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#127247301Tuesday, March 04, 2014 2:10 AM GMT

Also Hwen, made some edits to the pad. Added a draft for Act Two.
#127518947Saturday, March 08, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

I'm on Spring Break, so hopefully this can get started soon.
#127547912Saturday, March 08, 2014 1:17 PM GMT

I'm ready when you all are.
#128012372Friday, March 14, 2014 2:00 AM GMT

#128012485Friday, March 14, 2014 2:01 AM GMT

Why aren't we starting? "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - George Carlin
#128013234Friday, March 14, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

Heck if I know
#128468303Wednesday, March 19, 2014 9:31 PM GMT

bump again
#128468891Wednesday, March 19, 2014 9:38 PM GMT

should we just start Chè per vendetta mai non sanò piaga
#128485665Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:37 AM GMT

I guess. I'll put something together and post later.
#128496212Thursday, March 20, 2014 2:36 AM GMT

Okay, maybe not "later" per se. Got distracted with DayZ Standalone. Also zanra, before you begin, you do need to revise your CS witht he suggestions I made at the very end of page 1. I can't allow you to take part as is, sorry.
#128540098Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:09 PM GMT

(Well see you guys im not rewriting that)
#128545873Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

(Okay well have fun trying to be the worlds best cop then. Which really isn't possible...) Starting soon.
#128551274Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:06 PM GMT

(Will do and it is possible look it up)
#128562434Friday, March 21, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

(World's Best Cop is very nebulous, so no... Okay starting it up. Loot and combat will be logic and dice rolls yada yada yada let's start the end!) -ALL- 4:13 AM Sirens ring, gunshots resound, and downtown Albany is bathed in the bright light of burning buildings. The undead have forced their way out of the hospital, and have taken to the streets in vast, loose mobs. Police hold desperate blockades on nearly every street, but are unable to hold back the swarm. The sounds of chaos can be heard far from the city, even in the suburbs. Large convoys of military vehicles rush to contain the situation. The noise wakes you from your sleep, and as you look outside you see the city in chaos, somewhat in the distance.
#128913260Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:52 AM GMT

