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#128239426Sunday, March 16, 2014 7:43 PM GMT

If you'd like to sign up, please do so here http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=128232969#128239178. Please keep all OOC chat and questions in the other thread too. If you post anything OOC or not relevant to the thread, you will be ignored. Continue to do so and you will be banned Your Kingdom has now grown into a huge Nation. You've heard a rumour about the New World. Will you visit it or stay at home? The year is 500 AD. Each post is equal to 10 years, and you will gain 10 pixels of land per post untill the land has run out..
#128239814Sunday, March 16, 2014 7:47 PM GMT

Reair I go to alteris and use their dock to head over to the New World with 10 war ships. I'm ready to control the new world'
#128244056Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:28 PM GMT

(@vam, don't think that's possible yet. It says long range ships are only allowed at 1500 BCE) [Rades] With bartering, the current currency, becoming obsolete, a new form of money, Alteris dollars, are created. There are 1, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar bills, and .1, .10, .25, and .50 cents. However, factories are unable to produce so much printed paper and minted coins so quickly, and a solution is sought. Meanwhile, Alteris diplomats negotiate terms with Reair with their use of our ports: a .25 cent tax will be paid to Alteris cities for every Reair ship that uses them. The city now has 4,950,000 people living in it. [Alteris Duobus] The city begins focus on massive improvement of our naval force, as our navy is our most powerful fighting force. In a massive effort to gain naval superiority, 8 more ship drydocks and ship construction centers are created, allowing for 30 warships to be built in a month. A new method of building the ships around wooden frames and supports allow for a stronger, sturdier hull and larger, longer sailing ships. Longbows are developed and put into defenses, allowing for an effective long range attack. Around 200 ships are now patrolling Alteris waters, and 20 are guarding Reair. Work on a long range sailing ship is underway. The population grows to 4,000,000. [Hydrale] A massive research project is founded, hoping to improve technology in the new age. As a result of needing fast minting and printing, scientists revisit using other forms of power, other than fire and manual labor. Water, a abundant resource in all of Alteris, is a prime candidate, and experiments into the first wind and watermills are underway. Meanwhile, by taking 2 lenses from a compass and putting them into a metal frame, spectacles are invented, but cannot be finely tuned. A early soap, made of animal fat, is invented and tested with. The population grows to 3,850,000. [Unitea] The city becomes a haven for the rich, and a castle for visiting nobles and diplomats is established. The population lowers to 3,500,000. [Alessa] Oil paintings are invented, causing everyone to want a portrait. More established trade routes are made, and now, daily patrols of shipping routes to protect against pirates is underway. Maps of the seas and compasses are distributed to the public, allowing for easier navigation. Alessa has a population of 4,800,000 people. [Alteris Fortis] The city has 3 walls built, each as large and extensive as Rades', and a gigantic moat dug between each one. The city has the most defenses in all of Alteris, excluding Rades. Construction begins on hundreds of thousands of houses and shops, and a small dock is also started. The population grows to 1,000,000. As the city is meant to be mostly residential, many believe it will outgrow Rades in terms of population.
#128244295Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:30 PM GMT

*two lenses from a telescope. Whoops.
#128244505Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:32 PM GMT

Reair I attack the west hoping for more land.
#128245980Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

[Hydrale] The first windmill is made. It has large fans that spin in the wind, turning gears, and allowing an automated hammer to stamp coins. It is still very basic. [Aleesa] Contact with other colonies has been made in Asia and Africa, though ships. Trading routes are being established. [Alteris Fortis] Construction on city defenses and half of the homes is finished. The population increases to 1,500,000.
#128246148Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:46 PM GMT

There are now 500 million Tudor Dollars, 500 million Tudor Quarters and 500 million Tudor Cents in circulation. The university now offers classes in the arts. [Tudor] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Ocean] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Central] Population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Germania] Population increases to 250 million. We build a military camp that can hold 75 million troops [Tudor Military] Our military has 300 million members. We supply all soldiers with 2 iron swords, 1 gas mask, 2 bows, full iron armor, and 500 arrows. Each 1,000 person regiment is supplied with 1 ship and 100 iron plated covered wagons powered by horses and 10 warships. [Embassy in Reair] [Embassy in Rades]
#128246328Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

Reair I start trading everywhere I can.
#128246602Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:50 PM GMT

There are now 500 million Tudor Dollars, 500 million Tudor Quarters and 500 million Tudor Cents in circulation. [Tudor] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Ocean] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Central] Population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Germania] Population increases to 500 million. [Tudor Military] Our military has 300 million members. We supply all soldiers with 2 iron swords, 1 gas mask, 2 bows, full iron armor, and 500 arrows. Each 1,000 person regiment is supplied with 1 ship and 100 iron plated covered wagons powered by horses and 10 warships. We send 1 million soldiers to form a settlement (in Italy) and call it Tudor Italy. [Embassy in Reair] [Embassy in Rades]
Top 100 Poster
#128247027Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:54 PM GMT

Wait? You're discovering the new world in 500 AD? Shouldn't it be 1492?
#128247126Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:55 PM GMT

