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#126556678Sunday, February 23, 2014 3:48 PM GMT

(Based off the book 'Ashes'. MPSRP means Multi Player Survival Role Play.) Took four days to make, and plot only took 20 minutes. Table of Contents I = Plot II = Rules III = Locations IV = Skills V = CS VI = How it works ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I, PLOT 'It started strangely, just random. People left and right began bleeding, falling, and dying. Most kids seemed to be... crazy. Well, they were, if one second they were laughing and smiling, then the next they fell, seemed to be lost, and after that... They grabbed the closest living thing still sane, and bit it. They ate it. They ate everything! They killed everything that wasn't one of them!...' 'They ran with the ability they had before they were crazy. They had the ability of strength as before. They even had INTELLIGENCE! HOW COULD THEY SET TRAPS, USE OBJECTS TO KILL US!' He stops, crying a bit. 'They killed so quickly. They killed my brother, they killed my wife, they killed my baby boy! And the worst part of it all... Was all my kids except for the baby was affected. They ate my memories before my eyes. And I had to... do that to all my children.' A large punch sound rings, and he sobs, the sound of his body hitting the floor. After what seems like minutes, he stops sobbing, turning into sniffles, and he continues. 'The brain was affected, by a shock feeling. At least it was for me. So I guess it started with some electrons or whatever.' 'But that doesn't make any sense, as to why the moon is blue and green, or why my friend who had a tumor, has a strange increase of smell, even though the tumor killed his ability to smell. But I noticed something... Kids seemed to be the only ones turning. Old people are barely seen as one of them, and almost all of them are children.' 'Well, I don't understand why I keep a daily record of this. It's stupid. I call it The Zap. But, I guess I need to continue. My wife would have wanted me to. Recording end.' This was taken a week after it started. When the the roleplay starts, this doesn't happen, it was just a regular time/camping trip before this happened. The Zap is an electronic pulse, which affects living material, changing the way the body's hormones work, and triggering the shutdown of certain brain functions, but increasing some. It shuts down the ability to remember, reason, parts of speech, most emotion, recognition, and memory. But it slightly increases movement, orientation, and the senses, including how they react, and allows their body to go EXTREMELY long periods of time without food or drink, lasting up to years without food. It removes all emotion, except for the feeling of rage, and enjoyment of eating flesh, particularly human, but animal too. It also allows a bit more physical activity to be done. They are NOT dead, so they do not rot. They can only be killed regularly, or they die by age. They also have slower splitting of cells, and prolonged life of cells, so aging takes longer. As said, they do retain intelligence of life before, and have a bit of problem solving ability. People don't 'turn' when they get bitten. At least, not until they get bitten a lot. The 'zombies' have blood coming from their mouth, so they spill the blood inside you. Not much blood, and only when they bite living things. After lots of their blood inside you, you can be infected. Now, why the moon is green and blue, is related to real-life devastating events. Oh, and your character doesn't know of this, and needs to figure it out. (Note: This is what someone knows, so not everything is in it.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II, Rules 1) Don't start when you want. Wait. 2) I or admin will accept your CS, but I have the right to decline it after an admin accepts it. 3) Soar is an admin, for suggesting a location. 4) If you believe this could be better done, give me suggestions. Not really a rule, I'm just asking, but you may become an admin. Oh, and I have the right to add rules when I see fit. 5) You dead, you're dead. Move on, make a new character. 6) Admins get the right to run the thread while I'm gone, accept/deny CS, and govern what outcome you get. 7) The basic junk. Do romance and such at your risk, blah blah blah. Look at the rule numbers and my username. What's in common? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III, Locations Chicago, Illinois Pros: More food/water Easier to hide Not as cold Cons: More infected More dead bodies, scavenging animals Alaska, in a wilderness reserve. A large one. Pros: Very little infected Ranger stations Cons: Very cold Near the solistice, so contant night and few hours of twilight Not much resources Easy to get lost ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV, Skills These are your skills, which will help you survive. They increase with use. Persuasion: Determines whether or not you can tell a person to not shoot, and for them to listen. Sneak: Makes it harder for infected/living to find you. Pickpocket: Easier to steal items off people, and find more. Note, it's always hard for a successful pickpocket attempt. Small Guns: Better aim/reload speed for pistols, certain rifles. Large Guns: Better aim/reload speed for most rifles, shotguns, and snipers. Special Guns: Better aim/reload speed for rocket launchers, flame throwers, and things related to it. Looting: Easier to take items not on people/infected, and find more. Hand to Hand: Better at fighting when using knuckles, bare hands, and things related. Sharp Weapons: Better at fighting with knives, swords, and things related. Blunt Weapons: Better at fighting with nightsticks, riot shields, and things related. Makeshift Weapons: Better at fighting with sticks, frying pans, and things related. Repair: Better at fixing weapons/equipment, with less time and less materials, and less fail chance. Creating: Easier to create weapons/equipment with less time, less materials, and less fail chance. Created Weapons: Better aim, and reload speed with created guns, better at fighting with created melee weapons. Explosions: Easier to handle explosives, less chance explosive is a dud. Survival: More time in between before you eat/drink. Willpower: Less likely to give up, easier to do mental tasks. Movement: You can move faster. Endurance: You can do physical things longer, such as running. Heart-Power: Determines how hard it is to scare you. Brain-Power: Determines how hard it is for you to become insane/feel disturbed. Resistance: Determines how much you can take physically before you break. Force: Determines how much physical power you can put into your attacks. Hearing: Determines how easily you can hear others. Seeing: Determines how well you can see. Knowledge: Determines how easy you can formulate plans/how much you know. You have 390 skill points to spend on the skills. The max a skill can have is 250, and the lowest is 1. Skills increase by use. You have major skills, which increase the skill by 15. You can have 4 major skills. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V, CS Sitting down, you think about yourself and who you are. Name: Age: Gender: Fears: Skills: Do you have or did have a tumor?: Appearance: (Based on appearance, I will increase/decrease skills. Picture prefered.) Current items: (This didn't happen yet, so there isn't a need for guns.) Location: What are things you like doing?: What are things you like eating?: Have you had any experience using guns? Which ones?: Why are you at your location?: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI, How it works There are multiple things you need to watch out for. Being hungry, wounded, things like that. This is how I will display your status. Hunger: 100% Thirst: 100% Sleep: 100% Waste: 100% Sanity: 100% Any noteable effects?: (Wounded, etc.) If your Thirst drops below 20%, you collapse, soon to die unless you are woken up and given something to eat. If Hunger drops below 10%, you collapse, soon to die unless you are woken up and given something to drink. If Sleep drops below 5%, you collapse, sleeping until you either get woken up, or if Sleep reaches 50%. If Waste drops below 20%, you urinate/'drop a bomb' in your pants. Which can disease you. If Sanity drops below 50%, you begin hearing/seeing things. Below 25%, sometimes you can't control your character. At 0%, you go insane, no control of yourself. It goes in this order of how fast it drops. Thirst, Hunger, Waste, Sleep. Sleep drops the slowest, Thirst highest. Sanity is different, in how it drops. It only drops when your character sees, hears, or does something that disturbs them. It increases when they do something relaxing. While sleeping, the rates Thirst, Hunger and Waste go down is halved. It works ISRP styled, so you type command, I give outcome. But it also works as an RP, so you can talk/give items to other people. Eg. I searched for another cookie, and replied to the other person (PC) I would respond: You manage to find a mostly-eaten cookie. I wouldn't respond to what your saying to the PC person, they would say something. This is it, kids/troubled teens/adults. Enjoy!
#126557622Sunday, February 23, 2014 3:59 PM GMT

