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#126603666Sunday, February 23, 2014 11:47 PM GMT

1. 1 is the most independent, unconventional and individualistic of all numbers. It represents the beginning, the source, the innovator, the originator, and the uniqueness of the individualist. It is masculine, and possesses a strong sense of courage and leadership. It is ambitious and goal-oriented. It has direction, and it does not doubt its course of action. It is stubborn, and it has strong opinions about right and wrong. It is a high energy, dynamic force that drives relentlessly towards its destiny. It is the instigator. 2. 2 is the most gentle of all numbers, and represents cooperation, diplomacy, and tact. It is the power behind the throne. Two is a supportive number, and it often plays the role of advisor. It is very feminine and subtle. The 2 is loving, vulnerable, and humble. It loves music and harmony in any form. It dislikes direct confrontation, is easily hurt, and does not handle criticism well. However, it is extremely resilient. It is the peacemaker. 3. 3 is the most playful of all numbers. It is creative, inspirational and motivating. Self-expression and communication are its central qualities. It is a happy-go-lucky number, and is both optimistic and enthusiastic. Its energy is expansive and outward moving, and often scattered. It uplifts those around it; it enjoys life and doesn't take things too seriously. It is the sunshine number. 4. 4 is the most practical of all numbers, with a sharp eye for details. It is orderly, systematic, methodical and precise. It is reliable, punctual, and dependable. It does what is says it will do. It is honest, trustworthy, and totally without artifice. It is rigid, and it dislikes changes. It needs predictability, and it likes habits and rituals. It forms the foundation of every enterprise. It is the rock and the cornerstone. 5. 5 is the most dynamic of all numbers. It is persuasive - a promoter and salesperson par-excellence. 5 is versatile and adaptable. It is the experimenter and the explorer. It is also bright, quick-witted, and a straight shooter with extraordinary reflexes. It is the juggler of many projects, and it is easily distracted with a love for sensual pleasures and immediate gratification. It is adventurous and courageous; this is the traveler's number. 6. 6 is the most loving of all numbers. It is harmonious with all other numbers, and is committed, caring, sympathetic, protective and nurturing, as well as responsible, self-sacrificing and undemanding. It is domestic, marriage and family-oriented, and community conscious. It is the teacher and the healer. The 6 cares for those who are weaker. It is visually artistic and creative, like a craftsperson. It is also the mother/fatherhood number. 7. 7 is the most spiritual of all numbers. It is the seeker of truth, and is mental, analytical, focused, contemplative and meditative. It is the accumulator of knowledge and wisdom, the intellectual and abstract thinker. It is insightful and understanding, self-oriented and often withdrawn. 7 represents an inward, interior journey. It is the scientist, philosopher, preacher, scholar and sage. It is reflectivity, aloneness and quiet contentment. It is the hermit's number. 8. 8 is the most result-oriented of all numbers. It represents the balance between the material and the spiritual world. It is a powerful, ambitious, and money-conscious number, but it is also generous. It understands money as a tool. It is the leader and the business person, with big dreams and big plans. It is the overseer and the manager. It has strength and the perseverance to see things through. It is the gambler. It is understanding, forgiving and broad-minded. It is the visionary's number. 9. 9 is the most humanitarian of all numbers. It is effort and sacrifice without the need for reward. It is giving, sharing, loving and caring. It is the states person, politician, lawyer, writer, philosopher, and above all, the idealist. It is the worldwide consciousness, genius, and a synthesizer. It is creative and artistic. It is the architect, landscaper, and designer, a combiner of colors and materials. It is aloof, noble, aristocratic, and a healer of the many. Of course this test only matters if you actually believe in personality tests. I don't, but I thought this would be fun. Tell me if your answer was somewhat right.
#126612276Monday, February 24, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

I'm #2.
#126614973Monday, February 24, 2014 1:41 AM GMT

This must be the Enneagram personality system. In that case, I must be #2. Also, in the original system, the peacemaker is #9, but why not here?
#126618069Monday, February 24, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

I don't know. I got this from a site.

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