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#128665992Saturday, March 22, 2014 9:46 AM GMT

more tixs for free users yes i know that this could be an issue but it takes 3 days to get just 1 robux this needs to be reduced to 2 times because i don't like waiting 5 weeks to get 25 robuxs just so i can get access to a dev place or to buy a decent pass to a game all free users would like the daily tixs to go up to 15 tixs because you made buying things almost imposable like gear and clothing. if you do changes to robloxes market you better make it so we the free users might feel roblox is trying to give a (Insert Curse Word Here) about us the free users (where you get most of you income) i dont care how many people call this WNTA because i should not have to bring this up in the first place you should have done it your selfs roblox i almost feel like making a youtube vid but this puts it in the nut shell but i am not implying that we need 20-30 tix perday i am saying we should only get a 5 tix increase so that it keeps up with inflation so we get 30 every 2 days plus some over head 10 tix so the next day you can come back and actually have an incentive to come back and sign in every day instead of having to infinitely grind to get some thing that is not much if roblox does not rip you off first it is easier just to just but them now.
#128666289Saturday, March 22, 2014 9:57 AM GMT

If roblox gives more tickets each day then they also need to add a way to take tickets. This would lower the value of each ticket and most likely make the market fee for each item more.
#128666367Saturday, March 22, 2014 10:00 AM GMT

5 more would not be super bad i would like it to come up even 3 tixs i would be happy i could settle for 12 but 10-11 just not going to cut it
#128667077Saturday, March 22, 2014 10:26 AM GMT

You don't have much understanding of economics, do you? More tix = less value = more annoying TC.
#128667421Saturday, March 22, 2014 10:38 AM GMT

If anything, less Tickets should be given to free users. Gordon told me he wanted more incentive for players to buy Robux and BC, but I said the Tix inflation was harming the value of visits making devs less encouraged to build something people want to visit over and over again rather than squeezing them for Robux with gamepasses. Less Tix been given would encourage our NBCers (and everyone else) to build so they get a little bit more of an allowance.
#128731679Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:04 AM GMT

WNTS • More rights for NBC/fewer privileges for BC. (This includes "more/less tix or robux", "more/fewer places", etc.)
#128732363Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:12 AM GMT

This was hard to read No support anyways
#128733423Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:23 AM GMT

WNTS It's not hard to pay $5.
#128733832Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

WNTS. If you can afford for a computer and the internet you should be able to pay a BC member ship for 5$
#128735711Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:46 AM GMT

I'm irritated that the Tix/Robux ratio is 22 Tixs per 1 Robux, doubled the Tixs needed after I left ROBLOX for a 8 month break, but the players who say "WNTS" are still correct. $5 for BC isn't a horrible deal to pass. The same amount for Xbox Gold membership for Playstation Plus. Consider asking for more Tixs later in the future when the Tixs/Robux ratio gets chaotic.
#128735789Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:47 AM GMT

or Playstation Plus*
#128739068Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

That is an awful idea. From what I can tell you don't seem to understand Roblox Economics. The tax increase, though still dreaded by most users, and the price floor were to combat an invisible inflation. As soon as they made tickets lose 80% of their purchasing power, the ticket value dropped by 47% in the TC. Add another 5 tickets FOR EVERY user? That'd likely increase the TC values to 35tix for 1r$. No support whatsoever.

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