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#128699960Saturday, March 22, 2014 7:22 PM GMT

Ticket inflation has been silently burning under ROBLOX before I even joined. Veterans tell me the rate used to be 3.5. From my understanding, it's just been getting worse and worse. 3.5 turned to 5. 5 turned to 10. 10 turned to 21. And for some reason, I've never been told of rates permanently getting better. Being a currency trader, I have a good understanding of how the rates are influenced by ROBLOX. Yes, the offers are user submitted but the actions ROBLOX makes are the most important since they change how much of a currency exists and how much people will need currencies. ROBLOX must fix this inflation because place visits have been devalued. (Entertaining 1,000 people will get you under 5 cents on the devex at these rates). There's multiple solutions to the inflation. 1. More Ticket hats. Currently, there's 71 Ticket hats availiable and 2,437 Robux hats availiable. If I bought every Ticket hat it would cost 1,389,509 Tickets. It would probably take me hours to find out how much a sweep of the Robux hats would cost... but anyway, to the point. I think we need a LOT more ticket hats. There should be around 400 Ticket hats availiable and a sweep should cost 5-10 million tickets. 2. Reverting the ad system update. The ad system update was the update that added the capability to buy ad impressions in Robux. It practically passed silently on S&I, but it wrecked havoc throughout the united currency traders. The wall was immediately cloaked because of how controversial it was to people with knowledge of the currency trade and 1 high rank even said they thought this made the market completely unbalanced. I think it's responsible for 70% of the 10-21 jump and there was no reason to do it, so it should be undone. 3. Give 5 daily Tix daily income instead of 10. Many NBCers have been posting threads saying "pls up mh dly alownc 2 20 tx bcuz of infltion". They clearly have no idea how the market works. Upping the daily allowance would simply damage the market further because of even more Tix being in circulation and place visits would be worth even less. Lowering the allowance would force NBCers to get visits or be poor and reward those who managed to get the visits instead of people who just log in. It would probably cut the inflation to 70% (the 20% would be because visits would retain value) but would be more controversial than the price floor. 4. Raise BC daily allowance+cheapen R$ purchase. When I asked Gordon about the issue of Tix inflation he said it was good for the company because Robux would be more valuable. However, it cuts off visits and therefore NBC devs. If BC daily allowance were raised plus more Robux given from purchase, Gordon keeps rewarding paying members (maybe even gets more) plus visits become more valuable. TL:DR: Just post "Support" if you want Tix inflation stopped. If you don't want Tix inflation stopped at least read everything before posting.
#128716729Saturday, March 22, 2014 10:29 PM GMT

#128727160Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:18 AM GMT

Bump (2)
#128728260Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:29 AM GMT

1) Definitely. 2) Definitely. 3) Support-ish. Considering some of the updates ROBLOX has done, and how angry some have become, pushing people too far (by decreasing how much they get) may get messy. 4) No comment.
#128728512Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:32 AM GMT

support, 21 is just too much
#128732023Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

1. Support 2. Support, Allow Group R$ to be converted/spent or just reimburse it to owners and not allow group items to be sold for r$. 3. Do Not Support, seek other methods to combat inflation. 4. Support I've been a user since Summer 2008, and over my 6 years I've seen the ticket drop in value over and over. Another thing that caused the inflation was Roblox and some game developers educating Robloxians on how to "effectively" use the Trade Currency. That caused the Rates gap to go from .1-.2 to go to .01-.001. In 2012, I turned about 23Kr$ into over 30Kr$ because the gap was so big. THAT's effective trading. Nowadays, you can earn about 5 tickets for every 21,500 tix per 2 trades. Suggestions: 1. Allow group uniform option in which both shirt and pants are sold together. 2. Allow group uniforms to be sold for 100 tickets, making large groups better cope with the Price Floor. 3. Allow 'charitable' option for shirts and pants where Developers can opt out from making profit on their clothing all together and be sold for VERY low prices (i.e. 25 tickets).
#128738344Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:12 AM GMT

#128739525Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:25 AM GMT

Well, ROBLOX did state this website was to have fun and learn. I guess the pros and cons of Capitalism is part of that fun(lol). "ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn." http://corp.roblox.com/parents/faqs My support is on the fence at the moment.
#128742878Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

1. Support 2. Support 3. I thought you were legit bro! -.- 4. Semi-support. What I don't understand is that in 2011 there were so many tix being given out from ambassador program and other things and that's when the rates were at it's absolute best. The key solution is more uses for tix like more tix hats as said in #1. Roblox hasn't even done anything whatsoever to resolve tix inflation. They literally take it as "0 but it maks m0r ppl jo1n BC so its a11 g00d."
#128745368Sunday, March 23, 2014 3:31 AM GMT

I don't really care - how #### you guys are obsessed with a virtual economy and buying hats? Anyway, I do support the 5 tix instead of 10 idea. If you're concerned about supply side ####### (blame the filter) , that would definitely help plus more people would buy BC.
#128765432Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:02 AM GMT

#128768152Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:31 AM GMT

#128768290Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:36 AM GMT

1. Yes. 2. Yes. [2] 3. Ehhrrh. What Datastore said. I mean, I agree with this to a degree, but this in conjunction in the price floor... I don't want to witness the amount of rage that would occur. 4. Meh.
#128771026Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:46 PM GMT

1. Great idea! 2. Not so great idea as 1 but still sounds good enough to me. 3. I won't mind getting less tix everyday but the price floor like what other people have said. So, I may not want to support this unless the price floor disappears. 4. Hell no. Actually, I think DevEx also played a part in this ridiculous tix inflation. Before DevEx, I could still get reasonable robux whenever I trade currency. But after DevEx, it was total disaster. I'm not asking to get rid of it because it benefits game developers, but that is a great factor in it.
#128771502Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:58 PM GMT

#128773311Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:37 PM GMT

1.Of course 2.of course 3.OH HELL NO! Makes NBC's quit and price floor will piss off NBC's and they have to wait for half a month to get something cool to wear 4. ok then, support
#128773674Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:44 PM GMT

1. Support 2. Support 3. HELL NO 4. Support GET THE COW! IT'S OUR ONLY CHANCE TO DRINK PEPSI!
#128773685Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:44 PM GMT

I don't really care how long it will take to get tix... tix isn't really that important, but still support.
#128773732Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:45 PM GMT

#128774229Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:54 PM GMT

Jack, whatever the cause, Tix inflation must be stopped.
#128774556Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:01 PM GMT

They messed up TC by making the ad system update. IT's now based on the TC rates, but that just made it run free and made the inflation go uncontrolled and wild. Roblox needs to do something to make 10 tix worth 1 R$. I support.
#128775353Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:16 PM GMT

How long ago was it 3.5? I joined in August 2010 and it was about 10.
#128775760Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:23 PM GMT

Support for all of them.
#128788599Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:21 PM GMT

Matthew, I can't confirm it's 100% true but I don't see why the veterans would lie to me.
#128789823Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:37 PM GMT

This is why price floors were brought up, maybe the lowest should me R$13 and 130TIX.

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