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#126945593Friday, February 28, 2014 7:29 PM GMT

To start this thread off i had a dream one night about Roblox realism update they mainly added weather in Robloxin the dream. I have been thinking lately that it would be a good update being as roblox never really updates the options for place making. I get bored with the user made weather mainly because it lacks detail and i rarely ever like it 0_0 It is not like its imposable to make weather Deadzone has weather and Deadzone no longer updates. I am trying to see why there is no weather and only one word Scriptable Thats about it. Why does roblox care if something is scriptable their lazy common sense tells me that.
#126945831Friday, February 28, 2014 7:34 PM GMT

You had a dream about roblox? Go play outside for a bit kid.
#126945928Friday, February 28, 2014 7:36 PM GMT

I just had a dream about m1necraft... I also had a dream I was famous on roblox. Support
#126945933Friday, February 28, 2014 7:36 PM GMT

Because Roblox are too buys with cooler stuff to bother with the Scriptable stuff.
#126946029Friday, February 28, 2014 7:38 PM GMT

Common they rarely update anything.
#126946058Friday, February 28, 2014 7:38 PM GMT

This could be a pretty good idea for people who are too lazy to make weather or as a part of terrain as an option while generation maps. I support. im watching you O_O
#126946156Friday, February 28, 2014 7:40 PM GMT

^ he understands.
#126946206Friday, February 28, 2014 7:41 PM GMT

@logan999999999999: Hmmm... 50 player servers (Testing 120+ player servers) Universes just came out DataStoreService (Working on OrderedDataStores) Developer Products (Working on) Mesh-Editor (If released, future versions will allow for physics of anchored meshes) Some other features which I forgot.
#126946236Friday, February 28, 2014 7:42 PM GMT

"who are too lazy to make weather" That is an argument against weather. You cant have everything done for you. Eventually, you will have to do something yourself.
#126946394Friday, February 28, 2014 7:45 PM GMT

@notun, none of those updates were even necessary. Universes are probably the best one. and I think a weather script would be nice. They add countless other things that are scriptable so don't just say "it's scriptable".
#126946526Friday, February 28, 2014 7:47 PM GMT

"none of those updates were even necessary." 50 player servers are the lest needed, I guess Universes are used for large-scale games, including multiple subgames for NBCers. DataStoreService is used for sharing player stats across multiple games. Also less buggy than DataPersistance Developer Products allow for better ingame purchases. Mesh-Editor everyone asks for. Same with mesh-collisions. And the "Its scriptable" argument is that no, I will not support an idea that can be replicated by users as more important updates which cannot be done by users are better.
#126946641Friday, February 28, 2014 7:49 PM GMT

CORRECTION: Developer Products are now released.
#126947120Friday, February 28, 2014 7:57 PM GMT

If it was for me then i would just leave roblox and play minecraft 11 hours more.
#126947229Friday, February 28, 2014 7:59 PM GMT

If what was for you..?
#126947247Friday, February 28, 2014 7:59 PM GMT

Would be nice, support!
#126947334Friday, February 28, 2014 8:01 PM GMT

Terrain generator was scriptable, so was water, and even data-persistence by altering the xml of the roblox place, which a very advanced game dev did in 09. And besides, games don't need all this stuff to be good. They just turn roBLOX into roREALISM.
#126947361Friday, February 28, 2014 8:01 PM GMT

And not all users are scripters i for one am a builder i may be lazy i also do let's plays for games.
#126947859Friday, February 28, 2014 8:09 PM GMT

"Terrain generator was scriptable, so was water, and even data-persistence by altering the xml of the roblox place, which a very advanced game dev did in 09." Voxel-based, so it was not without enough parts to make it infeasible. DP was not possible.
#126948538Friday, February 28, 2014 8:20 PM GMT

Weather would only be used by a minority of users. It'd really be a niche-feature. Not sure if worth implementing.
#126948722Friday, February 28, 2014 8:23 PM GMT

Oh it was very impossible. The game Scape HD from 08-09 had save and load. The only possible way was the creator altered the XML of the roblox place and then published it. And the part about it being voxel is also scriptable, perhaps making the inside of a land mass hollow, and forming new blocks based on a predefined x,y and z array. So yes.
#126948769Friday, February 28, 2014 8:23 PM GMT

it was very possible* stupid fingers
#126948833Friday, February 28, 2014 8:24 PM GMT

That is not a general enough method. DP was worth it for its simplicity, which otherwise required exploting a bug to implement
#126948893Friday, February 28, 2014 8:25 PM GMT

It would be implementable if for fog causing a limited render distance to render the predefined x y and z locations of each individual block. 8D
#126949046Friday, February 28, 2014 8:28 PM GMT

but anyway, thats not the point. the point is they add a feature that can be scriptable but who cares because other implements were scriptable and it doesn't matter, because that's just the point of adding it to make it easier. :D
#126949182Friday, February 28, 2014 8:30 PM GMT

Bump. yayayayay :D

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