#129132073Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:32 PM GMT

(I gave up on this character sheet a while ago, since everytime I wrote it I edited all the small parts until I slowly went insane. But hey, since this died anyhow, I might as well post what messed up information I garnished up so that everything didn't go to waste. After all, it's 2500 words; I'm not going to keep it in some dark corner.) ---- [ BASIC ] ---- Name: Colton Doe Age: 17 Gender: Male Nationality: United States Ethnicity: East Asian/Caucasian Police/Criminal/Legal record: Clean. Birth date: 1988-02-24 Birth place: Omaha, Nebraska Current residence: A motel on the outskirts of Albany, New York Occupation: Grade 12 high school student Hobbies/Pastimes: Talents/Skills: Genius on the proper functions, usages, handlings, and features of virtually every civilian firearm on the market, along with a few military rifles and sidearms. Aim with said weapon is slightly above average but nothing exceptional due to subpar education. Adept in hand-to-hand combat, specifically Krav Maga. Whether he can apply these skills to real life situations is questionable, though his martial art skills are developed enough to deal with most threats he feels he’ll encounter. ----- [ Past History ] ----- Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska First Memory: Most important childhood event(s) that still affects him/her; how/why: Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why: Biggest role model and why: Backstory: Colton Doe was born to a US army veteran and a school teacher. His father was not present for the majority of his infancy, as he was an active member of the US army. He left his wife before Colton’s birth to partake in the Lebanese Civil War. For the first 6 years of Coltons life he was raised by his mother as a single parent. The conflict Colton’s father took part of ended in 1984. However, no one heard from him until Colton’s 7th birthday, when he returned home. A month afterwards, while Colton was at school, his house suffered from a fire. Source was declared a cooking accident left unattended. There was one victim that was declared dead, which was Colton’s mother. The entire incident was nothing but a blur to Colton, but he found himself living in a smaller, new home still in Omaha with his father. It was then when Colton’s father began taking his son to gyms, firing ranges, etc., slowly building him up into a soldier. At the time, Colton wanted to join the army like his father did. As years past, the training schedule slowly became more restrictive to the point where Colton had no free time. His father has also become more unhinged and strict, with the training becoming much more intense. At the age of 11, Colton finally fought back against his father. The argument that ensued revealed Colton’s father’s true nature: His time at war has twisted his mind, as he witnessed war crimes committed by his own soldiers. None of the soldiers faced justice by the government however, due to Victor’s Justice, and the fact that US did not sign the Geneva Conventions. Losing hope, Colton’s father revealed his plans to suicide bomb the Empire State Building by shooting his way into the lobby and detonating an explosion large enough to destroy the base of the building. Colton would be forced to partake in this scheme. To add insult to injury, and to ensure his son wouldn’t squeal to the authorities, Colton’s father attached a dud bomb to Colton’s leg. He claimed that attempting to remove the bomb, revealing the plans to the authorities, or revealing ANYTHING to ANYONE would cause the bomb to explode, killing him and everyone around him. Colton believed him. The training of Colton was intensified to excruciatingly painful levels, and on his 18th birthday the two moved to a motel on the outskirts of Albany, preparing their attack on the empire state building. They have been there (Continue from here) ----- [ Physical Characteristics ] ----- Height: 6”2’ Weight: 188 lb Posture: Rigidly straight Build (body structure): Mesomorph, kept in top-tier shape and built like a professional fighter. Skin: Beige Hair (color, length, usual style): Blonde Buzzcut Eyes: Brown Face shape: Inverted Triangle Most Common Used Expression: A deadpan stare, though due to the shape of his lips it generally looks like he’s frowning Glasses/Contacts: No. Tatoos/Scars: A depiction of a black crow is tattooed on his left bicep. This is very crudely tattooed and deformed, as it was done by his father against Coltons will. His chest is covered in scars, along with his arms. Left or right handed?: Ambidextrous. He is generally more comfortable with his right hand when shooting firearms, while his left hand is more comfortable with writing and melee weapon wielding. This was forced upon him by his father in an attempt to make Colton a dual-wielding soldier. Naturally, it was a failure. Distinguishing features: Who does s/he take after; mother or father or neither?: Mother What do they typically wear?: A zipped up black hoodie with no distinguishing features or patterns. Dark blue jeans and black slip on shoes. Accessories (necklace, piercings, wrist watches): A red sports watch Common Health Status (are they usually sickly, or do they mostly stay healthy all year?): Aside from colds as a kid, Colton has experienced no particularly notable health problems. ----- [ Quirks ] ----- Is s/he generally balanced or clumsy?: Balanced Describe their mannerisms/poses/movement: Colton generally stands straight with his hands either by his side or “at ease”. Walking is as normal, and his running has been described to be more of a “gallop” than anything. Habits/Obsessions: Speech patterns: Unique phrases: Do they curse, and if so, to what extent: Same with this. Describe their sleep patterns (light/heavy sleeper, insomniac, sleeps too often, etc): Do they commonly get nightmares?: Yes ----- [ Psychological Attributes ] ----- Known languages: English List a few goals/desires in their life: His overall main (but unlikely) goal is to oppose and escape his father’s sociopathic control over Colton, and at the same time live to see the age of 20. They don’t appear to be hand-in-hand. Secret desires: To never see a weapon again. Not carried by anyone, displayed by anyone, used by anyone. Not sold openly in stores, not having such a large presence in news and media. How self-confident is s/he?: When he talks (Which is rarely) people have a tendency to listen. However, in his own home his self-confidence is completely abolished due to his father’s immensely taxing training course and abuse. How do they believe s/he is perceived by others?: A silent antisocial freak drifting his way through high school. What is the character most proud of?: His level of patience, which has come a long way ever since his entrance to middle school. What does s/he like least about his/herself?: His general lack of courage How do they express themselves around friends versus around strangers?: To put it simply, he will occasionally talk with the few acquaintances he has with reluctance, while he completely ignores strangers Is this character generally dominant or submissive?: Submissive. Level of patience (the patience of a mossy rock in a zen garden, vs, the patience of Rog's mother without coffee on a Monday morning..): His patience is un-naturally high due to his lifestyle at home. Describe his/her sense of humor (dirty, anti-jokes, puns, inside jokes, dark humor, etc): Jokes are not things that Colton generally utilize, though he has been noted to use Observational Humor from time to time Biggest Physical Vulnerability: Lack of real world experience in regards to combat. He does bear a distinct advantage over the general population. Biggest Emotional Vulnerability: Optimist or pessimist: Pessimist Fears/phobias: Colton fears explosives and Uniforms. He is also Arsonphobic. Biggest regret: Fighting his