attemped to slide into the classroom and sit at one of the desks in the back. I brushed a bit more hair into my face as I did.
#129840191Friday, April 04, 2014 10:54 PM GMT

Jason I arrive at the Race Track to see a massive crowd, i mumble to myself, "There is no turning back now", as i walk to my Henessey Venom Gt Spyder, i look up to see a bimp recording what is happening and being put on live tv. I drive to the starting line, i park in the 8th square and i start hoping that Legion Academy Private school will not see me in this and i begin to wait for the other racers.
#129943002Saturday, April 05, 2014 9:50 PM GMT

Alexis I brush my hair out of my face and sit down.
#129943350Saturday, April 05, 2014 9:54 PM GMT

Edward "Well your one hell of an actor." I say dropping a twenty on the counter. "Go find somewhere to sit. I'll grab the food."
#129948831Saturday, April 05, 2014 10:53 PM GMT

~Abigail~ "Amazing," I sneer. "Sit down and the bell rings. Just.. amazing." I rush to my first class, hoping no one would notice a 13 year old in ninth grade. I sit down next to a brown haired girl with a bob. As the teacher begins to ramble on, I check pictures I'm tagged in on instagram. When I see that my 19 year old sister, Sandra, compared me to a minotaur, I curse under my breath and hope no one around me saw.
#129949230Saturday, April 05, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

Name: Karl von Mecklenburg Age: 15 Grade: 9th Grade Gender: Male Appearance: Dirty blonde curly hair falls short around his head. He stands at 5'9". He often wears dress clothing, such as casual dress shirts, or suits on the weekend. In extreme casual situations, such as when he is not in public and is alone, he often just wears jeans and a polo. Personality: Intelligent and elitist, he tends to be somewhat timid in crowd situations or situations where he is around people he doesn't know. He is a very unmotivated student, often soaking up the information he needs in class and doing little to none of the work and keeping his grades up. What work he does do is often the easiest and for the most points. Bio: A member of the German House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, he was born in the city of Schwerin. He was tutored by private tutors until he was 15 and enrolled in Legion Academy. His early life was that of general luxury, he excelled in his studies and took a heavy interest in the military arts and military history. His own small fund that his parents gave him went to surrounding himself with historical Prussian and German antiques. Due to his German birth and noble upbringing, he is fluent in both German and English and often speaks to himself in German when alone or even in public. Anything Else: No, not really
#129957550Sunday, April 06, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

(Accepted.) -Lacey- I glare and give a small hmph. I find a table and sit down, twiddling my fingers. Why did I even agree to this? Gosh, I am such an idiot! For all I know, he could be a murderer. He was flirting with me, though. I really don't know how to explain my feelings like this. Have I gone crazy?
#129959230Sunday, April 06, 2014 12:50 AM GMT

(What classes is everyone in?) -Karl- Karl would hold his binder under his shoulder, spine in his hand. "Schisse, schisse... ich habe keine idee wo ich gehen..." Karl would continue walking, having a slight panic as he walked quickly on the campus.
#129961464Sunday, April 06, 2014 1:18 AM GMT

(Some of us aren't in class but the others might be in math class)
#129961747Sunday, April 06, 2014 1:21 AM GMT

Jason The other racers ligned up, the guy holding the flag begins to say, " 3, 2, 1 GO!!", all tne racers blast off at amazing speeds, i start paying massive attention to the road and by doing so i managed to pass 4 people.
#129963658Sunday, April 06, 2014 1:43 AM GMT

Edward I grab the food we ordered and bring it to where she was sitting. "Come on, relax a little. It's not like I'm going to hurt you. And besides, it'd be too noticeable." I say unwrapping my burger. I take a bite out of it. "So tell me, What do your parents think of you?"
#129965884Sunday, April 06, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

Alexis I tap my foot and twirl my hair around my finger absent mindedly.
#129967691Sunday, April 06, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