Can we skip the skill thing?Those are hard for me.
#126558504Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:10 PM GMT

:/ Not really. As said, the skills are important to surviving. If you didn't do them, I'd assume all of them is at 1, and that's pretty bad.
#126558567Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:10 PM GMT

If you mean you'll do it later, sure. Just do it before The Zap happens.
#126558761Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:13 PM GMT

What about picking them for the players,if it's difficult for them to do it. Also,what do you mean by waste(I'm Norwegian,so there is >>>some<<< English words that I don't understand).
#126558877Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:14 PM GMT

(Your body makes waste. So, feces and urine.)
#126558936Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:15 PM GMT

And I made it so that every skill can get 15 points, so just type 15 in each.
#126559328Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:19 PM GMT

(Oh,I really don't think that Roblox will approve that,which is annoying,I'll make my CS soon.)
#126560300Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:30 PM GMT

Marked, Shadow. Can I make a note though? It wasn't only tumours, I believe, but any mental-decapitating disease, as demonstrated by...ugh, damn it, I forgot his name. Old man dictator? Not right, I know, xD, but duable.
#126560575Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:33 PM GMT

Maybe. Maybe... Meh. 'I said it's too late!' to fix it now!
#126560677Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:34 PM GMT

You also said offer suggestions, c;
#126560842Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:36 PM GMT

Yep. Pretend that's what it says.
#126561098Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:39 PM GMT

Lol. So, did Soar suggest Chicago, or Alaska. Oh, and what's the current season?
#126561284Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:41 PM GMT

Alaska. I thank him, because he made it challenging there. It's winter, near the solistice. Constant night, few hours of twilight.
#126561458Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:43 PM GMT

Nice, so, five hours of constant daylight then, lol. As for Chicago, Mmm...if people want a starting location within, May I suggest the Sears Tower? Tours, I mean. C;
#126561647Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:45 PM GMT

Sure. I put just Chicago for more places to be, but that's another location. Pawzkat! I hereby annouce you! Admin of this thread!
#126561844Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:47 PM GMT

There's also no good camping spots[that I know of], near by, xD. So I thought I'd suggest one. It's Winter, eh, that means the Navy Pier Winter Wonderland festival will begin, great hotspot for kids. Or the Kris Kringle festive, that too.
#126562001Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:49 PM GMT

^Talking about Chicago, btw, for the dense users.
#126562214Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:51 PM GMT

#126562292Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:53 PM GMT

I'll shut up now, since I'm taking up the first page. My cs shall be posted later, perhaps, eh, tonight? Maybe
#126563356Sunday, February 23, 2014 5:04 PM GMT

#126563669Sunday, February 23, 2014 5:07 PM GMT

I'll just make my CS once another person makes theirs,so I'm not all alone.
#126563758Sunday, February 23, 2014 5:08 PM GMT

Soar is going to make one, he just wants three people to make theirs.
#126569971Sunday, February 23, 2014 6:09 PM GMT

#126575068Sunday, February 23, 2014 7:01 PM GMT

Brainstorming ideas, I need to do a little research on some stuff before I start my process of writing.

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