[Alteris Duobus] Ships are made to sail longer and faster with improved sails. The longbow is perfected. Plate armor is invented, allowing for higher survivability in combat. Spurs, saddles, and horseshoes are also invented, allowing a calvary troop to ride his horse without hands, have higher control over his horse, and ride his horse on rough terrain. This allows the now 1,700,000 strong army to be more effective. [Hydrale] A way of fine tuning the spectacles is invented, increasing productivity in all cities by a massive amount. The windmill is improved and made more efficient, and planning for a watermill, modeled after the windmill, is begun. The printing press' design is thought of, but no moves are made to construct one. Dollar bills are temporarily replaced by dollar coins until a faster way of printing paper is made. [Alessa] Trading with Asia and Africa wield extremely efficent gunpowder. Cannon are made much more powerful, and basic gunpowder rockets begin to take shape. Silk and spices and also traded, and are now very valuable in Alteris.
#128247161Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:56 PM GMT

There are now 500 million Tudor Dollars, 500 million Tudor Quarters and 500 million Tudor Cents in circulation. [Tudor] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. We invent glass by heating up sand. We invent telescopes by putting glass in frames to magnify things. We invent glasses which are basically mini telescopes side by side in the same frame that is thinner. [Tudor Ocean] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Central] Population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Germania] Population increases to 750 million. [Tudor Italy] Population increases to 1,000. [Tudor Military] Our military has 300 million members. We supply all soldiers with 2 iron swords, 1 gas mask, 2 bows, full iron armor, and 500 arrows. Each 1,000 person regiment is supplied with 1 ship and 100 iron plated covered wagons powered by horses and 10 warships. [Embassy in Reair] [Embassy in Rades]
#128247372Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:58 PM GMT

There are now 500 million Tudor Dollars, 500 million Tudor Quarters and 500 million Tudor Cents in circulation. [Tudor] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. We improve the mint by using a windmill which has sails that spin in the wind to stamp the coins instead of manually. [Tudor Ocean] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Central] Population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Germania] Population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Italy] Population increases to 2,000. [Tudor Military] Our military has 300 million members. We supply all soldiers with 2 iron swords, 1 gas mask, 2 bows, full iron armor, and 500 arrows. Each 1,000 person regiment is supplied with 1 ship and 100 iron plated covered wagons powered by horses and 10 warships. [Embassy in Reair] [Embassy in Rades]
Top 100 Poster
#128247550Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:59 PM GMT

Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. What? You have a population of 1 billion people in 500 AD? How does that work? And 300 million members in your military? After the black death it's estimated there were only 350 million people in all of the world. How does this work!?
#128247667Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:01 PM GMT

(Mageofpower it is called fun and roleplaying. Join or get lost!)
Top 100 Poster
#128247792Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:02 PM GMT

(Mageofpower it is called fun and roleplaying. Join or get lost!) If you're going to roleplay during a time period like this you could at least have some historical accuracy.
#128247835Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:02 PM GMT

Reair I make aero build even more.
Top 100 Poster
#128247920Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:03 PM GMT

Cannon are made much more powerful, and basic gunpowder rockets begin to take shape. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!??! WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU HAVE CANNONS AND GUNPOWDER ROCKETS IN 500 AD? DID YOU PAY ANY ATTENTION IN HISTORY CLASS?
#128248041Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:04 PM GMT

Reair I try to take part of the west.
#128248695Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:10 PM GMT

(@mage, go to OOC.) [Rades] A decision is made that colonization of North France and Spain should be begun. 5 warships and 20 cargo ships are sent to the 2 countries, allowing for large settlements to be built. Closeness to an ally, Reair, should be able to speed up the development of colonies. Meanwhile, convoys of wagons are being sent into Switzerland and South Germany to begin colonization. 4 cities are built; Alteris France, Alteris Spain, Alteris Switerland and Alteris Germany. [Hydrale] The windmill is perfected and the watermill and printing press come into development. Heavy plows are also invented, allowing for a higher production of food. Mechanical clocks also begin development, and a basic crane's blueprints are thought of. [Alessa] Trade begins with all of Africa and Asia.
#128249627Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

There are now 500 million Tudor Dollars, 500 million Tudor Quarters and 500 million Tudor Cents in circulation. [Tudor] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. We develop a missile by putting a bomb under a iron box with a bomb on top that will blow up on contact due to friction. [Tudor Ocean] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Central] Population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Germania] Population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Italy] Population increases to 5,000. [Tudor Military] Our military has 300 million members. We supply all soldiers with 2 iron swords, 1 gas mask, 2 bows, full iron armor, and 500 arrows. Each 1,000 person regiment is supplied with 1 ship and 100 iron plated covered wagons powered by horses and 10 warships. [Embassy in Reair] [Embassy in Rades]
#128249939Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:21 PM GMT

The country is now established. We have a huge army and some catapults, if people mess with us. We are also building a huge garden for crops, so nobody has to go outside and risk death. We send out a few scouts to check the area. And report anything that could be a problem.
#128250162Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:23 PM GMT

Reair I tell Tudor and Alteris we're attacking Annotennte. I start off by throwing flaming coals at them.
#128250505Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:26 PM GMT

We notice another country trying to attack us. Luca Pierre slams his fist on a table, and gathers his best spy, and makes him inspect the other nation while undercover. The guards are now defending Antoinette with their lives.
#128250529Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:26 PM GMT

[Rades] We ask why.

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