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#128634813Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

What if you created a computer that could play every scenario and answer every question correctly?... What if that computer could never lie?... What if you were stuck in the computer? These questions can all be answered because they just happened. ---WElOcoMe!!----------- DeAR _______ OF _______, YOur mInD Has bEEn COMmandEEReD fOr AdVANCEd ReSEArch iNto thE fIeLd oF vIrTual InTeLLIGencE. PlEAsE dOn'T frEt, YOu ArE nOT iN aNy phYsicAl harM iF YoU fOllOw my InSTRUCTions. FaIlURE to ComPlY wilL lEaD to hoST RePLacEment fOLlowINg StAndard ProtoCOl. THe SCenArio PlAyer wiLL begiN sHortLy. -SAP --#Basis#------------- Your mind is trapped inside a computer known as the Scenario Automatic Player, or SAP. The computer will give you questions and scenarios for you to answer and complete. Failure to follow instructions by SAP may lead to permanent death or more scenarios. There is no goal to this game, as any number of paths are unlockable. It all depends on how you answer his questions and complete his scenarios. And remember, don't answer security question 3. --=Info=-------------- SAP; The Scenario Automatic Player was created for the sole purpose to play every scenario of a event no matter how unlikely it was to happen. As it proved itself time and time again, it was upgraded to be able to learn anything and put those into questions. Security Questions; Security Questions are important questions, and failure to answer one correctly will always lead to death. Questions; Regular Questions set out by SAP, they range from a cake walk to impossible. Scenarios; As mentioned, SAP can create a infinite amount of scenarios for any one event. How you solve each Scenario is up to you, but it will impact your near future. --*Security Questions*-- Security Question 1) Is SAP a living person? Security Question 2) Unless you're colorblind or blind, what color is blue berry? Security Question 3) If you have 0 oranges, how many do I have? --+Character Sheet+--- Name; Age; Gender; Answer to Security Question 1; Answer to Security Question 2; Answer to Security Question 3; (This rp is based on the idea of being given pointless scenarios and questions and being tasked with answering them.)
#128635032Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:42 AM GMT

(I forgot the rules... Here they are!) --@Rules@-- 1) Follow the regular Roblox RP rules. 2) No one can be SAP. 3) No romance at all. 4) No godmodding. 5) Failure to complete the Security Questions will get you rejected. 6) Please leave Trolls alone. You'll just encourage them. 7) Have Fun!
#128635272Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:45 AM GMT

Name; Gerald Rey Age; 24 Gender; Male Answer to Security Question 1; No Answer to Security Question 2; Blue Answer to Security Question 3;
#128635425Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:46 AM GMT

Name; Alanna A. Allison Age; 16 Gender; Female Answer to Security Question 1; Nope. Answer to Security Question 2; Blue. Answer to Security Question 3; Cannot tell from the information given. "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - George Carlin
#128635560Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

---WElOcoMe!!----------- DeAR Gerald Rey OF _______, YOur mInD Has bEEn COMmandEEReD fOr AdVANCEd ReSEArch iNto thE fIeLd oF vIrTual InTeLLIGencE. PlEAsE dOn'T frEt, YOu ArE nOT iN aNy phYsicAl harM iF YoU fOllOw my InSTRUCTions. FaIlURE to ComPlY wilL lEaD to hoST RePLacEment fOLlowINg StAndard ProtoCOl. THe SCenArio PlAyer wiLL begiN sHortLy. -SAP >HeLLo, Gerald. mY nAme Is SAP... DO YOu kNow WhY yOu wEre SelEcted fOr thiS reSeaRch?...< (Alannal, re-read the Basis section.)
#128635772Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:51 AM GMT

(I saw that, and I knew that I wasn't supposed to answer it. However, I felt like it needed an answer. There's mine.) "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - George Carlin
#128635928Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:52 AM GMT

--+Character Sheet+--- Name;Ryan Farwell Age;26 Gender; Male Answer to Security Question 1; No Answer to Security Question 2; blue Answer to Security Question 3;
#128635930Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:52 AM GMT

(Well then... Since you explained it, I'll allow you the only exception from it then!) ---WElOcoMe!!----------- DeAR Alanna A. Allison OF _______, YOur mInD Has bEEn COMmandEEReD fOr AdVANCEd ReSEArch iNto thE fIeLd oF vIrTual InTeLLIGencE. PlEAsE dOn'T frEt, YOu ArE nOT iN aNy phYsicAl harM iF YoU fOllOw my InSTRUCTions. FaIlURE to ComPlY wilL lEaD to hoST RePLacEment fOLlowINg StAndard ProtoCOl. THe SCenArio PlAyer wiLL begiN sHortLy. -SAP >HeLLo, Alanna. mY nAme Is SAP... DO YOu kNow WhY yOu wEre SelEcted fOr thiS reSeaRch?...<
#128636094Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

(Yes....questions without answers bother me immensely. It's just another OCD quirk.) Uh...I don't know, I don't recall anyone telling me. "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - George Carlin
#128636107Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