father’s abusive treatment instead of running away when he had the chance. Biggest accomplishment: Despite it being against his will, his body is kept in UFC tier shape. Character's darkest/deepest secret: An IED has been strapped to his inner thigh by his father. Attempting to remove it, running to the cops, or letting any information about his father’s abusive treatment to the public out will result in the bomb triggering, killing him and anyone nearby. ----- [ Emotional Status ] ----- Describe character's sense of morals: His father has done is best to completely destroy Colton’s sense of morals, but the reverse has been put into effect. Colton strongly believes in the morals of the innocence and good. However, he also believes evil should be snuffed out before it spreads and causes more damage. What do they consider taboo (something they personally would never do): Social interaction. This leads to friends, which could get killed should the IED explode at any time. Character's etiquette (manners in public): The only time Colton is ever in public is when he is in school. He is silent, answering questions only when asked. He will occasionally make comments or intervene with incidents that he finds wrong (IE, discrimination.) Character's sense of self-control: Colton has never exploded (In a figurative sense) once since the time bomb has been strapped to his leg. He can take abuse from anyone without flinching Spontaneous or structured?: Structured Instinctual or logical?: Logical How has this character most changed from youth?: His life has done a complete 180 turn. He started as an optimist, and then changed into a gray area between optimist and pessimist after his mother died. When the bomb was strapped, he became a complete pessimist. Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they loved?: Yes How does this character deal with or react to...: Conflict/Danger: He prefers to flee from any conflict instead of direct confrontation with it. Rejection: Due to his self control, Rejection is not an emotion he actively shows in any given situation. Overall, he views most cases of rejection as good. Fright: In the rare incidences he is frightened, he will consistently avoid or hide the source until he has regained enough control of himself. Pain: Deadpan acceptance Stress: Deadpan acceptance Guilt: He will attempt to fix the source of his guilt in any way he can. Otherwise it will haunt him and affect his actions in a negative way. Being insulted (superficially: name calling, etc): Deadpan acceptance. Persistence will grant the source of the insults a threatening glance. He has never gone beyond that. Praise: Deadpan indifference Being loved: Being loved is not a situation he has really ever experienced. How he would react would completely depend on his current situation Being hated: Being hated is not a situation he has really ever experienced. How he would react would completely depend on his current situation Humiliation: Even if Colton didn’t have his un-natural state of self-control, humiliation simply isn’t a situation he ever cared about. How does this character express...: (Yes, Colton DOES express emotion, though it is much more subtle than anyone else. These traits probably won’t be noticeable unless he is with another person for a long period of time.) Anger: Anger results in the general furrowing of his eyebrows followed with breathing through a small opening from his mouth at a faster pace. Sadness: A tendency to glance downwards. Fear: A subtle widening of his eyes along with his left hand instinctively reaching for his pocket. Happiness/Excitement: The happier he is generally means a slight increase of his rate of talking. Love: An increase of social interaction with the person he likes (if by “Love” you mean from a social relationship sense.) Stress: A subtle biting of his lip. Dislike (of a person, thing, or idea): Dislike falls hand and hand with anger. Approval (of a person, thing, or idea): Approval generally equates to a brief nod or jerk of the head. What does this character think/feel about...: Children: The only issue Colton has with children, especially young children, is their malleability and ignorance. Family/Family Values: In most cases, Colton dislikes the idea of “family” and “parents”. Who you end up being is generally dictated by the way your parents raised you. If they do something negatively, the child will in turn be affected in a negative way. Colton hates how that limits the freedom of youth. He feels the same way about media and other “negative” influences. Friendship/Other relationships: Ah, how he wishes he could have them. Friends and connections get you places, and they’re nice to have otherwise. Education: If there wasn’t any education we would REALLY be screwed. It has it’s flaws (IE the entire foreign language department was a joke to Colton) but are you really going to live the rest of your life not knowing basic multiplication? How does the character view life?: The most important, yet most fragile thing you can possess. How does the character view death?: He has thought over what death was many times as he has always been convinced that it was fast approaching him. This has gone to the point where he has completely overthought the concept. In the end, since his death is projected to be coming in the near future, why not just wait for it? How does the character view society?: In the end, Colton has such a narrow minded view and so little experience with the term ‘society’, that he never considers his view on it. His father has attempted to drill into Colton’s head how society is “evil”. What does the character want out of life?: He is more concerned about extending his own lifetime. There’s no sense of projecting what his life wants to be like if it could literally end at any moment. What does this character consider 'success' to be?: Colton has no view on success due to his belief that success is a lie. What could be beneficial for one party may be detrimental for another party. What would the character like to change in his/her life?: To put it bluntly, his birth parents, as that would change entirely who he is. What motivates this character and why?: Main motivators include death threats and beating threats from his father, his morals that prevent him from harming innocents, and his will to survive for an extended period of time What discourages this character and why?: His father’s genocidal views, which are self-explanatory. What makes this character happy and why?: What makes this character sad and why?: What makes this character angry and why?: ----- [ Relationship Skills ] ----- Is s/he criticizing/judgmental of others?: Unfortunately, yes. He has to keep track of people, and he avoids interacting with said people. He generally judges people off of their behaviour, speech patterns, posture, appearance, etc. However, this is not always in a negative way, and he avoids sharing these views with others, so in his mind this decision is justifiable. Describe their sense of trust: Completely non-existent. It’s not that he doesn’t trusts anyone, it’s just that he doesn’t trust himself to trust anyone. Assuming he gains the ability to trust again, he would regardless by wary and paranoid of every human being he comes in contact with for a long period of time. What type of individuals does s/he like or associate with?: None would be the most accurate answer, but since that isn’t exactly plausible enough and he DOES have to associate with people occasionally, he prefers good hearted individuals that could reap the benefits of his presence. ----- [ Family ] ----- Did this character know their birth parents?: Yes Are the parents still alive?: The father is alive, the mother is not Was this character raised by someone other than their parents?:No Did/does s/he have any siblings?:No
#129146269Friday, March 28, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

