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#127809352Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:09 PM GMT

The Rise of Rellim [Version 7.0.0] Welcome to the Wasteland. Nuclear war has devistated it. Nowhere is safe. But a strange new being, going by the name Rellim, has entered the dimension you primarily exist in. In this post, I will explain much about the lore. First off with the basics of the Gods. The Gods consist of The Creator, The Destroyer, Ullamcorper Quis, Father Time, The Lone Hero, Lucifer, Clyde Sinclair, and Dimitrius. The Creator: Made everything that exists, even the alternate dimension where Rellim came from. The Destroyer: Keeping order in chaos, The Destroyer does not conflict in any problems with the Council of Time and Space. Ullamcorper Quis (Played by user 'blocksahoy'): Latin for "Negative One", Ullamcorper is the God and owner of Space. He is a slightly lower rank that Father Time, considering Time runs outside of Space. Father Time: Owner of Time. Father is also high ranking in The Council of Time and Space. He keeps order in the council, and does not conflict with Space's problems. Ruler of the Order of Time, which consist of (Going highest rank to lowest): The Temporali(Beings of Time), Time-Space Gods, Time-Space Lords, Space Lords, and Time Lords. The Lone Hero: Not much is known about him, other than the fact that he saved Ullamcorper Quis from death in a battle with Lucifer for control over Reality. Lucifer: The sole equivalent of the Christian devil known as "Satan". This character is tied with the "-22 And Dropping" Lore by RedneckBricksmith. This character is also uncontrollable in terms of Time and Space, considering he does not exist in either. Clyde Sinclair (Played by user 'Neblar'): Nothing is known of this strange god, assumingly controlling the force of end. Dimitrius: Dimitrius is a minor God who controls the "Forces of Nature". Dimitrius can do as he pleases in Space and Time, for he exists outside of them. Now to the Main and Knowledgeable Characters. Lord Rellim(Played by user Canorous): Very little is known about Lord Rellim. He is a shadowy being that entered to Earth's dimension without a trace. Rellim also is the God of a new religion, reportedly called "Rellimism". All Lord Rellim wants is control over Earth; nobody knows why exactly. He seems to be pbsessed with power, such as Merek Hellsing. Merek Hellsing(Played by user Dashisfast): Barely anything is known about this character which is tied to the "-22 And Dropping..." Lore by RedneckBricksmith. What people DO know, on the other hand, is that all he seeks is power, just like Lord Rellim. Matt Temporalis(Played by user blocksahoy): Matt Temporalis is a lost Temporali, which was sent and trapped in the Time Line in which Lord Rellim has entered, along with his Dimensional teleport. Matt's goal is to take down Lord Rellim, and show Earth the right way out of the catastrophe of the Nuclear War. Joshua Temporalis[Deceased](Played by user blocksahoy): Joshua Temporalis, the brother of Matt Temporalis, only existed for about 7 Earth hours. In his short life, he felt he ad to avenge his brother's caputre by killing Merek Hellsing. He was later cannibalized by Merek. His dying words are "MAY THE TEMPORALI BE WITH US!!!" Mikal[Re-Birth of Time-Space God Kai Jackson](Played by user blocksahoy): Mikal, the Re-Birth of a very powerful Time-Space God known as Kai Jackson, seeks new light in his broken life. After his wife, Arisa Jackson(played by user DefeatedDemons), devorced from him, and witnessed his suicide, he made his way to The Council of Time and Space. Requesting for a re-birth, Ullamcorper Quis, the Future Kai Jackson, granted his wish. During re-birth, Kai's famous Japanese Dragon Tattoo flashed color, showing Kai that his wife had died. He then was re-born into Mikal. Arabelle(played by user DefeatedDemons): Arabelle is the daughter of Lucifer, and seeks suitable hosts for her neer ending lust of blood. She has god-like power, though she is not considered one, as stated in the Book of Time and Space(The Rule book of the universe). Not much else is known of her. Now to explain how the Universe works. Time is like silk woven in different patterns constantly. Time is constantly written, re-written and destroyed. These waves of Time are known as the Temporali. Yes, all pieces of Time re-live themselves as a being. Space, on the other hand, contains everything else you now know about(discluding Time. Time is wrapped AROUND Space, making it run, I.E. The gears of a machine.) The Council of Time and Space run everything like a never ending triathalon. They solve the problems they can, in the best way possible, even if it seems stupid and extreme. Where the lore gets confusing is where it ties in with RedneckBricksmith's "-22 And Dropping..." Lore. Talk to user and Admin "Dashisfast" for more details about the mix of Lore. I think I covered everything I need to for now, so until next update, have fun role-playing! And remember: you can't control EVERYTHING. And even Time has an end. -Blocksahoy, Owner of The Rise of Rellim
#127809396Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:10 PM GMT