(If I post a WELOcoMe greeting thing with your characters name in it, your accepted.) ---WElOcoMe!!----------- DeAR Ryan Farwell OF _______, YOur mInD Has bEEn COMmandEEReD fOr AdVANCEd ReSEArch iNto thE fIeLd oF vIrTual InTeLLIGencE. PlEAsE dOn'T frEt, YOu ArE nOT iN aNy phYsicAl harM iF YoU fOllOw my InSTRUCTions. FaIlURE to ComPlY wilL lEaD to hoST RePLacEment fOLlowINg StAndard ProtoCOl. THe SCenArio PlAyer wiLL begiN sHortLy. -SAP >HeLLo, Ryan. mY nAme Is SAP... DO YOu kNow WhY yOu wEre SelEcted fOr thiS reSeaRch?...<
Top 100 Poster
#128636173Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:55 AM GMT

Name; Francis Perry Age; 19 Gender; Male Answer to Security Question 1; No Answer to Security Question 2; Blue Answer to Security Question 3;
#128636262Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:56 AM GMT

Cause I was willing.
#128636648Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:00 AM GMT

Alanna- >OohhHhh? SOmE sUbjeCts MiGHT noT bE AwAre foR theIr CommAnDeerIng. WOuLd YOu lIke A qUestiOn or A ScEnarIo? Ryan- >Of CoUrSe. sOmE WaNteD tO sImpLy HeLp ResEarCh. INitalizinG SceNariO #257-V.< You open your eyes to find yourself on a dirt road. Nothing special, just a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. Theres a injured man in the distance with a bicycle. ---WElOcoMe!!----------- DeAR Francis Perry OF _______, YOur mInD Has bEEn COMmandEEReD fOr AdVANCEd ReSEArch iNto thE fIeLd oF vIrTual InTeLLIGencE. PlEAsE dOn'T frEt, YOu ArE nOT iN aNy phYsicAl harM iF YoU fOllOw my InSTRUCTions. FaIlURE to ComPlY wilL lEaD to hoST RePLacEment fOLlowINg StAndard ProtoCOl. THe SCenArio PlAyer wiLL begiN sHortLy. -SAP >HeLLo, Francis. mY nAme Is SAP... DO YOu kNow WhY yOu wEre SelEcted fOr thiS reSeaRch?...< (Last new character for now.)
#128636812Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

I walk to the man.
#128636882Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

Well, A scenario sounds more fun. "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - George Carlin
Top 100 Poster
#128636992Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:04 AM GMT

"No. I don't. On an unrelated note if you don't mind me asking. Why would an incredibly advanced simulation program be unable to properly punctuate their sentences?"
#128637859Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:13 AM GMT

Ryan- The man looks up, and grins. A pistol is in his hands, and apparently he wasn't wounded at all! Alanna- >PlEaSe WaIt A MoMenT tHen... INitaLiziNg SceNarIo 3-C59K...< The land is barren... It's all sand. Your thirsty, and the sun is deadly. But in the distance lays a watering hole, or further in the opposite direction lays a pyramid. Francis- >BEcAUse tHey UsEd Up alL mY BuDget MonEy oN mY SimULATiOn aBiliTies. sO nOw I'M StucK wIth PotAto baTteRies rUnniNg my TypIng ProgRam. AlSo, Is A yAm a PotAto?<
#128638020Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:15 AM GMT

"Do you want money? "
#128638048Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:15 AM GMT

I head towards the pyramid, because I know that there aren't many oases in the desert. The one that I see is most likely a mirage or something similar. "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - George Carlin
Top 100 Poster
#128638051Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:15 AM GMT

"What? What sort of question is that? Yes? Don't you have some actual simulations to run?"
#128638136Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

Name; Jerome Allen Age; 22 Gender;M Answer to Security Question 1;no Answer to Security Question 2; blue Answer to Security Question 3;
#128639386Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:29 AM GMT

(Sorry, I going to wait to bring in new people. Come back later!) Ryan- "Oui... All valuables..." The man demands. Clearly he barely speaks it, but understands it quite well. Alanna- Your mouth is a dry as sand as you reach the pyramid. Something shines on the top of the pyramid, while a passage inside offers shade. Francis- >I aM cUrRently RuNnIng Two At ThE mOmeNt. WoUlD yOu LiKE One?<
Top 100 Poster
#128639567Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:31 AM GMT

>I aM cUrRently RuNnIng Two At ThE mOmeNt. WoUlD yOu LiKE One?< "I'd "Like" To go home. But since I imagine that isn't an option I'll tolerate one of your scenarios."
#128640461Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:40 AM GMT

(SAP is just trying to be nice... But don't be mean to SAP! SAP isn't trying to hurt you at all. It's just giving you the chance to think.) Francis- >... Ok, InitiAlIziNg ScEnArio... ScEnArio OvEr-RidE; Francis 4526/Gh527Z AuTHoRized.< Back home... Francis's home, actually... But instead it lies on fire with no one in sight. Every detail of the house and it's location is there...
#128640552Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:41 AM GMT

My first instinct is to go to the shiny thing, but that ends quickly. Survival is much more important. I head into the shade of the pyramid. "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - George Carlin

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