(Mmm. A senior in high school with a working knowledge of "Virtually every civilian firearm on the market", and a practicer of Krav Maga, miiiiight be puching the envelope a little. If you could tone that down a bit, it's otherwise very exceptional.)
#129154718Friday, March 28, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

(Again, it was incomplete. Most of this training came from his disillusional and psychotic father, thus how effectively he can apply these skills is debatable. In addition he has had no reason/will to use force: The entire point of his existence was to be wiped out spectacularly in a large IED anyhow. Trust me, I had gone through measures to make Colton interesting, balanced, and reasonable all at the same time, hence all the contradictory statements (Ie, the age says he's 17 yet in the biography it said he was 18).)
#129160286Friday, March 28, 2014 3:12 AM GMT

I was too busy cracking up at the love responses
#129160686Friday, March 28, 2014 3:18 AM GMT

(Still, it seems a tad unrealistic. I mean, my character is reserve duty military, and even then his most noteworthy skills are navigation and, though I may have forgotten it, cooking. In a line of work that is centered around the use of weapons, his exposure to them is limited strictly to the M16, and a few mission-specific weapon systems. For a high-schooler to be so adept at at least the maintenance of firearms seems OP. Whatever the case may be, if you say you went out of the way to make him balanced, I'll trust in your discretion and accept the character.)
#129742491Thursday, April 03, 2014 9:15 PM GMT

(Bump. Don't say you wanted to start and then ignore it.)
#129766224Friday, April 04, 2014 12:41 AM GMT

(Well, I never specifically stated I wanted to start. I just put up a half finished CS of an under developed character because I put a lot of effort into him and I thought the RP was already dead, therefore why not post what I have? IS this dead?)
#129768912Friday, April 04, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

(It hasn't started yet, so I sure as hell hope not)
#129779018Friday, April 04, 2014 2:34 AM GMT

(Ah. Well, in the case that it's possible I might actually finish the... C...S... *Looks up*..........*Sobs*..... Later...)

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