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#126599949Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

I know people stopped complaing a long time ago, but I think the only reason the price floor is still dramaticly high is because everyone just said "omg price floor bad ok???". I'm going to create a detailed thread with suggestions on how to improve the price floor, instead of just completely whining about it. Here we go... A) First off, I'd like to start off with the most obvious point. The claims that the price floor will benefit the amount of tickets the creator is earning. This claim is false. I back up this pount because if you think about it, BC's will just copy shirts now instead of buying them, which just promotes piracy even more than ROBLOX already does. I mean, why wouldn't a BC copy a set of clothes when it'll cost him 200 tickets? So I garuntee that a small retailer that gets 20 sales a day, would probably get around 0-2 sales a day due to the price floor. Copy right and piracy is expanding on ROBLOX greatly due to this, and something like SOPA will happen again for those of you that were around... B) This hinders clans greatly due to the fact that it has always been tradition for clans to have some sort of uniform to either look awesome or to make it a bit more clear during raids who is who. The price floor is also a major set back for historic groups, take the WW2 era for example. You use to have epic battles with soldiers in WW2 uniforms and helmets, but now what you see is ROBLOX avatars in a WW2 battle field with an obey hat, jeans and a nike T-Shirt. Isn't very realistic or fun is it? C) However, I do not think we should revert the update completely as that would just be a complete waste of effort. I think, in order for creators to be truly credited for their art, the pricefloor should be 10 tickets per shirt, pants and T-Shirts. This way, creators will get credit, money and more sales per day since the day the price floor was introduced. Isn't that what you were aiming to achieve? This way, it only takes two days for a new clan member to buy his uniform instead of twenty... think about it ROBLOX! So if the price floor was 10 tickets instead of 100, I think many people would actually think the price floor is a GOOD idea, instead of pure evil. D) Many designers do not want to earn alot of money, they just want their designs to be popular, they want to walk into a game and be like "Oh, I created that!". But now, sales and popularity of original designs are dropping down very quickly. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, people are just copying clothes instad of buying them! The only people truely benefiting from the massive price floor are groups like Tiger and Kestrel. Other people are just devistated to see that their designs are no longer selling or being worn. E) In conclusion, I think if the ROBLOX team were really aiming to credit designers for the hard work they put into their clothes, they would make the price floor 10 tickets if they decide to actually read this. The Price floor would then actually be a good idea, and the uniform catastrophe in clans will finally draw to an end! What do you guys think? :)
#126600317Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

I did not read. :3
#126600392Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:15 PM GMT

tl;dr -Why did you waste your time posting this thread?
#126600407Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:15 PM GMT

This. Should. Happen. Now.
#126600424Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:15 PM GMT

TL;DR Sloths are friends, not food.
#126600485Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:16 PM GMT

Haha, I agree Random. And I wasted my time writing this thread because there is a small, very small posibility for ROBLOX to have it's clothes back!
#126600494Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:16 PM GMT

#126600631Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

Bigbear, you seem to have BC. Think about those who don't, those who possibily are getting kicked out of their clans just because they don't want to spend real money on a virtual game.
#126601355Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:24 PM GMT

Please help raise the attention of this thread so the ROBLOX admins see it.
#126601436Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

This is something I can agree on, in a way.
#126601511Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

That's why when I had BC I made a T-shirt with my groups logo on it for 20tix since that's how far down the T-shirt floor price can go too... So it's not over for Clan stuff yet anyways... Members can get the t-shirt first and save up for a Uniform if they want a uniform.
#126601550Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:26 PM GMT

Also I agree what you say too.
#126601652Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

i truly support
#126601756Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:28 PM GMT

sigh ive responded to enough of these threads so, simply no support j-frame
#126601845Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:28 PM GMT

As owner of group with 200 members I agree. 50% of people in my group can't afford the uniforms which are on lowest price 10Robux/100tickets.
#126601861Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:29 PM GMT

Well, you are right about the T-Shirts but that's still a problem with historic clans... because they like to be accurate and have full uniforms from that era. Also guys, please do post your suggestions for ROBLOX if they do read this.
#126601969Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:30 PM GMT

i support >got banned for 7 days<
#126601982Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:30 PM GMT

And Jurok, I see what you're saying. there have been hundreads of price floor rants, but none of them are detailed. They just say "OMG PRICE FLOOR IS BAD REMOVE PLZ NOW!!!" I'm not going completely against it, I'm giving suggestions that could improve the price floor without completely reverting it which ROBLOX would never do.
#126602096Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

actually, no price floor threads are usually word walls being chucked around j-frame
#126602210Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:32 PM GMT

I'm not sure what you mean... all the ones I've seen are pretty basic, that's why I wrote this.
#126602668Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:36 PM GMT

Any more support guys?
#126602765Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:37 PM GMT

With your first point, I disagree to a large extent. Whilst it’s true that some BC players do copy assets created by others, it’s still a small minority when you compare those who do with the amount of registered accounts on this website. If you also think about it, a little more, you’ll realise that the price floor does indirectly help with piracy – in a way. Whilst it doesn't stop people pirating assets, it does restrict their cash inflow. Why buy a copy, that’s likely of degraded quality, when you can buy the original for the same, or less? With your second point, I disagree but to a lesser extent. I can totally understand how it has impact groups negatively, especially those which rely on a uniform of sorts. Whilst this is going to sound old-hat, ROBLOX have repeatedly said that they will attempt to find a way to be fairer to groups which do rely on a uniform. True, they could just remove the price floor from assets in group stores, but then that just allows the old issues to return as anyone can make a group (BC) and add something to a store. It’s not particularly rocket science. I mainly disagree with this point due to the fact that it’s quite simple to script something which gives users, within a particular group, a particular set of clothing. Again, I disagree. It shouldn't be lowered to ten tickets. That’s nearly the same as simply reverting it, but instead just adding nine tickets to what it was before. Also, whilst you may complain that creators aren't getting as much, they are. ROBLOX added the price floor to give clothing creators a way to compete with place developers and their income, since they were dominating the entire economy. The blog, or a post by an admin, as backed this up showing that they are making a lot more. I’d also like to point out that you can't please everyone, and ROBLOX’s user base has demonstrated this time and time again, update after update. No matter what ROBLOX does, there is always a minority who complains to no end. Going on to what you pointed out as ‘D’, again I'll agree – to an extent. The designers who did it for fun were the ones causing the issue in the first place. Those who were exceptional designers, and sold for a tad more weren’t being recognised as much, as why waste 30 tickets on a shirt, when you could pay one or two tickets for something similar, but of lower quality overall. The NBC mentality rules here, and they go for the cheapest option to preserve funds.
#126603191Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

Yes, ofcourse you can script uniforms. I have that at my fort, but what about when you raid a fort? Your group will look silly! Also, many people are copying shirts, most people infact. This is prevening creators from gaining sales, take phirefox for example. He openly admitted that he is no longer getting any sales a day, when he use to get atleast 15-20. To your third paragraph, that's just like me saying theres no point in making it 100 tickets because it's just adding another 99 to what it was before. And degreated quality? I know someone like you knows about asset downloaders, everybody does these days. They steal the asset with the exact same quality.
#126603456Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:45 PM GMT

Lets end Roblox Fascism. Support
#126603552Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:46 PM GMT

@Edward, > My posting of the suggestion to script it is entirely in relation to your WW2 scenario. > In relation to your comment on my third paragraph, look at my last paragraph. > Yes, I do. However, the main point I'm trying to make is that there is now no way for people, who are copying, to pull more people in to buy their items as before users would copy a 30 ticket shirt, for example, then republish it for a couple.

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