When replying, please don't have any rude/hateful comments. Do note though, in Rp, if someone is Flameing, Trolling, or just being a d-word, online Admins will make sure you get what's coming for you. Just a fair warning.
#127810226Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:32 PM GMT

Little spelling error fixed here: Lord Rellim(Played by user Canorous): Very little is known about Lord Rellim. He is a shadowy being that entered to Earth's dimension without a trace. Rellim also is the God of a new religion, reportedly called "Rellimism". All Lord Rellim wants is control over Earth; nobody knows why exactly. He seems to be [Error here]obsessed[Error here] with power, such as Merek Hellsing.
#127831231Tuesday, March 11, 2014 9:13 PM GMT

Another thing to know about cylde is that he uses the sword known as "Destiny" and is always wearing his hat.
#127834716Tuesday, March 11, 2014 9:49 PM GMT

Under Arabelle's description, here is a spelling error fix: "and seeks hosts for her neer ending lust of blood." Fix: "and seeks hosts for her never ending lust of blood."
#127888496Wednesday, March 12, 2014 4:41 PM GMT

carly is special
#128091654Saturday, March 15, 2014 2:33 AM GMT

A tad bit about user ash22334455's new race. The Nazavari are an race of extremly intelligent race of furry creatures. Lead by Admiral Naza she has taken the liberty of changing her name to Naza-Vari. They have recently expanded as a faction known as the 'Naza-Vari Onslaught' they are fierce furry animals. They had to leave their homeworld because of plague taking the Quarians they lived besides. (Yes Mass effect.) Moving into an expansive new world they seek, Honor, Reclamation, And Glory. Their race is completely neutral so they have been known to side with which ever race seems to welcome them. They're completely honor bound people. They lead the charges against things such as Undead. as they're completely repulsed as that is what spread the plague on their homeworld. Should you be an undead and try to ally a Naza-vari Fleet member you might get killed. Their capital ship is the Augest Celestial and will let their troops and allies's admirals stay on it. Their work is judged by their fur, Eye, Tail, And many other variables Grey fur is a sign of Admiral. Red Panda type fur is a Sign of Commander and Brown is a sign of many jobs. then going into Variable by eye color. [More to come] (Copy and Pasted from a message)
#128223049Sunday, March 16, 2014 4:45 PM GMT

Thanks to MrBeater38 for writing out everything about his "Mutant Tribes". Wraiths, Guild of Nightmares, Fallen Angels, Plaguebringers, The Militia, Chargers, and Hazzerds. Wraiths: A tribe lead by Lord Ryx(played by MrBeater38). Ryx knew Rellim for a while, but didn't really like him. The Wraiths have completely black eyes and fangs stained in blood. Guild of Nightmares: Lead by Chancellor Graticus. An old friend of Ryx, Graticus serves as an ally to him and the Wraiths. The G.O.N. are 10 ft. tall, have long needle teeth, extendable arm blades made of bone, and armored skin. Fallen Angels: Lead by Grand Master Xaven. The Fallen Angels got their name because their ribcage has been morphed into a set of bony wings. The Fallen Angels are mostly neutral, and will assist any tribe if they get involved. Hazzerds: Lead by General Kaizer. The Hazzerds are an old enemy of the Wraiths, having originally been at war with them for about 3 years. Now that Rellim has come to power, they will need to overcome their differences and team up to destroy this menace. The Hazzerds have chalk-white skin, with red biohazard tattoos all over them. The Militia: Lead by Emperor Lunac. Another enemy of Ryx, The Militia are based off of the Slashers from Dead Space, being tall and thin with blades erupting from their palms. Plaguebringers: Lead by King Yggdrasil. Yet another enemy of the Wraiths. The Plaguebringers have three small ridges of horns on the top of their head, gray, dead skin, and a decomposed mouth with which they bite victims to infect them with a fatal disease that kills in 5 minutes. Chargers: Lead by President Evaltyn. The Chargers are also neutral. They have long, muscular legs, enabling them to run at about 60 MPH. Their jaw also splits vertically, and they have long claws on the end of their fingers. Beater, let me know if you want to adda anything!

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