#128769002Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:54 AM GMT

(Darikinth how I missed that name. Excuse me I have a thread to find and bump.)
#128769124Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:57 AM GMT

(I'm sure he misses you too. While you're at it, you can think of joining or not. I'm not requesting.)
#128769708Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:13 PM GMT

(Darikinth is a name that I've used for other characters before and since LoF, actually, but the persona that I gave that name in LoF has managed to shape how I perceive the character. Also, two threads starring Arthur Fangoran are in this, I wonder what would happen during a clash of Arthur Fangorans...) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128774052Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:51 PM GMT

(Finally got my CS set up.) Name: Jethro Justice Age: 17 Gender: M From what RP thread: Chaotic Disturbance Appearance: He appears to be medium in height and he has pale skin. He has yellow spiky hair and blue eyes. He wears a brown bandanna, dark green goggles, a white shirt, jean jacket, black fingerless gloves, black belt, jeans and rubber shoes. Personality: Care-free, simple minded but also a nice guy. He can be very angry during fights and he is also a battle genius. Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: He has the properties of rubber, meaning that he can stretch, expand, inflate his own body and even withstand bullets. He is very indestructible, except he is weak against fire attacks and his body will surely burn fast. Alignment: Lawful Good Bio: An eco-terrorist elite, Jethro was born with no memory. All he remembered is that he was once found under the sea by eco-terrorists. Since then, he became an excellent fighter, fight against the Chaotic for many years and even the SCS. He is sworn to protect humanity from the Chaotic and to save the world by gathering all the chaos shards to change it. Other: He has a love for food. Whenever he eats, he will not notice that he is not sharing any food to others. Also, he names his attacks.
#128845615Monday, March 24, 2014 3:11 AM GMT

(Bump. Can someone start?)
#128858424Monday, March 24, 2014 7:58 AM GMT

(Nah, you start) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128858630Monday, March 24, 2014 8:08 AM GMT

(Okay....) Jethro I was sitting on top of the building, taking a view of Chicago. "Man, this place doesn't change at all..." I muttered.
#128858756Monday, March 24, 2014 8:14 AM GMT

(I can't think of how to start...) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128858847Monday, March 24, 2014 8:18 AM GMT

(How about this, you start at your character's world. I'll post something that will indicate my character going to another RP. Remember, it sets in the RP-World, there are many RP threads and since it is corrupted by the pickel roleplay, there would be disorder among all the threads.)
#128858936Monday, March 24, 2014 8:22 AM GMT

(The character Darikinth would require Duck to make a CS for Arthur Fangoran. So I guess I'll start with Grilt, for now!) Grilt I wake up. Yesterday was the first attack against the city. I get myself out of bed, get dressed, and begin walking over to the barracks. Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128859226Monday, March 24, 2014 8:37 AM GMT

(I will make Arthur Fangoran soon enough.)
#128859339Monday, March 24, 2014 8:44 AM GMT

(That's good. I'll be waiting.)
#128859383Monday, March 24, 2014 8:47 AM GMT

(Duck, will you make both of them?) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128859473Monday, March 24, 2014 8:52 AM GMT

(I was actually thinking about it but LoF is a stronger character at the moment.)
#128859510Monday, March 24, 2014 8:54 AM GMT

(It WOULD be funny to have an Arthur-versus-Arthur fight, eventually. Or one of the Arthurs is mistaken for the other, or something of the sort.) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128859824Monday, March 24, 2014 9:18 AM GMT

Name: Arthur Fangoran (LoF) Age: 16 Gender: M From what RP thread: Land of Ferionix Appearance: He is broad shouldered. He has deep blue eyes and messy brown hair. He has a height of 176cm. He has a black shirt with a brown jacket. He also has black trousers and leather running shoes which were his fathers. Personality: He is kind hearted and will do whatever he can for those who he loves or those he just believes needs to be helped. He is a very trustworthy person and many trust him without dispute. He tries his best at all he does and tries to impress his master when he can. Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: He is good with a sword and is also a good rider. He has been known to speak himself out of situations as well as into them when needed to. He is a fast runner and also did the odd job for the local blacksmith before he left on his adventure with his master. Alignment: Neutral Good Bio: Lost his parents when his family home was burnt down by bandits and was sent to live with his grandparents. He learnt many skills while there such as horse riding and sword fighting. After awhile he left his part time job as an assistant blacksmith and joined the adventurer Darikinith. He is also prone to weird dreams that are beginning to torment him more and more as is journey goes on. Other: Warlock (Because LoF) Name: Arthur Fangoran (SoD) Age: 18 Gender: M From what RP thread: SoD Appearance: Arthur is a boy of normal statue which represents his 1.75 m height. He has fair short hair, which still remains messy despite its length, and dark blue eyes. He wears leather shoes along with a brown jacket which he wears over his white shirt. He also wears brown trousers which are held up by a belt around his waist. Personality: Is smart and calculated will do what he can for his father. He is respectful to his masters who teach him the language of Davek but is known to lose his cool on a whim. Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: Is a good blacksmith and has begun training with a sword. Is a natural archer but does not know it or trust them since a bow killed his brother. Alignment: True Neutral for now but may develop into Chaotic Good. Bio: Arthur had grown up with his parents in the city of Dorthol and has lived there for most of his life. His father was a member of the city guard and so he had heard from his father many of the problems that had faced the city including the new one which his father seemed distant about. He had got into a bit of trouble with a couple of his friends as they were a mischievous group but were good natured all the same. Arthur was hot headed and always got into trouble when he was only doing what he believe was right. He was well trained with a sword and knew how to ride but was quite clumsy at times with what he did. He later became an apprentice at the local blacksmith on his fathers orders. As soon as he heard about the oncoming army he knew he had to help but did not know how to. Other: He is the other Arthur.
#128859946Monday, March 24, 2014 9:27 AM GMT

(This might be a paradox but, accepted.)
#128859975Monday, March 24, 2014 9:30 AM GMT

(There are some people who use the same basic character concept repetitively, and that WILL add a paradox into this.) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128859977Monday, March 24, 2014 9:30 AM GMT

(Well there is a cm and two years between them. One has darker hair than the other and the other has darker blue in his eyes.)
#128860003Monday, March 24, 2014 9:32 AM GMT

(So you mean't to say that these Arthurs are from different universes?)
#128860022Monday, March 24, 2014 9:33 AM GMT

(But they both worked as a blacksmith's apprentice, they both have the same name and, from afar, they'd both look pretty similar.) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128860125Monday, March 24, 2014 9:40 AM GMT

(That is true but its only their base characters, they will grow differently as you can tell by their alignments.)
#128860182Monday, March 24, 2014 9:44 AM GMT

#128860676Monday, March 24, 2014 10:10 AM GMT

(What's Sodane?) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128860707Monday, March 24, 2014 10:11 AM GMT

(?! Uh....don't mind that....)