~Abigail~ I silently sneak out of my chair and into the hallway, undetected. As soon as I turn the corner, I bump into another kid. He has sort of a weird outfit on, looking like he's been out of the country. "Erm, ist Mathe-Unterricht auf diese Weise," I say. I guide him back to the classroom and sneak back into my seat, whipping out my phone once again.
#129979819Sunday, April 06, 2014 4:45 AM GMT

This is the most underdeveloped private school RP I've ever seen. Frankly, I have no idea how this is at seven pages. CS: Name: Andrei Haruhiko Pogodin Age: 18 Grade: 12th Gender: Male Appearance: Andrei stands at exactly six feet and weighs around 70kg. He sports a round face, dark blonde hair, high cheekbones, and exotic-looking pale-blue eyes -- a result of his mixed Asian and Slavic descent. His lips are chiseled and are almost perpetually shut. Andrei is fairly well-built, but has a tendency to remain slim, to his dismay. Prior to entering Legion , his wardrobe consisted only of very casual outfits, leading many to perceive him as being very lazy and uninterested in his appearance; his rugged, toned body comes as a surprise to many who see him for the first time. Personality: Andrei is great at keeping calm, and will not stress unlike many of his peers. He is seldom interested in being competitive if he does not have to be, but when in a life-or-death scenario, Andrei is a masterful problem-solver and an extremely practical thinker. Andrei's logical and characteristically scientific mind makes him the man to see for split-second decision making. Because of his action-oriented mind, Andrei actually gets a kick out of tackling difficult challenges that others fear. Unfortunately, his spontaneity does not translate well to schoolwork -- who has time to sit around for seven hours and endure three more hours of homework? Bio: Born in Russia but raised mostly in Japan, Andrei considers himself an immigrant from the Kyoto Prefecture in Japan. Andrei said his goodbyes to his friends back home as he moved with his parents (one Russian, one Japanese) to a completely different country, and as he attended a completely different school. As a child, his parents, who were both leading scientists in their respective countries, noticed that Andrei was not only cognitively superior to children twice his age, but that his IQ was above and beyond the normal IQ bell curve. Andrei spent most of his childhood as a normal kid, albeit an extremely intelligent one. However, due to a distaste for conventional academics, he often found himself disregarding his homework and academic responsibilities entirely. Between the ages of six and 14, he has become adept with computer programing, mathematics, and all branches of the sciences. After moving away from Japan, he began to study English persistently, and has picked it up easily by communicating with others -- his dorm-mates, especially. He has made friends in his new school, but he still keeps tabs on his old friends every once in a while. All in all, Andrei's just a smart immigrant kid who came here to learn amongst the best. Anything Else: Chaotic Neutral, wishes to be an engineer
#130020201Sunday, April 06, 2014 5:27 PM GMT

(Yes, I understand how it is. I started it a while ago, when I was new to the forum, so the description isn't all that great. But, accepted.)
#130772714Monday, April 14, 2014 10:08 PM GMT

(Someone post already! I've been waiting for about a week!)
#130777530Monday, April 14, 2014 10:48 PM GMT

Jason I get hit by a delinquient racer, my car flipps itself and causes a massive disaster
#130787953Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:23 AM GMT

-Lacey- I eat my fries in silence until he asks me a question. "I don't know. They accept me." I give a small shrug and continue eating. Every once in a while, I adjust my scarf.
#130808502Tuesday, April 15, 2014 8:15 AM GMT

Edward "Jeeze. They must be tightasses if they just accept you." I finsh off my burger and crumple up the paper it came in. "So whats the story with the scarf? I mean, I know that its a fashion statement, but why a Scarf?"
#130832734Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:10 PM GMT

-Lacey- I stop eating and my eyes widen. Why would he ask that? My eyes avert from suprised to anger. "I don't go around telling people the story behind my scarf. It was my mothers, okay?" I mutter out angrily.